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Note that the Phoenix Simulator can simulate different types of particles, including Liquid particles, as well as Secondary Particles such as FoamSplashMist, and WetMap particles. These Secondary Particles exist so that you can achieve a variety of different liquid scenarios. In addition, Phoenix enables you to choose which particles to simulate, depending on your needs.


In addition to saving on resources and rendering time, there is also another major advantage to controlling splash and mist separately from the liquid itself: different shaders can be used for shading the Splash, Mist, and Liquid particles. To render Splash and Mist particles, you’ll need to use the Phoenix Particle Shader. The Particle Shader offers multiple render modes, which enable you to create various fine-tuned appearances for particles such as Foam, Splash and Mist, to achieve realistic looking effects.


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Note that Splash and Mist can be simulated in two different ways: either as part of a liquid simulation, by enabling the Splash/Mist Rollout (which is a physical mode), or they can also be simulated as fully separate systems by using a Source to emit Splash or Mist particles (which is a non-physical mode).
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UI Path: ||Select PhoenixFDSim|| > Attribute Editor > Splash/Mist rollout


Use Birth Volume | useSplashBirthVolume – When enabled, allows the splash to be born naturally by the simulation only inside a specified geometry object. The splash born inside the Birth Volume can travel outside the volume without a problem. The difference between this approach and spawning splash inside a volume manually from a Source object is that using a Birth Volume, the splash birth will follow the simulation criteria of the simulation and will look and behave more naturally.


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By default, the birth volume geometry is not automatically converted to a non-solid and it will behave as a rigid body in your simulation. In this case, you can still use the Birth Volume Fade Dist to expand an area around the object where Foam/Splash births are possible. You can convert the geometry to a non-solid from its Phoenix FD Extra Attributes in order to allow liquid to exist inside it as well.

Also note that birth volumes will interact with the simulation even if they are hidden. If you wish, you can exclude the Birth Volume from the Scene Interaction rollout.


Use Birth Volume | useMistBirthVolume – When enabled, allows the mist to be born naturally by the simulation only inside a specified geometry object. The mist particle born inside the Birth Volume can travel outside the volume without a problem. The difference between this approach and spawning mist inside a volume manually from a Source object is that using a Birth Volume, the mist birth will follow the simulation criteria of the simulation and will look and behave more naturally.



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By default, the birth volume geometry is not automatically converted to a non-solid and it will behave as a rigid body in your simulation. In this case, you can still use the Birth Volume Fade Dist to expand an area around the object where Foam/Splash births are possible. You can convert the geometry to a non-solid from its Phoenix FD Extra Attributes in order to allow liquid to exist inside it as well.

Also note that birth volumes will interact with the simulation even if they are hidden. If you wish, you can exclude the Birth Volume from the Scene Interaction rollout.

Birth Volume Fade Dist | mistBirthVolumeFade – Controls how far the mist particles will spawn around the specified Birth Volume geometry object, in world units.


Affect LiquidsplAffectLiq – Controls the conversion of liquid to splash, and splash back into liquid. When this value is not zero, the splash birth causes some of the liquid to disappear, and then when the splash enters the liquid the splash particles are replaced by liquid. A value of 1 with splashes and mist enabled produces a physically accurate simulation where liquid, splash and mist are constantly converted into one another, and the sum of all three at any point during the simulation is the same as the original liquid. This option is good for Waterfall simulations but not so much for ocean simulations where you want the ocean surface to be smooth, as it would create bumps in the liquid mesh where splashes fall into the liquid.

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 When a Splash particle is converted into a Liquid particle, it inherits the Default RGB and Default Viscosity values set under the Liquid rollout.
