Assets are grouped in Categories for ease of access and use. The Materials, Geometries, and Textures categories are located at the top of the central Asset Editor panel.
Left/Right-click on an empty category to create an asset. If there already existing items, Left-click selects the directory, while a Right-click always opens a list of available assets to choose from in order to create them. The Asset creation dropdown list remains active when the Ctrl key is held, allowing the creation of multiple assets as well. Each Category has a Search Scene tab on the top of the list, which allows searching for assets in the selected category. Select more than one category or asset at a time with Ctrl+select or Shift+select.
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The Assets tab search function only displays top-level hierarchy assets.
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The Asset lists have some additional multiple selection functionalities:
Fancy Bullets
Ctrl + Left-click on deselected item – Adds to the selection;
Ctrl + Left-click on selected item – Removes it from the selection;
Ctrl + A – Selects all items in the list/category;
Shift + Left-click – Expands the range of the current selection;
Left-click + Drag – Drags only the selected item entry;
Shift + Del – Deletes the selected asset(s) without showing a confirmation dialog;
Right-click on deselected item – Shows the context menu for the item and does not change the current selection;
Right-click on selected item – Shows the context menu for the item and doesn't change the selection. If multiple entries are selected the context menu will display only their common actions.
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Most numeric V-Ray parameters come with a slider for easier adjustment. Each slider is set to a default range of recommended or commonly used values. If a value above or below that range is used the slider adapts by increasing or decreasing its range accordingly (2x the input value) to maintain usability.
Тhe slider range does not indicate the parameter's total minimum and maximum input values. The absolute minimum and maximum values of each parameter can be found by hovering over its spinbox.
Preset Library Buttons
The Preset Material Library also has some functionality buttons at the bottom of the Asset Editor.
Adds a directory in which your .vrmats reside. When a directory is loaded, the .vrmats files load in the Preset Material Library as separate assets.
Changes the view between row between row and a column.
Changes the asset display from list to grid.
Zooms material buttons in and out to adjust the size of the preview swatches in the list.
For more information about all the functionalities that the Preset Material Library offers, follow the link.
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Multiple selection of assets is possible in the Library, but you cannot drag-and-drop more than one asset at a time.
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In V-Ray 6, the V-Ray Preset Material Library is moved to the Chaos Cosmos Browser. Materials that have already been downloaded with any earlier V-Ray version remain unchanged and can still be loaded as a custom folder. Please use the materials from the Chaos Cosmos Browser for any new projects.
The Browse Materials in Cosmos button opens all available materials in the Chaos Cosmos Browser.
The V-Ray Color Picker is accessed by selecting any color slot in the Asset Editor. It is a color manager that allows numeric color value selection in Screen (sRGB)1 and and Rendering (RGB) Color spaces, options to regulate RGB, HSV and temperature. V-Ray Color Picker automatically converts Kelvin to RGB values, as well as RGB to Kelvin whenever possible.
Left-click on the current color to save it in the palette. Alternatively, right-click on an empty slot in the palette. Right-click on a saved color in the color slot to replace it with a new one.
The V-Ray Color Picker has a Color Assistant opened by clicking on the side bar at the bottom of V-Ray Color Picker window. The Color Assistant provides color palettes to pick a color from.
Left-click on a color from the Color Assistant to pick the current color. Right-click on it to use as a base for a color palette. For more information, see the V-Ray Color Picker.
Hovering with the cursor over each color box in the Asset Editor displays a tooltip with the color value in RGB format with a range of 0 to 1 in Screen (sRGB) color space.
Most numeric V-Ray parameters come with a slider to make fine-tuning easier. Each slider is set to a default range of recommended or commonly used values. If a value above that range is used the slider adapts by increasing its range accordingly (2x the input value) to maintain usability. If a value below the current slider range is used, the slider again adjusts its range by shrinking it to twice the amount of the input value.
Тhe slider range does not indicate the parameter's total minimum and maximum input values. The absolute minimum and maximum values of each parameter can be found by hovering over its spinbox.