Expand– Opens a floating dialog that contains the selected rollout and automatically folds the command panel rollout.
Re-Center – Resets the position of the floating rollout.
? – Opens up the help documents for the Fire/Smoke Input.
Preview & Render Cache Path | rendinput – This is the path to the cache sequence to shown in the preview and rendered. The default is $(same_as_output), meaning the preview and render would show the caches created by the simulation, reading them from the path specified in the Output rollout. Use the "..." button to the right to select the path or type it manually. Phoenix has some keywords that can be used for more flexibility:
UI Expand
Click Here to expand additional $(VARIABLE) and Channel Mapping information
$(same_as_output) [nodeName] – The same path that is set in the Output rollout would be used for loading the preview and render caches. When a node name is specified, its output is passed to the current input. $(simoutput) – A synonym for $(same_as_output). $(same_as_resimoutput) [nodeName] – The same path that is set as a Resimulation Output would be used for loading the preview and render caches. When a node name is specified, its output is passed to the current input. $(resimoutput) – A synonym for $(same_as_resimoutput). $(dir) – The scene directory. $(data_dir) – The default directory where cache files are written. By default this is $(dir), meaning that the cache files are written next to the scene file, but it can be overridden with a custom directory from the Phoenix Global Preferences. $(scene) – The scene file name. $(handle) – A unique number of the node. $(nodename) – The name of the node. $env(<variable_name>) – An environment variable. See Using Environment Variables.
# signs can be used to specify the cache frame number with at least as many digits as the pound signs. If the number of frame digits is less than the number of pound signs, the number is padded with zeroes to the left. For example: