Versions Compared


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We will try to find a workaround so you can continue working. If the problem is indeed a bug, we have to fix it so it won't trouble you or anybody else anymore. First, we need to make the problem occur here (reproduce the problem) and find out what is causing it. For this, we will need you to help us with as much information as possible.



UI Text Box

In order to find out the exact Phoenix FD version you can check the About info window. 

3ds Max > select your Phoenix FD Simulator node > Simulation rollout > About.MayaTop Maya Phoenix FD Menu > About Phoenix FD.

V-Ray version - for example - 3.60.05 or 4.02.01. 


Operating system - Although rarely, code can perform slightly differently on different operating systems. Share information about the operating system and its versions. Example - Windows 7 or Linux CentOS 6.8, 8 or 10 and the exact update.

Hardware information - Although rarely, code can perform slightly differently between different CPU and GPU makes and models. This information may be crucial to replicating the bug. Example - Intel Xeon E5236 or NVIDIA RTX 2080Ti. When the bug concerns GPUs, please also share the version of the GPU drivers, for example NVIDIA GTX 1080, driver versions 381.64.


Providing a scene is a great way for the team us to recreate the issue and fix it.


Recording a video capture of your screen with your steps is even better and there are a number of easy and free screen-capturing tools to use.

Crash Dump files


If the bug caused 3ds Max or Maya to you get a crash and an Autodesk error report window pops up afterwards, please click the “View Report Details” button on the error report window, find where “3dsmax''3dsmax_minidump.dmp” or ''MayaCrashLog.dmp" are is saved on your machine and include that file in your email.


UI Text Box

The usual location of the crash dump files is:

Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp

Linux: /tmp/

Crash dump files contain a stack trace which can often show tell us exactly where the crash occurredcrash happens so it would be very easy for us to fix it.

If you send us a crash dump, it can only help us if you also include your exact 3ds Max version, Phoenix version and V-Ray version - see above how to find them.

Log files


Depending on your operating system the log files are usually placed in:Please grab the Phoenix log immediately after the crash. If you start Maya again, it would be overwritten.

Phoenix FD Log files 


UI Text Box

Windows: The Phoenix log is created in: C:\PhoenixFD

Linux: /home/$USERNAME/

Another easy way to access the log files is through the Phoenix FD Global preferences window. 

3ds Max - The global preferences window is located in the Simulation rollout of the Phoenix simulator. 

MayaThe global preferences window is located in the top Maya Phoenix FD Menu. 

You can also browse to it from the Phoenix FD Global preferences window.

V-Ray Log files


UI Text Box

The V-Ray log files can be usually found in the Temp folder on your PC. 

Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\TempLinux: /tmp/



  • Describe the problem in details
  • Provide information about the environment: OS, Phoenix FD version, V-Ray version, Hardware, GPU drivers
  • Provide a step-by-step guide to recreate the problem
  • Attach files: renders, scenes, assets, logs, screen captures, screenshots
