This page provides information on the Exporter rollout under the System tab in V-Ray's Render Settings.


The Exporter rollout contains options related to the Render engines, the VFB, and the export of final renders.

UI Path


||Properties editor|| > Render > System tab > Exporter rollout



Type Selects the back-end renderer that is used to export and render the scene.

V-Ray Standalone  

Export Smoke – Enables the export of smoke.

Export Hair – Enables the export of hair.

Subsurf To OpenSubdiv – When enabled, objects with Subdivision Surface modifiers are exported as non-modified (non-subdivided) and are subdivided using OpenSubdiv at render time instead. This reduces the size of the exported file, as well as the export time.

Calculate instancer velocity – Used to calculate the particles velocity when using motion blur. 

Def. Mapping – Selects the type of mapping that is exported for unmapped textures.

Channel – Exports UVWGenChannel for unmapped textures
Box – Exports UVWGenProjection for unmapped textures
Object – Exports UVWGenObject for unpammed textures

Show VFB – When enabled, the VFB opens up upon rendering.

Show VFB in Batch – Shows the VFB when batch rendering.

Frame Stamp – Turns the VFB frame stamp on and off.

Close On Stop – When enbaled, the VFB automatically closes after the render finishes.

Group Render Panels – When enabled, displays the interface in separate Render/Globals/GI/Sampler/System tabs. When disabled, all interface items are listed one after the other in one single rollout.

Format  Selects the format of the exported .vrscene file.

Plain Text – Everything is readable. Please note that this format slows down exports considerably and produces larger files.
HEX – 
Encodes all values. Slower than ZIP, and faster than Plain Text.
 – ZIPs all large data inside the .vrscene files. This format is fastest and produces the smallest files.

Directory – Specifies the directory where the render is saved.

Global TMP directory – Uses the default temp folder of the OS.
Scene File Directory 
– Uses the directory containing the currently open .blend file.
Custom Directory – Uses a user-defined directory.

Separate Files – When enabled, different types of plugins are exported to different files (nodes, materials, textures, lights, camera, geometry, environment and general).

Unique Filename – If true, the exported vrscene is named using the current .blend file name.

Autorun – When enabled, the exported .vrscene is automatically rendered with V-Ray Standalone.

Generate Run File – When enabled, an OS specific file (.bat/.sh) is created. It can then be executed to run the exported .vrscene with V-Ray Standalone.

Debug  When enabled, debug messages are logged in Blender's System Console.

Update Exporter – Updates the python side of the exporter without the need of installing a new build of Blender for V-Ray.