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Table of Contents

This article explains the settings and values for the Corona Compositing Tag.


The Corona Compositing Tag is a solution to provide the ability to manage an object's visibility (direct, in reflections, in refractions, to GI) and to assign a unique buffer ID to the object so that it can be included/excluded in a mask pass (in the Multi-Pass settings).

UI Path ||Objects tab|| > Tags > Extensions > Corona Tags > Corona Compositing

Starting with Cinema 4D 2023.1, Corona tags reside in Extensions > Corona Tags.

Tag Properties

Seen by camera – When enabled, the object is visible to the camera.

Seen by GI – When enabled, the object is visible for GI calculations.

Seen by reflections – When enabled, the object is visible to reflection rays.

Seen by refractions – When enabled, the object is visible to refraction rays.

Cast shadows – When enabled, the object is casting shadows.

Visible in mask – Allows selecting between different visibility modes for the object to be considered in mask passes. Available modes are:

Based on material – Using this mode uses the propagate mask mode in the object's material properties instead.
Invisible – Using this mode excludes the object from any mask pass that this object is assigned to.
Visible – Using this mode includes the object to any mask pass that this object is assigned to.

Object Buffer

Enable – This enables the use of a buffer ID. By default, there are only 8 (eight) buffer IDs available; however, any number can be assigned for the buffer ID, so this is not limited to eight buffer IDs.

Buffer – Defines the unique ID the object is using.

Inherit Object buffer IDs from parent – When enabled, if the parent object already has an Object buffer ID using a different Compositing Tag, the object will use the parent's object buffer ID instead.

Enabled object buffer IDs – Displays the assigned buffer IDs to the object.

Different buffer IDs can be assigned to a single object by just enabling and setting it.

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