Default – Specifies a default color or texture for objects without Object IDs.
Mode – Specifies where to get the ID from:
Face Material ID – Polygon Selection – The VRayMultiSubTex uses a polygon selection set information. Object ID – The VRayMultiSubTex considers the Object IDs of the object when feeding the data (color or texture) to the material. Random by Composite Key – The VRayMultiSubTex randomizes based on the selected option below. Use ID Generator Texture – VRayMultiSubTex randomizes textures that allow integer input.
Switch ID Texture – A floating point value that calls the texture from the Texture List tab by the ID number. This option is available with the Use ID Generator Texture mode.
Id Gen Tex Round Mode – if the Switch value falls between two textures from the Texture list, this determines whether V-Ray rounds to the Nearest value or if it Rounds Down. This option is ignored when Interpolate is enabled.
Interpolate – If the Switch value falls between two textures from the Texture list, this interpolate between them. Otherwise, when disabled, the closest texture from the list is usedRandom by Render ID – The VRayMultiSubTex assigns random colors based on RenderIDs (internally generated by V-Ray).
Random by Node Name – Generates a color index based on the name of the node that the texture is applied to.Random by Instance ID – The VRayMultiSubTex assigns random colors based on the IDs of objects instanced with the Particle Instancer.
Random by Polygon Selection – VRayMultiSubTex assigns random colors based on the unique polygon selection of the object's faces.
Random by Object ID – VRayMultiSubTex assigns random colors based on the object's ID.Random by Mesh Element – VRayMultiSubTex assigns random colors based on element (e.g., teapot lid, etc.) IDs of the object.
Random by Scene Name – The VRayMultiSubTex assigns random color/texture based on each object's full scene path. A full scene path means that it can be used for multiple objects with the same name but located on different levels/branches in the hierarchy of the scene, e.g., instances in different groups. This option preserves the same random result per object, even if one or more objects are added or deleted from the group.
UI Text Box
Random by Instance ID – The VRayMultiSubTex assigns random colors based on the IDs of objects instanced with the Particle Instancer.
Random by Object ID – VRayMultiSubTex assigns random colors based on the object's ID.
Random by User Attribute – Randomizes the textures based on a User Attribute assigned to the specific objects and set in the Random User Attr Name field
Note that Random by Render ID mode is inconsistent between renders. You can use the Random by Scene Name mode instead
Random Hue/Sat/Gamma – These three parameters control the randomization of the output color. Input value is percentage of the HSV/gamma range and specifies the maximum random deviation, where gamma range is fixed to [1/10,10]. See the Random by Hue/Sat/Gamma example for more information.
Random User Attr Name – Determines the User Attribute to be used when Random by User Attribute is selected.
Seed – When the mode is set to Random by Node Name, this parameter allows the user to change the randomization pattern.
Loop Through Textures – This option works in Object ID mode. When the faces or objects assigned with VRayMultiSubTex map are more than the sub-textures in the map, the Loop Through Textures option goes through all sub-textures and once they finish, reverts to the first sub-texture, continuing until all faces or objects get a sub-texture. In Object ID mode all objects with assigned ID different than 0 get a sub-texture. The ones with Object ID equal to 0 get the Default color.
Image RemovedImage Added
Texture List
Add Texture – Adds a new sub-texture to the texture list.
Add From Folder – Selects a folder and uploads all the textures from that folder to the texture list.
Clear – Clears all the texture slots in the texture list, resetting the texture list to blank.
Used – Enables the sub-texture for rendering.
ID – For modes that use IDs, specifies the ID that corresponds to each texture.
Color – Specifies a color to be used instead of a texture.
Texture – Specifies a multi-sub texture to be used.