This page describes the ply2vrmesh command-line utility.


The ply2vrmesh command-line utility can convert .ply, .obj, .bin, .geo, .bgeo, .hclassic, .bhclassic, .abc and .vrscene files to .vrmesh files for rendering with V-Ray through V-Ray Proxy Objects .




By default, the installation of V-Ray for Rhino installs ply2vrmesh.exe in the folder C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for Rhinoceros\vrayappsdk\bin.



  • The converter works with most of the popular .ply formats, both ASCII and binary, big-endian, or little-endian.
  • In addition to the geometric data (faces and vertices), the converter recognizes some of the most common additional channels such as diffuse surface color. Vertex colors are recognized if they are specified as "red", "green", and "blue" or "diffuse_red", "diffuse_green", and "diffuse_blue" vertex properties.