The VRImg to OpenEXR converter is both a command-line utility and a simple GUI application that can be used to convert .vrimg image files to .exr files in OpenEXR format.


The VRImg to OpenEXR converter is both a command-line utility and a simple GUI application that can be used to convert .vrimg image files to .exr files in OpenEXR format. The .vrimg file format is a special format used by the V-Ray VFB to store the rendered image incrementally while rendering, in full floating-point format, with all available render elements. The V-Ray Image to EXR Converter converts .vrimg files to EXR format so the render elements may be loaded into compositing software, where they can be used for Back-to-Beauty compositing or for other adjustments and fine-tuning at the render element level.



3ds Max Installation

The VRImg to OpenEXR Converter is installed along with V-Ray for 3ds Max and can be found through Start Menu > Programs > V-Ray for 3ds Max > Tools > VRImg to OpenEXR Converter.

Start the vrimg2exr executable from C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray for 3ds max\bin\ for V-Ray for 3ds Max 2021 and below, or from C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\VRay3dsMax2022\bin for V-Ray for 3ds Max 2022 and above.





One or more of the following options may be specified:


GUI equivalent


-infoInfo buttonPrints information about the .vrimg file (resolution, channels present, etc.). This is only supported for .vrimg files created with V-Ray versions 1.48.xx and higher.
-halfPixel type drop-downStores the floating-point data in the .exr file as 16-bit floating point numbers. If this option is not specified, the data is stored as 32-bit floating point numbers.
-sRGB-Converts the RGB data from the .vrimg file to the sRGB color space before writing it to the .exr file. Without this option, no color conversion is performed.
-gamma <gamma_value>-Applies the specified gamma value to the RGB colors before writing the .exr file. If this option is not specified, the data is stored in linear space.
-channel <name>Available channels drop-downOnly reads the specified channel from the .vrimg file and writes it as the RGB channel in the output file. No other channels are written to the .exr file. This option can be used to extract the different channels in the .vrimg file to separate image files. Use the -info option for a list of available channels in the file.
-compression <method>Compression type drop-downSets the compression type for the resulting .exr file. If not specified, ZIP compression is used. Currently supported values for <method>are: nonezipszippizpxr24
-bufsize <buf_size>Buffer size spinnerThe maximum buffer size per channel (in megabytes) that is used for the conversion. If the image does not fit into that buffer size, the converter will process it in several passes. Larger buffer size means faster conversion, but, obviously, requires more memory. The default is 10 MB per channel, but a larger value, e.g. 100 or more is recommended for large files. A value of 0 removes the limit for the buffer. In that case it will try to load the image in one pass which may result in utilizing all available memory.
-dataWindowData window checkboxAttempts to find a rectangle in the image that stores non-zero data (based on the alpha channel) and only stores this data window in the OpenEXR file.
-separateFilesChannels in separate files checkboxEach render channel is written to its own OpenEXR file. If not specified, a single multichannel OpenEXR file is produced.
-multiPartMultipart outputEach render channel is written to a separate "part" inside a single OpenEXR file. This allows applications to load each render element separately which may speed up the work when there are many render channels.

Limits channel names to 31 characters. The resulting OpenEXR files are compatible with applications that use version of OpenEXR Library older than 2.0.

-help-Print all possible command-line parameters.