This page contains information about the V-Ray Noise Texture.


The TexNoise node generates a procedural noise texture. It uses an implementation similar to that of Maya. It uses two colors that can also have texture maps assigned to them.



Type – Specifies the type of noise to be created through the Noise procedural.

Inflected Perlin
Marble(with Perlin)

Dimensions – Specifies the type of space for the texture.

2D – Applies the noise as a 2D texture.
3D – Applies the noise as a 3D texture.

Color A – Controls the first of the two colors used by the Noise procedural.

Color B – Controls the second of the two colors used by the Noise procedural.

Amplitude – Controls the range of the Noise.

Threshold – Specifies a value added to the noise function. Note that values above 1.0 are clamped.

Frequency – Controls the amount of Noise generated. Higher values create smaller, finer noise.

Lacunarity – Controls the fractal lacunarity, that is the size distribution of the holes. 

Octaves – Controls the number of functions to use when calculating Perlin Noise.

Time – Specifies the time of the noise. This acts as a third or fourth dimension to the noise generating function.

Inflection – Enables and disables the inflection effect.

Clamp – When enabled, the texture colors are clamped.

Implode – Controls the amount of implode performed on the UVW coordinates.

Implode Center – Specifies the center of the implode effect.

Origin – Controls the translation for the noise UVW coordinates.

Scale – Controls the scale for the noise UVW coordinates.

Wrap – Enables the wrapping of the texture.