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This page provides information on the V-Ray Scene Exporter standalone tool.





The .vrscene file format is an ASCII file that can be exported from 3ds Max. It contains information about the geometry, lights, and shaders in the scene and can be rendered with the V-Ray Standalone. Additionally the file can be used to transfer shaders from 3ds Max to Maya.


UI path: ||


V-Ray menu|| > .vrscene exporter

UI Text Box

In V-Ray 6 for 3ds Max

, Beta,

this tool has been moved to the V-Ray Menu

(||V-Ray|| > .vrscene exporter)

and is no longer available in the quad menu.




Image Removed


For earlier V-Ray versions, go to 3ds Max Quad menu > .vrscene exporter.


.vrscene Export



Export path  – Specifies the path where the .vrscene file is saved.

V-Ray Path – Specifies the path to the vray.exe (V-Ray Standalone), which is used when the Export and Render button is clicked. Clicking on the button allows you to specify the standalone from a certain V-Ray for 3ds Max installation or to specify a custom path.

Export Selection Only – When enabled, only selected objects, lights, vrmeshes, etc. are exported to the .vrscene file.

Export Settings – When disabled, the exporter skips all rendering and environment settings like SettingsGI, SettingsRTEngine, etc.

Compressed – Compresses geometric information so that the resulting .vrscene file is smaller. Only valid if Use HEX format for mesh is enabled.

Separate Files – Writes each category of objects (geometry, materials, bitmaps, lights, notes, and textures) into their own .vrscene files, which are then referenced by the main .vrscene file.

Use HEX format for mesh – Writes geometric information as binary data in order to preserve the data exactly, without the round-off errors introduced by conversion to human-readable form.

Use HEX format for transform – Writes the object transformation matrices as binary data in order to preserve them exactly without round-off errors.

Strip Paths – When enabled, the paths for assets (bitmap textures, proxies, GI caches loaded from file, etc.) are removed from the exported file and only the file names of the assets remain.

Archive Packer

Archive – When enabled, the scene is exported as a .vrscene with all assets (such as textures and proxies) copied alongside with it into a folder. The .vrscene file contains relative paths to the assets.

Archive as ZIP – When enabled, the scene is exported as a .zip file.


Export animation – When enabled, the animation from the specified frame ranges is exported into the .vrscene file.

Frame range – Specifies the animation frame range that is going to be exported.

Scene Animation range – The whole animation range from the scene is exported.
Frame Range – Manually specify a frame range using the Start/End frame parameters.

Start frame – Specifies the first frame of the animation to be exported.

End frame – Specifies the last frame of the animation to be exported.


Analyze – Exports the scene as a .vrscene to check for possible errors, which (if any) are displayed in the output panel on the right. 

Export and Render – The scene is exported to a .vrscene file and then is rendered with the V-Ray standalone application specified in the V-Ray Path.

Export  – The .vrscene file is exported to the specified location.

Cancel  – Cancels the .vrscene export.

UI Text Box

Settings for .exr render output can be exported in .vrscene. When the the V-Ray raw image file option in the Render Settings is enabled only bit-depth is available. Further .exr output settings are provided through VRayOprionRE render element when added prior to export.




Image RemovedImage Added


Rendering with V-Ray Standalone
