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This page provides information on the Caustics rollout.
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Basic Parameters
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Example: The Search Distance Parameter
For this example, the Light Caustics Multiplier is 80 (V-Ray Light Properties > Caustics Multiplier) and the rest of the parameters are at their default values. The light used in the scene is VRaySun. The Caustics method is set to Progressive. The Caustics Multiplier (Render Setup > GI tab > Caustics rollout) is set to 15.
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Here, the Caustics method is set to Photon map, and the Light Caustics Multiplier is again set to 80. As can be seen, the larger search distance produces blurrier caustics.
Example: VRaySun Photon Emit RadiusThis example shows how a light's photon emit radius affects the caustics effect. Here we use a VRaySun to light the scene. For this example, the Light Caustics Multiplier is 80 (V-Ray Light Properties > Caustics Multiplier) and the rest of the parameters are at their default values.
Example: The Max Photons ParameterFor this example, the Light Caustics Multiplier is 80 (V-Ray Light Properties > Caustics Multiplier) and the rest of the parameters are at their default values. VRaySun is used in this scene. As can be seen, the larger value of the Max photons parameter causes the caustics to appear much smoother.
Advanced Parameters
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Progressive Caustics Advantages
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Progressive Caustics Limitations
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