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The V-Ray Frame Buffer (VFB) is a second generation V-Ray virtual frame buffer.

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VFB Cloud Collaboration is a new feature available only in V-Ray 6, for 3ds Max.

VFB Cloud Collaboration is not supported in 3ds Max 2018 and 2019.

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The Collaboration web view is not available for Max versions 2020 and 2021. You can save images through the VFB and upload them to Chaos Cloud instead. 

VFB is much more than a render image holder window. The new enhanced version provides a higher level of post processing adjustments and ability to modify your scene from inside the VFB. Here is a list of old and new benefits you should know:

  • Image preview:
    Loads render elements channels via a dropdown list;
    Works with display corrections;
    Loads various 8bit and 32bit file formats, including V-Ray resumable files;
    Image comparison between 2 or 4 renders;
  • Image management:
    Keeps the rendered image in full 32-bit floating point format;
    Can store history of rendered images with their post rendering corrections;
    Can save corrected output to various image formats;
  • Image editing and post processing:
    Set Color Corrections to rendered image and its elements;
    Composite mode for Back to Beauty workflow including layers corrections;
    LightMix control on lights contribution in the rendered image;
    Applying Proportion Guides on the rendered image;
  • Scene editing:
    Can modify actual lights values by transferring updated intensity and color from LightMix mode;
    IPR camera navigation and focus control from inside VFB;
  • Denoiser control;
    Region rendering control and test resolution;
    Option to choose the order in which the buckets are rendered;
    Automatic render resolution adjustment in IPR when the VFB window is resized;
  • Collaboration:
    Shares images with other Chaos users in Chaos Cloud Rendering.

To use the VFB for rendering, turn on the Enable built-in frame buffer option in the Frame buffer rollout under the V-Ray tab in the Render Setup window.

VFB also has some limitations which are listed in the Notes section below.





To create custom filters in the VFB Layers panel right-click on a folder containing correction layers and save it as a .vlpdir file. Change presets directory from V-Ray Frame Buffer > Options menu > VFB Settings > Filter/Layer presets > Path. Personal custom filters are now shown in the panel and can be loaded quickly.

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Right-click on a folder in the layer tree to save it or to load an already saved set of color corrections.





Creates a layer. Multiple layers of the same type can be added.

FolderAllows grouping multiple layers in folders. This is only available when the Source layer is set to Composite;
Vignette – Adds a vignetting effect to an image;
ICC Profile – Uses an ICC profile file for color corrections;
Filmic Tonemap – Contains different types of mapping curves and gamma corrections. Also allows the selection of a color space;
Lookup Table – Allows loading a LUT file for color transformations;
Curves – Adds a Curves color correction layer;
Color Balance – Adds a Color Balance color correction layer;
Hue/Saturation – Adds a Hue/Saturation color correction layer;
White Balance – Adds a White Balance color correction layer;
Exposure – Adds an Exposure color correction layer;
Constant – Adds a solid color that can be used to achieve an effect on another layer (for example to multiply by the constant);
Render Element – Selects a render element (with ability to apply mask on it) from your image that you can use in compositing. This is only available when the Source layer is set to Composite;

BackgroundAdds a background color correction layer;
Integer mask elementMask is used with integer render elements like VRayRenderID, VRayObjectID, and VRayMtlID Render Elements;
MultiMatte mask elementMask is based on the MultiMatte Render Element;
Image alpha maskMask based on the image alpha channel;
Cryptomatte mask elementMask is based on the VRayCryptyomatte Render Element;
Proportion Guide – Adds a proportion guide layer.

For more information, see the Layers page.

Deletes the selected layer(s).

Saves a layer tree preset.

Loads a layer tree preset.

Quick access to the Layer/Filter Presets.

Undo various actions related to layers such as create, delete, reorder, or modify a layer.

Redo various actions related to layers such as create, delete, reorder, or modify a layer.


Signing in Chaos Cloud Collaboration using your Chaos credentials is required once. After that you are automatically signed in every time you open the Collaboration the Collaboration tab.   

When first opening the Collaboration tab, click anywhere in the tab to upload the current image in the VFB to Chaos Cloud Collaboration. Following that, you can upload other images via the Upload image to Chaos Collaboration  button or some of the other options provided by the VFB.
