Page History
Anchor build5 build5
V-Ray 5, update 2.2
Official release
Date - Apr 20, 2022
Build 5.20.02
New features
Adaptive bucket splitting;
- Maya 2023 support;
Added a transparency_level output to Sampler Info node and TexSampler plug-in;
Objects Receive Shadows attribute support;
Support for rendering Bifrost USD graphs;
- Support for importing V-Ray materials from USD to Maya nodes;
- Support for importing cameras from USD to Maya nodes;
- UI for exporting V-Ray materials to USD in the V-Ray>Tools menu;
- vrayExportUsdMaterials command for exporting V-Ray materials & displacement directly to USD;
- Support for in-memory only USD stages coming from plug-ins;
- Support for VRayLightMesh;
- Support for UsdGeomPoints particles;
- Support for USD BasisCurves hair;
- Support for USD Skel;
- Support for VDBs in USD;
- Initial support for rendering USDPreviewSurface node in Maya;
- MayaUSD 0.15 and 0.16 support;
Support for V-Ray physical cameras from Maya to USD;
Support for "user color attributes" from Ornatrix;
Added an option to not denoise alpha;
Chaos Vantage
Vantage Live-Link;
Modified features
Made ON/OFF state in buttons in VFB2 visible;
Fixed certain lights in USD not rendering correctly;
Automatically add Render Setup layer override for the enabled attribute of toggled Render Elements;
More robust IPR change detection while mouse dragging;
Bug fixes
- Fixed crash with reflection exclude list in VRayObjectProperties;
- Fixed textures not updating in IPR when changing file path;
- Fixed loading a .tx textures with UDIM crashing Maya;
- Fixed illegible symbols in memory tracking log on Linux;
- Fixed a server-side distributed rendering crash involving Light Mix;
- Fixed an issue with standalone installation preventing starting a distributed rendering server on MacOS;
- Fixed a rare crash when using Alembic proxies in IPR;
- Fixed memory leak when rendering USD
- Fixed error with MDL material;
- Fixed crash with instanced transforms in USD;
- Fixed wrong import of USDPreviewSurface;
Fixed wrong local object projection on instanced proxies;
Fixed difference between IPR and Production rendering;
Fixed drag & drop asset position on MacOS HiDPI displays;
Fixed standalone installation incorrectly proceeding while Maya is running;
Texture Baking
Fixed baking of more than one object through the V-Ray Baking Options;
Fixed unnecessary "Preview for Node" error messages;
Fixed an issue with lens effects sometimes being computed wrong;
V-Ray 5, update 2.1
Official release
Date - Dec 21, 2021
Build 5.20.01
New features
- Support for the texture mode of the lens distortion option in Physical Camera;
- Added an option for back side projection in VRayDecal;
Modified features
- New more robust Cryptomatte implementation;
Material importer
- Added support for real world scaling when importing Cosmos materials;
Chaos Cloud
- Changed defaults for cloud submit window to be single camera and single layer;
- TotalLight Render Element now available with V-Ray GPU;
- Reduced kernel compilation times by up to 60%;
- Changed the default Compensate Energy in VRayHairNextMtl to OFF;
- Improved the V-Ray chaser UI;
- Support for exporting VRayDisplacement via chaser now available in the UI;
- Support for exporting light texture files to USD;
VRayLightDome, VrayLightIES, VRayMeshLight
- Show Atmospheric contribution controls in GPU UI for V-Ray lights;
Viewport 2.0
- Updated the local anisotropy axis for VRayMtl in Viewport 2.0;
Chaos Cosmos
- Proxies from assets are now with a nicer name;
Bug fixes
- Fixed V-Ray not utilizing more than 64 threads in some cases on Windows 11;
- Fixed reversed bump in reflections;
- Support UDIM textures with more than 99 tiles in one dimension;
- Fixed unnecessary prompt for EULA in Maya 2018;
- Fixed Preview for Node not supported error when loading vrscene;
- Fix font style in the installer on MacOS;
- Fixed crash with VFB Clear log when a search is open;
- Fixed crash with IPR rendering and VFB Log set to All when using High DPI scaling;
- Fixed VFB2 log verbosity level resetting to 0 after crash;
Chaos Cosmos
- Fixed assets imported with wrong offset and translate frame placement attributes;
- Fixed materials category in Cosmos disappearing when multiple Maya sessions are open;
- Fixed button for minimizing of the Cosmos Browser disabled on Linux and macOS;
- Fixed Drag and Drop of Cosmos assets to the Maya Viewport on Linux and MacOS;
- Fixed rendering an anonymous USD layer;
- Fixed error when rendering empty USD layer;
- Fixed crash when rendering different USD files with VRayScene and mayaUsdProxy in the same scene on Linux/MacOS (regression);
- Fixed black Light Cache prepass on high resolution renders;
- Fixed standalone from Maya installation failing to render with GPU;
- Fixed crash with multiple instances of VRayDecal;
- Fixed crash in V-Ray GPU IPR when moving camera;
- Fixed memory leak with Light Cache Subdivs;
- Textured VRayDecal does not work with on-demand-mip-mapped mode;
- The Light Mix render element does not work correctly on GPU when Auto Exposure is enabled;
- Fixed LPE not capturing scattered self illumination of EnvironmentFog or VolumeGrid;
V-Ray GPU, VRayDirt
- Fixed VRayDirt objects casting shadows even with shadows disabled;
VRayHairNextMtl, V-Ray GPU
- Fixed different GI results with enabled/disabled render elements and HairNextMtl;
V-Ray 5, update 2
Official release
Date - Nov 11, 2021
Build 5.20.00
New Features
- Added Cosmos asset browser
- Cosmos Materials support
- An easy way of projecting one material on top of another
Chaos Cloud
- Option to submit all render layers and cameras to Chaos Cloud
Support for exporting V-Ray lights to USD
Support for V-Ray lights in USD
Support for exporting V-Ray Displacement to USD via the MayaUSD chaser API
Added support for MayaUSD 0.13
- Viewport preview for USD files in a VRayScene node
- Physically correct GGX/GTR anisotropy
- VRayMtl thin-walled mode
- Added a Sharpen/Blur post effect layer
- Integrated rendering log in VFB2
- Option to create an "effectsResult" channel when only Lens Effects layer is enabled (no Denoiser)
- Batch image processing in VFB2 for vrimg files
- Ability to add color corrections to the VFB Background layer
- Added a functionality for adding VFB color corrections to all render channels
- Added a Compensate Energy option for faster and more realistic rendering of white or bright hair and fur
V-Ray, Material importer
- Add support for real world scaling when importing Cosmos materials
VRayLightDome, VrayLightIES, VRayMeshLight, VRayRectLight, VRayLightSphere
- Atmospherics contribution option for lights
- Ability to rename the layers in VRayLayeredTex
- Added Streaks blur option to VRayDirt
- Added Streaks density to VRayDirt
- Added Ignore bump option to VRayDirt
- Added Thin mesh mode to VRayDirt
VRayMtl/V-Ray GPU
- Implemented the thin-walled mode of the VRayMtl on the GPU
- Implemented the new volumetric translucency modes of the VRayMtl on the GPU
Modified Features
- Notarized installation on MacOS
- Discontinued zip builds on MacOS
- Anima AXYZ animated textures are now working
- Added an option to force infinity color to black for ZDepth
- Updated Embree to 3.13.0
- Removed the GPU Light Cache option, it will now be always ON
- Made the proxy filter update on keystroke
- A prompt for EULA for interactive rendering after a zip or automated install
- Removed the Clamp Output option
- Removed the Sinc AA filter
- Removed the World Scale option for Light Cache
- Help link for Post Translate Python Script available in toolclip on hover
- Automatically add extension when adding tokens for Light Cache to match saved files
- Report time spent tracing photons during rendering with progressive caustics
Chaos Cloud
- Added support for VFB2 OCIO color corrections when exporting to Chaos Cloud
- Calling Cloud and Archive Scene windows when already open now brings them on top
- Curvature texture support for isolating Convex or Concave values
- Ignore bump options
- Apply color corrections to the RGB channel when saving
- Extended vfbControl with commands for V-Ray VFB2 layers
- Better control when deleting layer groups
- Use small buckets when rendering with CUDA CPU Only
- Calculate LC only on the GPU when V-Ray GPU is used
- Added support for tiled textures with large amount of tiles on V-Ray GPU
- Renamed the Improved Sky model to PRG Clear Sky
LPE, VRayScannedMtl
- Support for the coat layer in VRayScanned materials
V-Ray, Chaos Cloud
- Ability to export multiple renderable cameras to vrscene
VRayBlendMtl, VRayLayeredTex
- Removed map button for non-texturable opacities in VRayLayeredTex and VRayBlendMtl
- Hid the Invert normal parameter for VRayDirt
- Added number of voxels to VRayProxy info tab
- Fixed wrong viewport preview with alembic instancing
- Visibility rules working in preview mode
- Set the flip axis option to Auto for VRayScene nodes
- Fixed lights from USD are all positioned at (0, 0, 0) in some USD files
- Fixed animated Toon Edge Priority not working
Bug Fixes
- V-Ray GPU fails to load and render tiles texture with Mudbox filename format with lowercase $u and $v
Material importer
- Material importer crash with specific VRayBlendMtl
- Maya remap nodes not correctly encoded in USD
- Film gate not respected in Viewport IPR with VRay Physical camera
- "matrixAttributeWidget" error when selecting the uvwgen node
- Limit the warning for connected VRayNormalMap to only when bump type is non-default
- Duplicated textures exported multiple plugins in the vrscene
- Enabling Diffuse render element causes VRayScannedMtl's LPE label to be ignored
- Render layer manager node in scene causes Render Settings Common tab to shrink
- Progressive caustics use the world units radius instead of the pixels one
- Incorrect progressive caustics contribution when using region render
- Crease edges with dynamic subdivision can't be closed when displacement is used
- There is no way to ignore installation errors if the material library download fails
- SSS from VRayMtl cannot be filtered with LPE
- Light cache contribution not always written in LPE light selects
- Progressive caustics fallback to photon map
- Clearing global light manager error when progressive caustics, resumable rendering and don't save image are enabled
- Maya hangs when using DR on a scene with caustics in progressive mode
- Wrong render result with caustics lighting on objects with bump map
- Compositing Light select elements with glossy and refraction introduces noise
- Maya fluids rendered wrong in IPR
- Rendering VRayMultiSubTex in USD file, always renders the first applied texture
- UDIM texture paths from USD are not resolved correctly
- USD ALab scene does not render correctly
- Importing proxy with the same node name messes up the object hierarchy
- Material overrides don't work correctly for instanced objects in the viewport
- Proxy overrides remain the same for the root when loading different files
- Visibility Overrides don't work when proxy is opened again in new scene
- Importing alembic instanced geometry not loading all Shader sets
- Incorrect fog contribution behind rect lights
- Incorrect fog contribution in light selects
- Missing caustics with textured envfog
- Wrong normal map when using VRayUVWRandomizer's Stochastic tiling
- Changing the VFB display correction disables A/B compare
- The VFB2 test resolution button isn't reflecting the current resolution if its enabled when re-opening a scene
- VFB2 color picker is hard to open on Linux
- Fixed Regression in toon with glossy refractions
- Toon Edges Override not working on NURBS surfaces
- Coat bump without a texture atttached cannot be locked to base bump
- VRay Mesh Lights included in a fog set (light mode as override shape lights) forces fog to affect all lights
- Reflection values missing when denoising the reflection render element
- Normal flipped with triplanar on some faces
- Some materials don't respect their LPE labels
- Differences in the coat layer between V-Ray GPU and V-Ray CPU
- Wrong results with mcoat in inverted expression (GPU)
- Coat missing in coat REs for car paint material 1
VRayMeshLight, VRayRectLight
- Incorrect volume contribution from mesh lights when using volume sampling MIS
- Fatal error when rendering a USD file with VRaySoftbox texture
- Sun photon emission radius preview not updating in Maya viewport
Viewport IPR
- V-Ray Sun renders wrong with Viewport IPR
V-Ray 5, update 1.2
Official Release
Date - Sep, 2021
Build 5.10.22
New features
- Support for MayaUSD 0.10.0, MayaUSD 0.11.0 and MayaUSD 0.12.0
Modified features
- Fixed faulty compilation of C++ third-party plug-ins ins since 5.10.20 causing random crashes;
Bug fixes
- Fixed export and import of render elements from the V-Ray settings;
- Fixed runtime error with Python 3 when creating absolute override for visible layer;
- Fixed wrong result with Refraction Affect shadows when Refraction is textured;
- Fixed toon outlines disappearing when zooming in with orthographic camera;
- Fixed wrong results and random crashes when combining OpenSubdiv and VRayDisplacement;
- Fixed V-Ray GPU IPR not rendering default orthographic views properly;
- Fixed a crash when reading VFB2 JSON property;
- Fixed VRayLightMesh not respecting Legacy Render Layer Overrides in batch;
- Fixed Crashes with Mesh Lights and Legacy Render Layer Overrides in batch mode;
- Fixed wrong render elements output when LPEs are used;
Viewport 2.0
- Fixed wrong viewport preview with VRayLayeredTex used for Reflection Glossiness;
- Fixed undeterministic result with triplanar and scanned material in Maya 2020;
- Fixed wrong render with mayapy;
V-Ray 5, update 1.1
Official Release
Date - July 19, 2021
Build 5.10.21
New feature
- Maya 2022 Python 2 support in the stable nightlies;
Modified features
V-Ray Material Library
- Downloader tool support for Linux and MacOS as well;
- Support for drag'n'dropping library materials in the Hypershade and anywhere in the viewport;
- Adding the same material twice is now possible through "Add to scene";
- Applying the same material to another object is now possible through "Apply to selected object(s)";
Bug fixes
- Fixed a freeze when loading a background image after rendering;
- Fixed single-channel EXRs not saving corrections;
- Fixed errors with test resolution when no VFB is used;
- Fixed "Clear Frame Buffers" option not working;
- Fixed purple banding with OCIO;
- Fixed crash with black translucency in specific scenes;
- Fixed some V-Ray metadata not written to EXR with batch rendering;
- Fixed regression with non-ASCII characters in vrscene path with standalone;
- Fixed Image format options UI opens on fullscreen in Maya 2022;
- Improved rendering speed for Alembic files on many-core CPUs;
- Fixed world texture mapping floating when camera is animated;
- Fixed default viewport preview color for non-textured mode;
- Fixed instanced USD files not rendering properly;
- Fixed incorrect inner edges with opacity;
- Fixed GPU light cache error when aborting render;
- Fixed crash with ExtraTex and GPU light cache;
- Fixed fireflies with refractive materials;
V-Ray 5, update 1
Official Release
Date - Jun 17, 2021
Build 5.10.20
New features
- Cryptomatte in progressive;
- V-Ray Material Library in Maya;
- Progressive caustics mode;
- Maya 2022 support;
- New Opacity cutout command;
- Added an option to switch between world units and pixels as photon lookup radius for the caustics photon map;
- Now exporting pivot and parent transforms information in vrscene files for Vantage and V-Ray for Unreal;
- Environment Fog colored transparency;
- Initial support for rendering USD files through VRayScene and Maya USD Proxy;
- Initial support for in-memory rendering USD stages in Maya;
- Support for animated and deforming mesh geometry animation with motion blur;
- Support for V-Ray displacement from USD;
- Support for V-Ray shaders encoded in USD;
- Support for USDPreviewSurface;
- Export V-Ray materials and shaders to USD;
- Export displacement from shading group to USD;
- Light cache calculated on GPU;
- Added support for tiled textures with large amount of tiles on V-Ray GPU;
- Rounded corners support with Out-Of-Core geometry
- Support for VRayDirt and VRayCurvature with Out-Of-Core geometry
- Support for VRayFastSSS2 with Out-Of-Core geometry
- Support for VRayALSurfaceMtl with Out-Of-Core geometry
- Support for VRayClipper with Out-Of-Core geometry
- New translucency modes for VRayMtl (based on VRayScatterVolume);
- Thin-walled refraction option;
- VRayStandalone with VFB2 support;
- Now possible to change or remove VFB2 shortcuts;
- Layers masking based on Cryptomatte, integer and color render elements data;
- Added stamp layer support;
- Custom White Balance support for color picker and tint;
- Support for animated sequences for Background layer using <frameNum> tag;
- Added an option to bake the RGB primaries conversion;
- Added horizontal/vertical offset for Background layer;
- Image Info for the history images;
- Added the frame number to the VFB History image info overlay;
- Save color corrections to a LUT file;
- Changing light path expression now updates in IPR;
V-Ray Material Library
- Added drag-n-drop support into the Maya viewport;
- Integrated Intel Open Image Denoiser;
- Added an option to select denoiser engine for IPR;
VRayRectLight, VRayMeshLight, VRayLightSphere
- Added "Occlude other lights" option for V-Ray lights;
- Created vrayImportVRmeshGeom command to import proxies as Maya geometry;
- Added a filter for searching VRayProxy hierarchy;
- Added import/export of VRayProxy material rules;
VRaySun/V-Ray GPU
- Added support for blending the sun with the horizon with the Improved sky model;
- Support for float textures;
Material importer
- Add support for importing float texture opacity map;
- Add support for importing blend_method parameter of TexTriPlanar;
- Add support for importing TexNormalBump;
- Add V-Ray extra attribute for filter blur to the file node;
- Add support for importing "out_intensity" and "out_alpha" texture output parameters;
- Add support for importing plugin node float textures;
- Add option to disable Maya-style alpha detection on file textures;
- Material importer support for bitmap extra V-Ray attributes;
- Support for VRayUVWRandomizer in material importer;
- Added .vrmat support in material importer;
Viewport 2.0, Material importer
- Add support for the ColorCorrection plugin as a Maya node;
Improvement - Viewport 2.0, VRayPluginNodeMtl
- Passthrough viewport preview for some PluginNode textures;
- Added buttons for the R, G and B channels to the VFB2 toolbar;
- Added support for normal maps in world space;
- Added random by scene name to MultiSubTex;
Viewport 2.0
- Added support for sheen and coat in Viewport 2.0;
- VRayLayeredTex basic viewport preview;
Modified features
- Optimized CUDA CPU performance;
- Changed the default min/max subdivs values for V-Ray GPU Bucket rendering;
- Support for back side material IDs;
- Optimized IPR scene updates with OptiX;
- Implemented displacement in world space;
- Move all V-Ray dll/so files to V-Ray's bin folder;
- Dropped support for Maya 2017;
- Material labels now work consistently with layered materials;
- Support new texture colorspace in Maya 2022;
- Calling the V-Ray Material Library browser when it already exists should bring the window to front;
- Faster initialization of meshes with static 3D displacement in Standalone;
- Failing to write to output image folder should be an error;
- Now ignoring "Don't save image" option when submitting to Chaos Cloud;
- Allow arbitrary values for the motion blur's interval center parameter;
- Mixed filtering option for ZDepth;
- Don't include the GPU stats when copying to clipboard from the VFB;
- ExtraTex should no longer affect sampling by default;
- Network assets will be used when local caching fails;
Improvement - V-Ray
- Removed the auto scale buckets option;
- Remember the last used location and format when saving an image from the VFB;
- Keep VFB2 window in front/on top of Autodesk Maya;
- Added a multiplier for the radius in VRayDirt;
- Made VRayLightMesh available in Maya light editor;
- Replaced the "scale" parameter of the VRayTriplanar texture with "size" dependent on the scene units;
V-Ray/V-Ray GPU
- Improved volume intersection & shading;
- Added the IPR performance statistics to the VFB 2 Stats panel;
- Deprecated the legacy XGen vrscene exporter;
Material importer
- Load the lookdevKit if it is not loaded when importing a material;
- Import TexLayeredMax to native node;
- Native import for most used nodes;
- Deduplicate identical shading graph parts;
- Import VRayLayeredTex from VRayScene as a native Maya node;
- VRayLightMaterial is not exported to USD;
- Render animated USD list attributes;
- Render USD with multi material geometry exported from Maya;
Chaos Cloud
- Vrscene packing should now relies on cloud client file naming;
- Undo support for proxy material overrides;
- Proper UI for Flake Random Color and Flake Scale Triplanar in Carpaint2/Flakes2;
V-Ray GPU/VRayDirt
- Add support for dirt and curvature attached to extra tex when OOC geometry is enabled;
Bug fixes
Material importer
- Fixed empty UVWGen warning on importing Float textures;
- Fixed importing UVWGenObject when connected to auto generated VRayPluginNodeTex;
- Fixed Material importer flaw for materials with embedded bump attributes;
- Fixed importing the "gtr_gamma" attribute in the BRDFVRayMtl plugin;
- Fixed VFB History loading very slowly when OCIO configuration is used for display;
- Crash when rendering empty USD layer;
- Different color space in USD file with bitmap for VRayMultiSubTex and VRayLayeredTex;
- Wrong result from vfbControl when Display Correction is None;
- Crash rendering USD file with VRayBlendMtl;
- Fixed random artefacts on USD materials;
- Fixed VRayUpdateAE error when selecting nodes from USD hierarchy in the outliner;
- Fixed Dark coat over refractive VRayMtl;
- Fixed color management configuration not working in 2022;
- Fixed render settings startup JSON presets not working;
- Fixed slower rendering and excessive memory usage with user attributes as bitmap tags;
- Fixed slow carpaint2 and flakes2 swatch rendering;
- The UVWGenRandomizer should not transform the UVs in any way when mode 0 is selected;
- Fixed error building Embree voxel tree when "Conserve memory" is enabled in certain scenes;
- Fixed Deadlock when building image planes for MipMap buffers;
- Fixed output EXR and VRIMG files being written with the wrong group permissions on Linux;
- Fixed scenes containing OSL shaders saved with V-Ray older than 5 giving an error;
- Fixed difference between glossy and mirror caustic reflections from metallic surfaces;
- Fixed Slow rendering with duplicated textures;
- Fixed difference in DOF between in DR vs local;
- Fixed Custom Color render element not working for alpha;
- Fixed VRayCarPaintMtl2 coat IOR <1 not consistent in V-Ray and V-Ray GPU;
- Viewport IPR: Fixed resizing Maya window changing camera zoom, depending on camera scale;
- Fixed crash with corrupted PNG files;
- Fixed Intel Open Image Denoise producing artefacts in the alpha;
- Fixed crash with Instancer and Velocity RE;
- Fixed wrong VRayMtl normal map in tangent space;
- Fixed Incorrect LPE light selects with light cache (CPU);
- Fixed OSL error with UNC include paths;
- Fixed create Render Node window remaining on top when creating VRaySphereFade;
- Fixed different TexRandom by face index between Windows and Linux/OSX;
- Fixed open map with Irradiance Map Viewer not working;
- Fixed memory leak when rendering vrscene which has been exported with VFB2;
- Fixed scene with alembic hair and motion blur hangs on compile geometry phase;
- Fixed wrong VRayDirt render when another node passes a value to textured parameter;
- Fixed IPR not refreshing when manipulating MASH on instancer mode;
- Fixed the option for "Assign shaders by name" in VRayMeshMtl not working properly;
- Fixed error when opening VFB2 for the first time;
V-Ray GPU/VRayBlendMtl
- Fixed fireflies in additive mode with multiple coat layers;
- Fixed support for in-memory rendering USD stages in Maya;
- Fixed <UDIM> tags not working;
- Fixed wrong render with thin-walled refraction option;
- Fixed slow GPU LC preview when moving the scene in IPR;
- V-Ray GPU fails to load and render tiles texture with Mudbox filename format with lowercase $u and $v;
- Fixed Light select and GPU light cache not rendering correctly;
- Fixed crash with GPU Light cache from file on second render;
- Fixed GPU Memory leaks after IPR updates when there is capraint2 material in the scene;
- Fixed crash with RTX when deleting a map in VRayDisplacementMod during V-Ray GPU IPR;
- Fixed texture on objects with normal displacement appearing smudged in GPU production renders with on-demand mipmapping;
- Fixed specific opacity texture is often rendered incorrectly on GPU when mipmapped;
- Fixed unhandled exception with V-Ray GPU IPR;
- Fixed crash with Dome light, cpu light cache and bucket sampler;
- Fixed darker GI with matte objects when matte for refl/refr is off;
- Fixed artifacts when changing the region in IPR and using Adaptive lights;
- Black artefacts on objects with mipmapped hi-res textures;
- Fixed empty buckets with Hybrid rendering and LPE;
- Fixed Matte is not working correctly with shadow linking;
- Fixed RTX producing fireflies with specific scene;
- Fixed crash on consecutive rendering with VRayClipper and VRayTriplanarTex;
- Fixed consecutive SunLight updates crashing interactive CUDA renders;
- Fixed crash with 32k textures in full size mode;
- Fixed UVWGenChannel use_double_sided_mode option ignored by the GPU engine;
- Fixed crash when using vrmesh file with more than 16 material and UV maps;
- Fixed crash with VRayCarPaintMtl with flake size 0;
Viewport 2.0
- Fixed V-Ray lights are not hidden in the viewport after being set to be hidden;
- Fixed environment reflection viewport preview;
- A hidden dome light no longer visible in viewport reflections;
- Fixed list items with defaults in VRayPluginNode disappearing after saving to Maya scene;
- Fixed animated alembic not caching the animation with the new proxy;
- Fixed VRayProxy not packaged in a Maya archive;
- Fixed Carpaint2 and Flakes2 crash when updating material swatches;
- Fixed vrimg2exr crashing in GUI mode on Linux when overwriting an existing file;
V-Ray 5, Hotfix 2
Official Release
Date - Sep 30, 2020
Download - Build 5.00.22
New features
- Allow clicking in the viewport to select proxy sub-objects
- Added reflection and refraction amount for matte objects
- Implemented renderer stats in VFB2;
Modified features
- Faster unloading of V-Ray when closing Maya;
- New proxy option for import is now on by default;
- Improved conversion script to new proxy node;
Chaos Cloud
- Remove extraneous error when default project's name contains non-ASCII characters
Bug fixes
- Fixed crash when enabling light in IPR on refractive material with LightMix enabled;
- Fixed crash with Bifrost Aero scene;
- Fixed NaN pixel values from SSS in some cases;
- Fixed broken AppSDK distribution with V-Ray for Maya;
V-Ray GPU/VRayBlendMtl
- Fixed fireflies in additive mode with multiple coat layers;
- Fixed toon edges override not working properly with bump mapping;
- Fixed wrong rendering with motion blur and distributed rendering;
- Fixed wrong render with caustics;
- Fixed crash with VFB2 when saving image before render has started;
- Partially fixed VFB window disappearing behind Maya (still an issue on macOS)
- Fixed VFB2 showing out of monitor bounds on high DPI monitors at 175% scaling
- Fixed black wireframe in proxy viewport previews;
- Fixed the disc of VRaySun not visible in V-Ray GPU;
- Fixed negative values result when subtracting Light Select from Beauty
- Fixed error when opening a scene with an object with VRayLightMesh properties
- Fixed using overscan offsets the rendermask incorrectly
- Fixed a crash with XGen when rendering a Velocity channel on non-moving hair
- Fixed Maya crash when creating VRaySun light
- Fixed objects disappearing when creation history is deleted
VRayVolumeGrid/V-Ray IPR
- Fixed IPR crash when stopping rendering on scenes with VolumeGrid
- Fixed specular refractions cannot be distinguished from specular reflections behind them
- Fixed crash in certain cases when using "max" and "clamp" GLSL shader functions
- Fixed wrong render with VRayClipper attached to a scaled object
- Fixed turning off "Generate Caustics" option has no effect
V-Ray DR
- Fixed slow startup when DR is enabled on Linux and macOS
V-Ray 5, Hotfix 1
Official Release
Date - Sep 30, 2020
Download - Build 5.00.21
New features
- Added a frame index offset output for motion blur intervals larger than a frame
Modified features
- LightMix now supported in batch rendering
- Disabled lights no longer go into the light mix list
- New car paint material now production ready
- New flakes material now production ready
- Improved rendering speed for objects with primary visibility off
- Fixed wrong export of "by render ID" random mode
Bug fixes
- Fixed referenced scene causing Render Settings Common Tab UI to shrink
- Fixed packing to vrscene zip folder structure
- Fixed a crash when loading tiled EXR with size 1
- Fixed crash with Bifrost Aero scene
- Fixed VFB2 not restoring up on new render
- Fixed the "Reset VFB position" functionality from the shelf with VFB2
- Fixed New VFB picking up random values for settings on certain old scenes
- Fixed warning with when "ids_list" parameter is empty
- Fixed mapping channel not working
- Fixed non-deterministic render
- Fixed Maya hanging when loading Alembic file with a large number of instances
- Fixed VRayProxy2 still visible in the viewport after being hidden
- Fixed wrong preview of Alembic sequences with motion blur
- Fixed sun not taking time zone values above GMT +2
- Fixed bump multiplier for normal map in tangent space
- Fixed incorrect bump map export with VRayUVWRandomizer
- Fixed non-deterministic render of hair
- Fixed NaN pixel values from SSS in some cases
Chaos Cloud
- Fixed error with non-ascii symbols
- Fixed wrong results with opacity mapped VRayToonMtl
- Fixed Maya image plane blocking GI from environment
- Fixed IPR not updating when changing filter color
Light Path Expressions
- Fixed wrong capture of lights that are invisible in the final rendering
V-Ray 5
Official Release
Date - Aug 6, 2020
Download - Build 5.00.20
New features
- Embed the License Server and the Cloud Client installations in the V-Ray for Maya installer
- Integrate the new installer in V-Ray for Maya
- New VFB with light mix and compositing capabilities
- Old VFB can be re-enabled with VRAY_VFB2_ENABLED=0 environment variable
- Added LightMix render element in Maya
- Added new render elements for VRayToonMtl
- Added JSON-formatted Light Select metadata to EXR files
- Added render elements presets based on intended compositing workflow
- Implemented blue-noise optimization for the DMC sampler
- Implemented "Improved" sky model
- Improved post translate Python script control
- Light Path Expressions
- LPE boolean operations ^, &, | and - on expression
- Support ACEScg renderer color space
- New VRayProxy node
- Added a clear coat layer to VRayMtl
- Added a sheen layer to VRayMtl
- VRayBlendMtl with dynamic layers
VRayDomeLight/V-Ray GPU
- Ground projection for Dome Lights
- Added support for Cryptomatte mode by Node Material Name
- Initial support for Out-of-Core codepath
- Initial Matte Next implementation
- Per-device GPU memory tracker
- Support for Environment and Self Illumination contribution for Light Selects
- Support for the Spline interpolation types of Maya ramps
- Support for Random by Name mode of VRayMultiSubTex
- Support for the Secondary matte projections on the GPU
- 2D Displacement support
V-Ray Denioser
- Denoising devices can now be selected with an environment variable
- Maya Mesh support for Cached Playback in Maya 2019 and 2020
V-Ray Scene Converter
- Convert lights for V-Ray
Modified features
- Added an option to export full path names for proxies
- Automatic conversion to the new VRayProxy node
- Check if the folder where the proxy will be saved exist before the export starts
- Enabled "Optimize for instancing" for proxy export by default
- Renamed the "One voxel per mesh" label for proxy export to "Optimize for instancing"
- Renamed -vrscenePreview to -vrsceneWholeScene in the ply2vrmesh option list
- Speed up the proxy export
- Light evaluation UI improvements
- GI settings clean up
- Cleaned up the Light Cache settings
- Improved access to often used items in V-Ray menu
- Removed "Generate render elements" option from Denoiser Render element UI
- Enabled texture cache by default
- Added support for Sheen and Coat parameters in VRayMtl to material importer
- Removed the Auto Volume Shader option for Maya Fluids
- Removed the Embree settings from the UI
- Removed the skylight portal options for lights
- Removed the Irradiance Map GI engine
- Removed the Linear Workflow option
- Enabled GI by default
- Cleaned up the UI for lights
- Removed the V-Ray Quick Settings
- Removed the local subdiv settings and use automated shading sampling
- Do not adjust intensity when changing light units for mesh lights
- Improved drag and drop default connections onto the V-Ray Mtl material override extra attrbites
- Added support for V-Ray list parameters in VRayPluginNode
- Faster instancer export
- VRayScene: Render Stats / Wrapper for Instancer2
- UserAttibuteValue should not truncate integers larger than 24 bits
- Volumes in VRaySwitchMtl should only use the volume plug
- Removed V-Ray Swarm from the UI
- Bitmap filenames from user attribute tags should not append project path
- Make V-Ray GPU use the memory of the Meshes directly from V-Ray containers without copying
- Implement picking objects/materials for Optix
- EXR and TIFF files are now referenced in memory based on hash metadata
- Ability to enable or disable the global hair tree
- Added support for instancing hair on GPU
- Faster first startup on multi-GPU machines
- Reduced memory usage when using RTX
- Improved volume intersection and shading
- Added log messages for NVLink usage
- Updated the volumetric rendering on V-Ray GPU to be able to handle Volume grid and Environment Fog primitives simultaneously
- Improved time-to-first-pixel when there's lots of nodes with user attributes
- Reduced memory usage with OptiX when rendering with bucket sampler and on-demand textures
VRayProxy/ V-Ray IPR
- Improved responsiveness when moving proxies in IPR
- Removed VRayHair3Mtl
- Energy preserving Metalness for colored reflections
- Removed the exit colors and soften edge advanced options from VRayMtl
- Removed soften edge and exit colors from VRayToonMtl
- Removed the out-of-process IPR option
Viewport 2.0
- Apply color management for file textures connected to lights in Viewport 2.0
- Removed the Viewport display options for textures of lights
- Removed the front and back lighting options from VRayFastSSS2
- Improved proxy loading performance
- Improved alembic import times
- Collapse the individual color corrections rollouts by default
- Greyed out the compensate exposure option of LightMtl when direct illumination is enabled
- Added support for explicit texture coordinates for the Texture sampler in Maya/Standalone
Bug fixes
- Fixed slower render when started by clicking the VFB "render last" icon
- Fixed wrong bounding boxes on VRayScene preview
- Fixed new hair material not being affected when AcesCG color space is selected
- OSX: Fixed Installer failing to remove firewall exception
- Fixed artifacts with the adaptive dome light in the attached scene
- Fixed wrong object translations with flipAxis enabled in the VRayMesh preview
- Fixed very high memory usage when playing with VFB color corrections and the vfbControl command
- Fixed wrong VRaySun viewport preview when parent transform is scaled
- Fixed fatal error when rendering a refractive material in a specific scene
- Fixed OSL shader not taking into account the connected multiplyDivide node
- Fixed importing plugin object parameters for VRayPluginNode not working
- Fixed skipExistingFrame breaking the dome light texture when the first frame exists
- Fixed having V-Ray AppSDK installed prevents python in V-Ray for Maya working
- Fixed rendering hair ignoring per vertex map channels
- Fixed using uninverted normal bump option resulting in strange/wrong rendering
- Fixed error for swatches of file textures with filenames containing tags
- Allow longer names of render elements when saving in a .vrimg file from the VFB
- Fixed user attribute syntax with spaces around attribute name not working
- Fixed segmentation fault with alembic file on Linux
- Fixed instanced hair crashing when using VRayHairMtl
- Fixed error on importing vrscene with vrscene in geometry mode inside
- Fixed the Locator scale parameter not working on sphere and rectangular V-Ray lights in Viewport 2.0
- Fixed V-Ray could crash if reading maximum memory snapshot after plugins have been unloaded
- Fixed crashes when rendering with CUDA CPU
- Fixed crashes when rendering with OOC and a dynamic mesh has velocity channel
- Fixed crashes if it fails to initialize devices
- Fixed crash during vray mesh export
- Added support for more than 8 light select render elements when using light cache
- Improved GPU loading time on scenes with many materials
- Do not allow NaN colors read from EXR files into the renderer
- Fixed wrong hue shift when using the colorCorrect node in Maya
- Fixed random crashes when there is a particle system in the scene
- Fixed Gamma and Alpha controls in the Maya colorCorrect texture not working on the GPU
- Fixed crash with VRayBlendMtl additive option
- Fixed crash when rendering very tiny hairs with length close to zero
- Fixed rendering on GPU with NVLink crashing in specific scenario
- V-Ray may crash when rendering with GPU and the GPU fails during initialization
- Difference between Full Light Select RE and RGB with VRayFastSSS2
- V-Ray standalone prints garbage on the first progress print
- Artifacts in consecutive renders after modifying texture used in both displacement and shading
- HDR Textures with really high values attached to lights can cause fireflies
- Material index overflow on GPU causes artefacts in specific scene
- Fixed SSS not computed for VRayALSurface materials seen through glossy refraction
- Fixed crash with Lens Effects and IPR set to interactive update
- Fixed VRayBerconNoise Color1 and Color2 missing in Lookdev Hypershade template
- Fixed Bercon Noise rendering differently in Maya 2015, 2016, 2016.5 and 2017
- Fixed crash with Maya's Evaluation Cache when changing VRayMesh preview type
- Fixed VRayMultiSubTex not looping through texture ids correctly
V-Ray GPU/VRayBlendMtl
- Fixed random incorrect render of VRayBlendMtl with submaterials with bitmaps