Primitive – Randomizes by different primitives which are triangles, hair strands, particles, etc.
Sub-primitive – Randomizes by different sub-primitives, which are displacement microtriangles or hair segments.
Polygon – Randomizes by different polygons, which are groups of triangles (e.g. quads).
Mesh Element – Randomizes by different connected mesh elements, which are groups of triangles connected by edges.
Decal – Randomizes by different distinct decal objects. This randomizes only the decal layer, not the object it is projected onto. Note that this tracks decals by their names, so the result will change if a decal is renamed.
Tile ID – Randomizes by different tiles if Corona Tile Map is used.
Instance – Randomizes by different scene objects (or instances in a scatter object).
UI Text Box
This tracks objects by their names, so the results will change if an object is renamed.
Material GBuffer ID – Selects map with index equal to the hit material G-Buffer ID.
Object GBuffer ID – Selects map with index equal to the hit material G-Buffer I
Material name – Randomizes by different assigned materials.
UI Text Box
This tracks materials by their names, so the results will change if a material is renamed.
Face Material ID – Selects map with index equal to the hit face material ID.
Batch loading
Batch load textures – Allows loading several textures at once.
Load Input – Number The number of inputs input used during batch loading (the selected files are loaded into this input number).
Item count – Defines the number of mixed items.
Mix amount – Non-zero values enable random tinting of the colors. When enabled, the output color is randomly mixed with the average color computed from all input slots.
Blur multiplier – Multiplies each individual map blurring by this value (so 0 turns all blurring (filtering) and 1 leaves it untouched).
Seed – The value that makes random permutations of the mixed items.
Hue random – Controls randomization of the resulting color hue. The value specifies maximal distance from the original hue (in a range of 0-100%), where 0% disables randomization and 100% applies maximal hue randomization.
Saturation random – Controls randomization of the resulting color saturation. The value specifies maximal saturation randomization.
Gamma random – Adds additional randomization of midtones (gamma) to the results (in a range of 0-100%), where 0% disables randomization and 100% applies maximal reasonable gamma randomization.
Additional Outputs – If set to a higher value than 0, the texture will have this many additional inputs and outputs.
Result of the above material setup. The red trees are much more frequent than other variants.
UI Expand
Click here to see the material setup
Additionally, the frequency of each color version can be controlled using the "Frequency" value.
A "Winter" version of the scene can also be achieved by randomizing the opacity of tree leaves. This way, some of the trees will appear leaf-less.
UI Expand
Click here to see the material setup
Using a Corona Multimap Map with Multiple Output Maps
In this example, we are using a Corona Multimap with the additional outputs option to affect all the leaf textures of the tree leaves.
Image Added
UI Expand
Click here to see the material setup
Additional outputs value is set to 5 in the Corona Multimap.