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This page provides information on Chaos Player's command line support.
Pdplayer’s The extensive command line support allows you to have full control over Pdplayer Chaos Player through any external application that can pass commands to it. The set of commands and their function is explained the pdplayerchaosplayer.cmdline.txt file txt file that can be found in the installation directory of PdplayerChaos Player. The general form of a Pdplayer Chaos Player command line is:
Code Block |
"C:\Program Files\pdplayer\pdplayerChaos Group\chaosplayer_qt5.exe" [--attach] <options> layer1 <layer-options> layer2 <layer-options> ... [--exit] |
The optional --attach should be the first option. If it's absent, a new instance of Pdplayer Chaos Player is started with the specified options. If --attach is present, the command line is sent to an existing instance of PdplayerChaos Player, which then executes it. If no Pdplayer Chaos Player instances are active, a new one is started. If several Pdplayer Chaos Player instances are active, a random one among them is chosen.
The optional --exit should be the last option. It makes Pdplayer Chaos Player exit after processing the command line and before creating the main window. This is useful for batch conversions.
The --cmdfile=file.ext option instructs Pdplayer Chaos Player to read the text file file.ext and to execute the commands in it as if they were given directly on the command line.
path/file014.ext – Names one frame of the sequence. Pdplayer Chaos Player will automatically detect that the file is part of a sequence by examining the trailing digits in the name. Both \ and / are valid as path separators.
where Bi is the start frame, Ei is the end frame, and Si is the frame step. -Ei and /Si are optional. As an example,
test.####.tga exr --range=1-4,100-200/20,204,207
represents the sequence
Code Block | ||
| ||
start pdplayerchaosplayer --fps=25 --global_aspect=1.067 --back_color=black --mask=720,576 d:\footage\back0001.tgaexr --alpha=ignore --brightness=0.1 d:\footage\front0001.tgaexr -blend=add --opacity=20 |
Code Block | ||
| ||
start pdplayerchaosplayer d:\footage\seq0001.exr --exposure=-0.5 --soft_clip=3.5 --save_layer_as=d:\footage\seq2.tgapng -exit |
Code Block | ||
| ||
start pdplayerchaosplayer d:\footage\seq2.0001.tgaexr --save_layer_as=d:\footage\,avc1mp4 --exit |