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This page provides information about the V-Ray IES light in Grasshopper.


V-Ray IES Light component creates a sphere light source. It can be connected to the V-Ray Render which automatically adds it to the rendered scene. If a list of input Positions is connected to this component multiple lights are generated.

Input Parameters

On (Boolean) – Enables or disables the light source.

Position (Point) – Sets the light source location (point position). If a list of input Positions is connected multiple lights are generated. Note: The number of input positions determines the lights count. 

Target (Point) – The light Position and Target combined determine the targeted light orientation vector.

File (Path) – Specifies an .ies file to use for the current light. 

Color (Colour) – Set a light source color. 

Power (Number) – Specifies the strength of the light to override the intensity specified in the .ies file. If the value is set to 0, the power from the IES profile is used. 

Shape (Integer) – Determines the shape of the light when calculating Soft Shadows. By default, VRayLightIES uses the shape information stored in the .ies file. 

Diameter (Number) – Determines the diameter of the light shape. 

Output Parameters

Light (Generic Data) – Light output that can be connected to a Renderer component. 

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