This page provides an overview of the atmospheric effects available in V-Ray for Houdini.


The atmospheric effects in V-Ray simulate fog and participating media for a number of image effects. These effects also include V-RayToon, a cartoon-styled non-photorealistic effect that enables toon shading as a render effect throughout the scene, and Volumetric Grid rendering that works with grid based cache formats to create effects such as dynamic plumes of smoke.

UI paths:

||mat Network|| > V-Ray > Effects

||mat Network|| > V-Ray > Volumes

Atmospheric Effects

True atmospheric effects are applied throughout the entire scene as viewed from the viewport. While parameters give limited control over the appearance of the effect, atmospheric effects render faster than volumetric effects.

V-Ray Fog Effect

A fog effect throughout the scene, with control through maps and distance settings.

V-Ray Toon Effect

A very simple atmospheric plugin that produces cartoon-style outlines on specific objects in the scene.

Aerial Perspective

An atmospheric effect that simulates aerial perspective. It works together with VRaySun and VRaySky to calculate an approximation to the aerial perspective effect.

Volumetric Effects

Volumetric effects use a volume to contain the atmospheric effect. While volumetric effects offer a great deal of control over the placement of the effect, they take longer to render.

V-Ray VolumeGrid Foam

Shades particles such as splash and foam, but also may be used to render sparks, sand or thin cigarette smoke.

V-Ray VolumetricGrid Shader

Imports grid-based volumetric simulation data from external programs to create fire, smoke, and fluid simulations within V-Ray for Houdini.

V-Ray VolumetricGrid Texture

A texture used for sampling voxel values from a volume within V-Ray for Houdini.

Sphere Fade

A volumetric gizmo used to render just a small part of the scene by putting them in a special spherical locator.