Table of Contents

This page provides information about the Variations tab in Chaos Envision.


Chaos Envision lets you create and manage as many variations of your current project as you need. You can use these variations to explore design options or even animate between them. 

There are two types of variations that you can create:

  • Scene – Refers to the objects in your scene. Across these variations, you can change the position, scale, rotation, or visibility of selected objects.
  • Environment – Refers to the environment lighting of the scene. Across these variations, you can modify all environment lighting parameters found in the Environment tab, and achieve different lighting scenarios.

Within the Envision timeline, both types of variations have their own tracks, allowing you to creatively combine and transition between them.

The variations are accessed, created, and managed from the Variations tab located in the upper-left corner of the left-hand side panel. The tab contains two subtabs, listing respectively the Scene and Environment variations. 

Selecting a variation from the variations list updates the viewport immediately in real time. Alternatively, you can switch between variations from the current view quick settings

Manage Variations

The currently applied variation is highlighted in blue and indicated with a check mark () in the variations list. You can search, create and delete variations as described in the table below. 

Search for a specific variation using the Search field. It filters the variations list and shows only those variations that contain the input string from the search. Click thebutton on the right to clear the input string.

Create a new variation.

Delete the selected variation.

A yellow frame around the viewport and a yellow highlight of the variation name appear every time a change is made to the current variation to prevent you from modifying it inadvertently.

Actions with Variations

A context menu is available when you right-click on a variation, allowing you to perform some additional actions with variations. 

Duplicate – Duplicates the selected variation. Shortcut: Ctrl+D

Delete – Deletes the selected variation.

Rename – Renames the selected variation.

Copy – Copies the selected variation.

Paste all changes – Pastes all changes from one variation to another.

The rest of the actions are only applicable to scene variations:

Paste transforms – Pastes all transformation changes from one variation to another.

Paste materials – Pastes all materials from one variation to another.

Paste lights – Pastes all lights from one variation to another.

See Also:

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