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This page provides information about the Render tab in Chaos Vantage. 



The Render tab provides control over the rendering quality and optimizations, including such as GI, reflections, refractions and noise threshold.



GI – Enables GI. You can specify the number of bounces for the traced GI rays.

Reflections – Enables reflections. You can specify the number of bounces for the traced reflection rays.

Refractions – Enables refractions. You can specify the number of bounces for the traced refraction rays.

Coat – Enables rendering of clear coat in materials.

Shading graphWhen disabled all materials are approximated for performance. When enabled the original, non-approximated materials are used.

Bump map – Enables rendering of bump maps in materials. When disabled and Dynamic textures is enabled, reduces GPU memory consumption(scene dependent).

Normal map – Enables rendering of normal maps in materials. When disabled and Dynamic textures is enabled, reduces GPU memory consumption(scene dependent).

Noise threshold – Specifies the noise threshold that determines when to stop refining a pixel. Higher values allow more noise in the image, but the render is faster. Lower values help reduce the noise, but take more time to render. A value of 0.0 traces the entire image unconditionally.


When Bump map and/or Normal map are disabled and Dynamic textures is enabled, reduces GPU memory consumption(scene dependent).





Opacity maps (clip mode) – When enabled, opacity maps are rendered. Note that this option works as a clipper - it is either fully transparent or fully opaque. Option can also be accessed from the top toolbar icon().

Shading graph for glossy/GIWhen disabled all materials are approximated for performance for glossy and GI rays. When enabled the original, non-approximated materials are used for glossy and GI rays.

Shading graph for normal maps When disabled all materials with normal maps are approximated for performance (i.e. remove triplanar UVs or multitexture inputs for normal maps). When enabled the original, non-approximated materials are used.

Clamp secondary rays – Suppresses the contribution of very bright secondary(GI/reflection/refraction) rays, which may typically cause excessive noise (fireflies). When enabled, the scene may turn out to be darker than the actual correct result.

Min reflection glossiness – Sets minimum reflection glossiness threshold for the materials. The effect is a faster render.

Bump map multiplier – Specifies a global multiplier for the bump map intensity.

Normal map multiplier – Specifies a global multiplier for the normal map intensity.

Enable dynamic textures – When enabled, textures will be downscaled based on where are they viewed from. This reduces GPU memory consumption(scene dependent).

Enable ray termination – When enabled, increases overall FPS of the scene but increases sampling noise.

Active Pixels Overlay – Displays an overlay that shows the pixels that are currently being rendered. Light pixels are the ones that are still being shaded and the dark ones have reached the set noise threshold.

Transparency Overlay – Displays a checkerboard pattern overlay that shows pixels with alpha < 1.0 that will not be rendered when saving a .png file with alpha.