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Global Illumination
Why does the HDRI map have no effect on the specular level of the rendered objects?
With the standard 3ds Max materials, the specular level is just a way to simulate a shiny look for objects. For a real-world object to be shiny, it has to be reflective. The same applies for objects rendered in V-Ray. To achieve a shiny look with V-Ray lights, glowing objects and environment maps, you need to make the objects reflective.
Why do I get very weak shadows produced by the HDRI map?
The HDRI map needs a very high dynamic range to produce sharp shadows. You might need to replace the HDRI map that you are using with another one with a larger range.
How can I set the IOR when I use a Standard material with VRayMap for refractions?
In the Material Editor, set the Index of Refraction in the Extended Parameters rollout for the material.
What GI Engine(s) should I use for my scene?
In most situations, using Brute Force for your primary engine and Light Cache for your secondary will give you the best ratio between quality and speed in terms of not having to tweak a lot of GI settings to get a nice result. The render will have clean light bounces from accurate GI calculations, with minimal blotchiness or flickering for animated sequences.
Why do I get loss of detail when I render an object with lot of detail using Irradiance Map?
Increase the Max Rate. For example, set it to 0. You may also try to reduce the color and normal thresholds. Additionally, to make the GI produced by the Irradiance map more detailed, you can reduce the interpolation samples.
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Irradiance Map GI engine is deprecated. It doesn't support some of the new V-Ray features and will be soon removed as an option. |
Does the antialiasing filter affect the irradiance map?
(Can I calculate an irradiance map with one filter and then use it with another?)
No, the irradiance map is not affected by the anti-aliasing filter. In fact, to compute an irradiance map, rendering without anti-aliasing and without a filter is possible. Add these later on for your final rendering.
Can I render the irradiance map at 400x400 and then use it to render a 800x800 image?
(What will be the effect?)
Yes, that's fine. The final effect will be as though you have computed the irradiance map at a lower sampling rate.
Why does my fog light the scene when I use V-Ray with GI?
This happens because of the way the 3ds Max standard fog is implemented. It is self-illuminated (unless you use volume light, but standard fog and volume fog are self-illuminated), and since V-Ray takes volumetrics into account when calculating light hitting surfaces for GI, you can see illumination coming from those volumetrics.