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Tone Mapping


Contrast – Changes contrast - the difference in brightness between light and dark areas of the image. Values greater than 1 increase the image contrast, and values below 1 decrease it.

Photographic Exposure – Changes overall exposure of the image based on the settings of the currently used camera.

Saturation – C ontrols the overall image saturation, negative values decrease it.

Tint – S ets the overall color tint of the scene. The entire image is multiplied by this color. This can be used both to add and remove color tints from the image. To add a tint, select the color of the tint directly. To remove tint from any rendered object, pick its color using the pick inverse eyedropper in Corona Improved Color Picker.

Vignette – S imulates the real-world camera vignette by darkening the edges of the image.

White Balance Sets the white balance point using Kelvin temperature, often used in photography. Lower temperature leads to a bluish, cold appearance of the image, while higher temperature leads to a warm appearance.

Curve Control

Advanced Filmic Mapping Applies highlight compression and shadow saturation control using Filmic S-curve. Allows more control over the curve compared to the basic Filmic operator. When enabled, the output is always in the interval [0, 1] so the bright pixels are compressed.

Curves – Applies custom color mapping curves.

UI Expand
titleClick here to see how to zoom and navigate within the curve editor (available from Corona 12):

Image Removed

Filmic Mapping – Allows highlight compression and shadow saturation control using Filmic S-curve.

Tone Curve – Allows independent control of different tones of the image - shadows (the darkest areas), darks, light, and highlights (the brightest areas).

Highlight control

Reinhard Highlight compression – Compresses highlights in the image to reduce/remove burned-out areas. Increasing the value removes burned-out areas, and decreasing it amplifies highlights.

Final look

ACES OT (Output Transform) – Applies approximate ACES Output Transform which is consisting of Reference Rendering Transform (RRT) and Output Device Transform (ODT).

LUT – Changing the overall look of the image by applying a predefined LUT.

UI Text Box

The effect of this operator may not be unmapped correctly in CoronaTonemapContol, especially with the logarithmic option enabled or opacity set lower than 1.

Bloom and Glare

Compute After Render – Determines if bloom and glare will be computed during rendering or at the end of it.

UI Text Box

This option is available in VFB 2.0 starting from Corona 12

UI Expand
titleClick here to see VFB 2.0 UI

Image Removed

Size Increases/decreases bloom and glare size.

Bloom intensity Increases/decreases bloom intensity.

Glare intensity Increases/decreases glare intensity.

Threshold Controls the minimum brightness which is considered for the Bloom and Glare effect. Increasing the threshold applies Bloom and Glare only to the brighter pixels. Reducing it allows the Bloom and Glare effect to be applied to pixels that are less bright.

Color intensity Controls how saturated the Bloom and Glare effect is. Higher values mean higher saturation.

Color shift Changes the hue of the coloring added to the Bloom and Glare effect.

Streak count   Defines the number of streaks for the glare effect. 

Rotation  Rotation of the glare effect in degrees.

Streak blur – D ecides whether the glare streaks should be sharper or more blurry.

Custom aperture  Launches an editor which can be used to fine-tune advanced Bloom and Glare options.


Sharpen amount The value that is used to control sharpening.

Sharpen radius Defines the sharpness radius.

Blur radius Defines the radius of blur.


Denoise amount The main value that is used to control denoising. It blends between the original (noisy) image and the fully denoised version of the image, where 0 is the original image and 1 is the purely denoised version.


