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The Uninstaller originally resides in the following location -   C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\Maya 20xx for x64\vray\uninstall

To access the V-Ray uninstaller from the Start menu, search for Uninstall V-Ray for Maya20xx for x64.


This starts the V-Ray uninstaller. Follow the on-screen instructions to remove V-Ray from your system and restore any files overwritten by the installation.


To remove the Chaos License Server, either use the Add/Remove Programs applet from the Control Panel or select

Excerpt Include
V-Ray Configuration
V-Ray Configuration
Chaos License Server Group > Uninstall Chaos License Server. 



Uninstalling the Plug-In


If you need to manually uninstall V-Ray, make sure that Maya or V-Ray components are not being used. Double-click the program, which is normally located in /Applications/ChaosGroup/V-Ray/Maya20xx-x64/vray/

This will start the V-Ray uninstaller. Follow the on-screen instructions to remove V-Ray from your system and restore any files overwritten by the installation.





To uninstall V-Ray for Maya, start with root permissions the uninstaller program, which is normally located in the /usr/ChaosGroup/V-Ray/Maya 20xx -x64/vray/uninstall/ directory, for example:
