This section contains information about the textures components in V-Ray for Grasshopper.
The Textures tab stores the following texture options for creation in Grasshopper: V-Ray Bitmap, V-Ray Gradient, V-Ray Simple Mix, V-Ray Sky, V-Ray Texture Placement Environment, V-Ray Texture Placement UV Channel.
V-Ray Bitmap – Loads an image from the file system to be used in a material component.
V-Ray Gradient – Generates a texture consisting of a number of color/position pairs with specific interpolation rule that form a colorful image.
V-Ray Simple Mix Texture – Allows a texture to be blended with a color.
V-Ray Sky – Reproduces the real-life Sun and Sky environment of the Earth. Use a V-Ray Sun component for the V-Ray Sky input and then connect it to an Environment component to create a Sun and Sky lighting.
V-Ray Texture Placement Environment – Specifies how textures are placed in the environment sphere's UVW space.
V-Ray Texture Placement UV Channel – Used as an UVW input of a Bitmap or Gradient texture component to control the texture placement in object's UV space.
Example: Connections
Here is an example on how the textures components are connected.