Page History
Build 5.20.02
Official Release
Date - Dec. 9, 2021
UI Button | ||||||||||
- Added support for the Referenced Shader VOP
- Added support for live (in-memory) volumes
- Added "creaseweight" attribute support for V-Ray Subdivision
- Added support for USD Prim Vars for shading (e.g. "Cd")
- Added support for string USD Prim Vars as part of the Image File VOP File Path (e.g. $HIP/<someAttr>)
- Added Distance Texture support with regex USD primitive selection
- Added native V-Ray AOVs support (i.e. component level outputs)
- Added Sampler AOV support (i.e. ray level outputs
- Added Cryptomatte AOV support
- Added MultiMatte AOV support
- Added Light Path Expression AOV support
- Added Extra Texture (i.e. arbitrary Prim Var) AOV support
- Added "V-Ray Standard Render Vars" LOP
- Added V-Ray Mesh Light parameters to the Light LOP
- Added support for instancing V-Ray Mesh Lights
- Added a "V-Ray Proxy" LOP node for loading VRMesh files
- Added support for the Round Edges material
- Added support for the FallOff texture
- Added Distributed Rendering options in the Render Settings LOP
- Added Linux support for the V-Ray Hydra delegate
- Added Mac OSX support for the V-Ray Hydra delegate
- Added support for rest attributes export ("rest", "rnml")
- Added support for instancing of Volume USD primitives
- Cryptomatte AOV is now saved to disk when rendering through Husk
- Fixed black/empty viewport when switching between available delegates
- Added support for additional Render Var data types (half3, half4, etc)
- Updated Multi ID Material/Texture to match V-Ray for Maya
- Fixed Displacement update issues
- Fixed Dome Light texture not matching Solaris viewport
- Fixed Dome Light texture rotation not working
- Fixed crowd import causes a crash
- Fixed material update issues
New features
- Added support for Houdini 19
- Added the V-Ray Decal SOP
- Added support for isolating Convex and Concave values in the Curvature texture
- Added a "V-Ray Aur Convert" ROP for converting VDBs to V-Ray's native AUR volume format
- Added support for any arbitrary string attribute in an alembic file for use with the Pattern ID VOP
- Alembic face sets (groups) can now be queried with the "set:<name>" syntax for use with the Multi ID Material/Texture
- Added the "Grouped Lights" option to the Light Mix render element
- Added additional material override options under the Renderer ROP's Options tab
- Added support for loaded image file frame overrides on the Image File VOP allowing looping of texture sequences
- Added support for dynamically reloading the OCIO environment configuration in the "_vfh_ipr" python module
- Added support for time-dependent expressions for the Image Output path on the Renderer ROP
- Added GPU support for rest attributes
- Added the MakeTX utility in the V-Ray for Houdini builds under the appsdk/bin folder
- Added support for Camera and Physical Camera properties on HDAs with a Camera node as the representative node
- Added support for exporting multiple cameras to the VRScene
- Added VRScene Material Import support for remapping the UV Channel Index for scenes coming from 3ds Max
- Added an option to remove the VRIMG file after the rendering has completed
- Added support for the Displacement VOP in the Referenced Shader VOP
- Added VRScene Material Import for custom plugins
- Added support for driving the Image Sampler's Min/Max Subdivisions parameter with an expression, when exporting to per-frame VRScene files
- Added support for the "N" attribute for particles when rendered as circles
- Added the "Streaks", "Thin Walled" and "Ignore Bump" options to the V-Ray Dirt texture
- Added the "Composite" texture for VRScene Material Import from Maya
- Added support for rendering Alembic particles using the Phoenix Foam Shader
- Added the "Auto" mode for the selected Transfer Function of textures on the Image File VOP
- Added the "VFH_RGB_COLOR_SPACE" environment variable for selecting the RGB Color Space option on the Renderer ROP
- Added support for "looks" in the OCIO configuration file for the new VFB
Modified features
- Updated the Image File "Transfer Function" and "RGB Primaries" parameters
- The Volume Grid Cache SOP can now only be used to load Chaos Phoenix (.aur) cache files
- Pressing the render (teapot) icon on the VFB or the "Render" button on the V-Ray shelf will only start a single frame render, regardless of ROP "Frame Range" settings
- Updated the installer to use the "houdini_version" and "houdini_python" keywords in the JSON package file to simplify deployment
- The V-Ray GUI license is now released when no V-Ray nodes are present in the scene
- The Chaos Cloud client app is now always installed when using the default/quick installation process
- Probabilistic Volumetrics are now enabled by default on the Renderer ROP
- Updated the V-Ray logo in all relevant title bars inside the V-Ray Installer and the Houdini GUI
- Removed the "Global Settings" entry in the V-Ray menu
- Reduced the font size for the Installer
- Light Mix AOV elements are now sorted by name
- Updated the V-Ray TOP's Output Path parameter value for the ROP Fetch TOP node inside the HDA
- Updated the V-Ray Log messages when .VDBs are missing on disk
- Added support for the "Override Frame Number" on the Image File VOP when inside a locked HDA
- Added the "Opacity Source" parameter
- Added a warning when a render is started that would require baking a large volume into the generated VRScene
- Light Lister entries are now sorted by name
- Added support for Cryptomatte by Material Name for materials inside HDAs
- Significantly sped up the VRScene export when cached volumes are present in the scene
- Sped up the VRScene export for instanced mesh lights holding cached alembic sequences
- Changed the UV mapping for procedural textures when no UV generator is attached to ensure GPU support
- Updated VRScene Unpack and Material Import UI
V-Ray Fur
- Added missing tessellation and distribution options
V-Ray Deadline
- Added "Advanced" tab for exporting key/value pairs as environment variables for the Deadline job
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the VFB History's "Use Project Path" option not working
- Fixed a crash on missing license
- Fixed a hang when exiting Houdini on Mac OSX
- Fixed an issue causing V-Ray to fail loading due to wrong default packages location
- Fixed an issue with the silent install option causing V-Ray to fail the installation when providing a config.xml file
- Fixed a Mac OS 11.2 crash on render
- Fixed a crash when exporting a VRScene sequence with a Python 3 Houdini build
- Material Library download fails if the provided path on disk does not exist
- Added the EULA file to the ZIP builds and Installer
- Light Lister's Refresh button is not working on Python 3 Houdini builds
- Fixed a crash when closing the Houdini GUI on Linux
- Fixed wrong UV mapping for unpacked VRScenes
- Fixed wrong output piping for the Remap texture when importing from a VRScene
- Fixed Distributed Rendering not starting due to a missing library
- Fixed an installer issue causing the GUI installation to fail
- Fixed Multi ID Material not imported for VRScenes coming from Maya
- Fixed instanced subnetwork is always visible
- Fixed the "Override Settings Globally" toggle for Displacement not behaving as expected
- Fixed V-Ray Environment Fog not visible in the rendered image
- Fixed wrong image output path due to wrong forward slash replacement at export time
- Fixed wrong image output name when generated through an expression querying a string point attribute
- Transform is ignored when rendering multiple Dome Lights pointing to the same texture file because a single texture is exported for the shared image file path
- Wrong export for "abcframe" primitive intrinsic when rendering a sequence
- Fixed an issue with VRScenes submitted to the V-Ray Cloud that caused an error message related to the output file path format
- Fixed "abcframe" intrinsic ignored for alembics used as the source geometry for a V-Ray Mesh Light
- Fixed lights in the Renderer ROP's "Forced Lights" list ignored when rendering a sequence
- Fixed "$F" always evaluated to "10" for texture file paths in the Image File VOP
- Fixed multiple camera export issue after rendering with IPR
- Fixed wrong AOV tag export causing wrong output image file naming
- Extra Texture AOV in animation renders black after first frame
- Wrong material assignment when bypassed nodes are present in the Material Builder when using the "Forced Materials" list on the Renderer ROP
- Fixed crash after rendering of packed geometry or when exporting to a VRScene
- Fixed doubled Motion Blur effect for V-Ray Mesh Lights using Alembics as source geometry
- Parameter values and connections are missing on scene re-open when using the OSL texture and/or material
- Changing OSL code wipes all parameter values
- Fixed float input errors when other nodes are attached
- Fixed float output from shaders not exposed
- Fixed surface derivatives not working
- Fixed absorption and ray depth not exposed for refraction
- Fixed user attributes not exposed for texture binding
- Fixed emissive surfaces not emitting light
- Fixed a bug causing no anti-aliasing for Cryptomatte in Material mode due to a missing parameter export for live geometry
- Non-cached (in-memory) volumes would occasionally fail to render due to size limitations
- Fixed wrong illumination over instanced geometry when using the Rayserver Instancer
- Sped up rendering for instanced geometry when using the Rayserver Instancer
- Fixed a crash when rendering volumetrics in a specific scene
- Fixed an issue causing light links to fail for alembic sequences
- The "Zero Infinity Depth" option was not working when "Filtering" was enabled for the Z-Depth render element
- Fixed a rendering slowdown when using the TexOCIO VOP
- Baking a single UDIM tile has no UDIM tag in the name of output image
- Baking to UDIMs bakes the specified UV range for every tile, even when disabled
- Enabling "Specify UV Range" caused the "UDIMs" option to stop working
- Added support for baking a UV range without using the UDIM workflow so baking to a single texture is possible
- Fixed an issue causing significant slowdown when rendering Alembic files on NUMA machines
- Fixed an issue causing the V-Ray Log to fail updating during IPR sessions
- The "Save Deep Data to Separate Files" toggle was causing a crash
- Setting the number of Render Threads to a value higher than the hardware threads caused a crash
- Fixed a crash related to the stored ROP settings on a particular scene
- Fixed the TriPlanar texture "Random by User Attribute" option not working
- Fixed texture baking using packed Alembics not working
- Pattern ID texture does not work with delayed load Alembics
- Fixed a crash when rendering groomed fur/hair
- Fixed a random error related to volume rendering on NUMA machines on Linux
- Fixed artifacts on packed Alembics containing degenerate primitives when texture filtering type is any other but "None" or "Nearest"
- Fixed "-parameterOverride" flag not working for VRScenes exported from V-Ray for Houdini when using vray.exe
- Fixed a crash with Denoiser and the Volume Grid Shader with the "Volumetric Z-Depth" option set to "Separate V-Ray Element"
- Fixed a crash after rendering with IPR after production render with LightMix in the scene
- Fixed V-Ray Fur not rendered when more than one texture attribute is used
- Fixed an edge-case crash when rendering a volume with an assigned material that is not the Volume Grid Shader
- Fixed a volumetrics related crash at render time with a specific setup
- Fixed a crash with Light Mix after rendering if the name of a light is changed and the render repeated
- Fixed a crash when rendering an Alembic file containing single-vertex polygons
- Fixed non-default "Screen Window Size" camera values doubled if Motion Blur is enabled or a Velocity AOV is present in the scene
- Fixed a bug preventing an IPR update when changing any of the Fields tab options on the Volume Grid Shader
- Fixed a crash when starting IPR with a wrong COP network image path in the Image File VOP
- Fixed a crash when using the Renderer ROP's Clear Cache button when texture caching is enabled with a tiled EXR texture
- Fixed a crash on Mac OSX when stopping IPR
- Fixed a problem causing slow IPR update when simultaneously assigning a single material to multiple objects while IPR is running
- Fixed a crash when quickly undo-ing and redo-ing an object delete operation
- Fixed no Volume Shader updates when the render flag is set over a Null SOP for a Packed Disk Primitive VDB loaded through a File SOP
- Fixed an IPR update problem causing the camera position to refresh with a one-step delay
- Fixed an IPR crash when changing the Motion Blur settings on the Renderer ROP during IPR
- Fixed an IPR crash when changing the frame when using the Phoenix Foam Shader assigned to particles
- Fixed Debug flag not working when a VOP node inside a material builder is assigned to the geometry
- Fixed a crash when changing the timeline frame when using the "Override Frame Number" option on Image File VOP
- Fixed no GI during IPR regression
- Fixed empty render and wrong export after running IPR
- Fixed a crash with a particular scene containing point particles
- Fixed "v" not used for motion blur in specific scene when rendering with CUDA
- Fixed a crash when rendering the V-Ray Toon material
- Fixed a crash when enabling the Matte/Shadow object properties while IPR is running with GPU
- Fixed a "Default Color" difference between CPU and GPU for missing textures, if the File Path field is empty
- Wrong render for the Image File VOP's color output when used as a float input for the V-Ray Material's opacity socket
- Point attributes from alembic files are not used at render time when rendering with GPU
- Fixed an Opacity issue related to the MultiID Material when rendering with GPU
- Fixed a crash when rendering volumes on the GPU, with CPU Light Cache enabled and Volume Light Cache disabled
- Fixed a GPU crash with a specific setup utilising the UV Explicit VOP and the Bercon Noise VOP
- Fixed duplicate parameter labels on the VRScans material
- Fixed a UI issue with the Color Constant VOP causing errors in the Houdini Console
- Fixed VFB "Source" layer string empty if Light Mix is selected
Build 5.10.20
Official Release
Date - June 17, 2021
New features
- Added support for Solaris
- Added support Houdini 18.5.532
- Added support Houdini 18.5.563
- Added support Houdini 18.5.596
- Added support for the "Texture" mode Render Mask option on the Renderer ROP
- Added the "Absorption Color" option for the Volume Grid shader
- Updated the V-Ray Material's "Translucency" modes
- Added the "Occlude Other Lights" option for Rect, Disk, Mesh and Sphere lights
- Added "rest" attribute support for the TriPlanar texture for Alembic files (specified in the V-Ray Object Properties)
- Added support for specifying any arbitrary string attribute stored in the Alembic file for the PatternID Texture VOP
- Added support for the Cryptomatte "Per Attribute Value" mode for V-Ray Scene Ref primitive types, when "Rayserver Instancer" is enabled (specified in the V-Ray Object Properties)
- The V-Ray GUI License is now released when no V-Ray Renderer ROPs are present in the Houdini scene
Modified features
- The VFB is now cleared on render start if the "Render Mask" option on the Renderer ROP is enabled
- Added support for the Image File VOP's frame overrides allowing linear/loop/ping-pong/hold playback of texture sequences
- Changed the Default Color parameter of the Image File VOP to black instead of gray
- Fixed a bug causing a significant slowdown of VRScene export of instanced volumes
- Added support for animated Physical Camera parameters
- The "Hair Width Multiplier" option is now always exported for Alembic files, even when the V-Ray Object Properties are not present on the parent node
- Geometry/Subnetwork node transform samples for Motion Blur are now exported even when "Velocity Blur" is enabled on the Sampling tab
- The "N" attribute is now respected when rendering points as circles
- Updated the OSL Material and OSL Texture due to various issues
- The V-Ray Displacement's generation method now defaults to "Pre-Tesselated" instead of "On the Fly"
- Deprecated the "Log Window" option on the Renderer ROP in favor of the new VFB's Log icon (bottom right corner)
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug causing the VFB to disappear when selected, in Houdini Python 3 versions only
- Fixed a bug causing V-Ray to fail loading if first used in the /stage context
- Swimming texture coordinates with TriPlanar when using rest attributes with an Alembic file
- Crash on render start with the V-Ray Toon material
- Crash on render start with Matte geometry
- Crash when deleting a Subnetwork or HDA during IPR with the debug flag enabled on the node
- The IPR refresh was always one step behind the user input
- The V-Ray Installer selects the Python 2 version of V-Ray instead of the Python 3 one when the Advanced mode is used
- Fixed various issues with the Silent Install option
- Alembic files loaded through the MOPs instanced cause a crash on render start
- Using V-Ray Subdivision on MOPs instances causes a crash on render start
- The "UV Channel Name" VOP was not working after a Solaris related change
- Hidden forced objects in the light's Illumination Mask are not illuminated at all
- The "Skin" material's "Primary Reflection" and "Secondary Reflection" options were not exported
- Fixed a regression with the "Bercon Noise" VOP
- The $F4 tag is evaluated incorrectly when rendering in a Subnetwork/HDA in TOPs
- Fixed wrong forward slash replacement for network paths
- Fixed a crash when rendering a Geo node with Object Merge SOP pointing to an Alembic file
- Fixed wrong export of Alembic's "abcframe" primitive intrinsic attribute when rendering an animation
- No motion blur for per-frame alembic files containing multiple frame samples
- The Physical Camera "Exposure Value" parameter was always exported as thirteen
V-Ray Proxy
- Crash on export with Houdini 18.5.462
Chaos Cloud
- Cloud ROP fails silently if wrong ROP is connected
- Incorrect import of reMap value from a .vrscene file, exported from Maya
- Incorrect import of volumeNoise (3D noise) from a .vrscene file, exported from Maya
Chaos Cosmos
- Texture assets from Cosmos using the ".tx" format were failing to load
- Node names are always used as AOV names for the Light Select element
- The Light Select RE was not working due to a missing parameter export
- Empty Light Select after the first frame, when rendering a sequence
- Fixed a crash on render start with MacOS Big Sur 11.2
Build 5.00.50
Official Release
Date - Nov. 17, 2020
New features
Support for rendering in ACEScg color space with option to recognize the texture color space from the file name
Updated the V-Ray for Houdini installer so the V-Ray Material Library can be automatically set up in Houdini
Added the V-Ray Material Library (Windows only)
Added support for Post-Translate scripts in V-Ray 5 for Houdini
Simplified Renderer ROP UI
Added support for the V-Ray Memory Tracker
- Add support for Out-of-Core codepath
- Support for 2D displacement
- Add support for OSL shaders
- Add support for the Cellular map
- Add support for the Bercon Tiles and Bercon Wood maps
- Add entirely new implementation of the VFB with integrated Layers compositing
- Added support for the Light Mix Render Element
- Added Coat and Sheen layers for the V-Ray Material
- Added a new car paint material with more precise flakes filtering and reduced memory usage
- Add a UVW Randomizer that should be used solely as Image File and Triplanar VOPs' uvwgen input with stochastic tiling support
- Added randomization options for the Multi ID texture
- Added a "Same Object Mode" option for the V-Ray Dirt texture
- Added an Illumination Mask option to the V-Ray Lights
Modified features
- The "Light Path Expression" option under the Light Select element is now always available regardless of presence of the VFH_LPE_ENABLE environment variable
- V-Ray shading VOPs are no longer visible in the Material Builder context of 3rd party render engines
- Dropped support for Houdini versions below 18.0
V-Ray Proxy
- Updated the Proxy Export Simplification Type drop-down
- The Gallery files for the V-Ray Material Library now ship with the V-Ray for Houdini installation
- The Color Space parameter for files loaded in the Image File VOP is now automatically set up based on the file's name
Added support for the "Reference Space" and "Reference Transform" options for the TriPlanar texture for world-space projections
Added the "Random" and "Pattern ID" textures for V-Ray 5
- Light Select elements with a Lights list pointing to non-existent scene lights will be ignored
- Optimized scene export for scenes containing large numbers of lights in multiple subnetwork levels
- Added support for expressions in the Renderer ROP's Objects lists
Added support for selecting subnetwork in the Light Select's "Lights" list
Improved export time for instances with motion blur
Added support for V-Ray Object Properties placed over a Geometry node holding a VRScene SOP
Added support for exporting UV sets from unpacked alembic files even if the attribute type info is not "texturecoord"
- Added support for named UV sets for the Renderer ROP's UV Mapping type
Material Library
- Updated the material library
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug preventing V-Ray from loading on OSX
- Fixed a bug causing the Standalone V-Ray executable to fail on Windows
- Fixed V-Ray not loading on Linux
- Fixed a crash when rendering using Light Select Light Path Expressions
- Fixed a crash when closing the Volume Grid Shader custom ramps on OSX
- Fixed a bug causing textures with $F in the file name to not be evaluated correctly for production rendering
- Fixed a crash when the License Server is not installed and rendering is attempted
- Fixed an 'Exception in Core' crash with CUDA and RTX
- Fixed a bug causing incorrect evaluation of attributes in the texture's path when rendering with CUDA or RTX
- Removed legacy message "Unsupported 2D Type for Displacement" printed in log when using V-Ray GPU
Fixed a CUDA crash on Linux
Fixed a bug causing displacement to fail when rendering with CUDA or RTX
Fixed a bug causing attributes on particles to be ignored for shading
- The Subdivision toggle under the Displacement Properties does not update the IPR
- Changing any of the OCIO Texture's parameters does not update the IPR
- The Illumination Mask parameter is not updated in IPR
Fixed an IPR crash after production rendering
Fixed an IPR crash when starting IPR on frames other than 1
Fixed an IPR crash when changing the timeline frame during IPR
Fixed a bug causing IPR to halt when changing a parameter on the new Car Paint 2 material
- Fixed a crash on second render after adding a new layer in the compositor
Fixed a bug causing inaccurate Render Region in production rendering
Fixed a bug causing production renders to disable the history and clear the set up History folder path
Fixed "Use VFB Background Image" option under the Renderer ROP not working with the new VFB
V-Ray Proxy
- Fixed crash on export with Proxy Export SOP
- Fixed bad parsing for quotes in Light Select's Light Path Expression
- The Illumination Mask parameter does not behave correctly when the same light is present
- Fixed an incorrect export for the OSL Texture and OSL Material
- Fixed Exposure Value of Physical Camera is not exported
- Fixed Hair Properties' Render as Smooth Curves toggle breaks material assignments with Multi Material for hair
- Fixed a Deadline issue causing wrong export path for VRScenes in a specific case
- The Material ID VOP's "lpe_label" parameter was set up to export incorrect data type which caused wrong LPE output
- Some animated Renderer ROP parameters are ignored when the render camera is also animated
- Fixed a bug causing the V-Ray UVW Randomizer VOP to behave incorrectly when used with the V-Ray Triplanar texture
Fixed a bug causing double export for the lights in the Light Select element producing incorrect results
Fixed wrong parsing for Image File node's File Path parameter
- Fixed VFB Render Region is discarded on render or IPR start
- Fixed UI locked after render is done or stopped when the Renderer ROP is connected to another node
- Fixed Bezier Curve texture produces values beyond 1 even if Extrapolate Beyond End Points is OFF
- The "Pack Scene" button causes an error when looking for the V-Ray Log if the relevant environment variables are not present and the log file is missing
- Set Light Select default "Lights" parameter to "*" instead of empty string
- Added additional Sun Light options to the V-Ray Light Lister
- Fixed a bug causing the "Unpack to Polygons" option to occasionally cause a crash
- Fixed a crash when creating a VRScene SOP if V-Ray is not initialized by creating a Renderer ROP
- Fixed a crash when creating a VRScans VOP if V-Ray is not initialized by creating a Renderer ROP
- Fixed an issue causing upload of multiple jobs from multiple Renderer ROPs connected to the Chaos Cloud ROP to fail
- Updated the V-Ray Installer for OSX and Linux
Build 5.00.30
Beta Release
Date - Sept. 16, 2020
New features
- Add entirely new implementation of VFB with integrated Layers compositing
- Support for rendering in ACEScg color space with option to recognize the texture color space from the file name
- Simplified Renderer ROP UI
V-Ray Library
- A material library browser utility for the V-Ray Material Library
- Added Coat and Sheen layers for the V-Ray Material
- Added a new car paint material with more precise flakes filtering and reduced memory usage
- Add a UVW Randomizer that should be used solely as Image File and Triplanar VOPs' uvwgen input with stochastic tiling support
- Added randomization options for the Multi ID texture
- Add support for Out-of-Core codepath
- Support for 2D displacement
- Add support for OSL shaders
- Add support for Cellular map
- Add support for BerconTiles and Bercon Wood maps
Known Issues
- No Post Translate support yet
- The Light Mix element is not yet available
- VFB Render Region is ignored for Production rendering and IPR
- Physical Camera’s Exposure Value parameter does not work as intended
- PatternID and Random textures are not yet implemented for V-Ray 5
- Displacement from VOP network does not behave correctly when applied with a Material SOP to Merged meshes - only if some of the faces do not have a material with displacement assigned to them
- Incorrect message "Unsupported 2D Type for Displacement" printed when rendering with V-Ray 5 GPU