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Table of Contents

This page provides information on the Corona Power Tools, their settings, and usage.


The Corona Power Tools, introduced in Corona 11, offer a set of different instruments to simplify the manipulation of objects, which in previous versions had to be done manually or with the help of third-party plugins.

Those tools are:

  • Object Replacer – Swaps out currently selected objects in the viewport with objects added to the "Replacing Objects" list.
  • Pivot Placer – Simplifies object pivot placement by aligning it to the object bounding box or a specific point.
  • Transform Randomizer – Randomizes transformations of selected objects by adjusting their translation, scale, and rotation along the specified axes within the defined variation ranges.
  • Scene Cleaner – Allows to quickly clean-up a scene.
  • Selection Randomizer – Allows to pick an exact number of items from the selection, based on the selection count or a designated percentage value.

Object Replacer

Add – Adds objects currently selected in the scene to the "Replacing Objects" list.

Remove – Removes selected entries from the "Replacing Objects" list.

Clear All – Removes all entries from the "Replacing Objects" list.

Seed – Changes the replacement randomization.

Cloning Type – Allows you to select one out of three available cloning types: copy, instance or reference.

Advanced – Shows additional replacement settings.

Layer From Object(s) – Specifies whether the resulting objects should be placed on the Replacing or Replaced objects' layers.
Material From Object(s) – Specifies whether the resulting objects should be using the Replacing or Replaced objects' materials.
Rotation From Object(s) – Specifies whether the resulting objects should be rotated based on the Replacing or Replaced objects' rotation. 
Scale From Object(s) – Specifies whether the resulting objects should be scaled based on the Replacing or Replaced objects' scale. 
Wire Color From Object(s) – Specifies whether the resulting objects should be using the Replacing or Replaced objects' wire colors. 

Start Preview –  Initiates a live preview directly in the viewport.

Reset Options – Restores all settings back to their default values.

Apply – Applies the custom values.

Pivot Placer


Bounding Box Adjusts the Pivot positions of the selected objects in relation to their bounding box dimensions.
Point Selection – Allows to place the Pivot of the currently selected object in the center of the current point (vertex) selection.

To use the Point selection, the object must be an Editable Poly.


No Change – Uses the original Pivot positions.
Minimum Places the Pivots at the minimum points of the objects' bounding boxes at the selected axis. 
Center – Places the Pivots at the center points of the objects' bounding boxes at the selected axis.  
Maximum – Places the Pivots at the maximum points of the objects' bounding boxes at the selected axis. 

Offset Provides additional control over the placement of the pivot point in X, Y, and Z coordinates.

Start Preview –  Initiates a live preview directly in the viewport.

Reset Options – Restores all settings back to their default values.

Apply – Applies the custom values.

Transform Randomizer

Axis X Y Z – Defines the axis in which an object(s) will be randomly transformed.

Variation Range – Defines the minimum and maximum range of translation, rotation or scaling variation.

Translation – Moves selected items along the specified axis within the defined variation range.

Rotation – Rotates selected items along the specified axis within the defined variation range.

Scaling – Scales selected items along the specified axis within the defined variation range.

Seed Allows randomization of the translation/rotation/scaling.

Start Preview   Initiates a live preview directly in the viewport.

Reset Options Restores all settings back to their default values.

Apply – Applies the custom values.

Scene Cleaner

Animation Keys – Deletes all animation keys in the scene.

Animation Layers – Deletes all animation layers in the scene.

Bitmap Cache – Frees up all the memory used by the image file bitmap caches. This is useful if memory is fragmented with a lot of different bitmaps and you want to have just ones currently active reloaded.

This operation is not undoable.

Block/Style Parent Object Deletes all nodes containing Block/Style parent object in the scene.

Empty Layers – Deletes all empty layers in the scene.

MAXScript Memory – Executes MAXScript's garbage collector, potentially freeing up some memory MAXScript was using.

This operation is not undoable.

Note Tracks  Deletes all note tracks in the scene.

All Retimers  Deletes all retimers in the scene.

All Retimers With No Markers – Deletes all retimers with no markers in the scene, i.e. empty retimers.

This operation is slower than deleting All Retimers.

Particle View Objects  Deletes all Particle View related helpers and objects.

Undo/Redo Stack  Empties the Undo/Redo stack.

This operation is not undoable.

Unresolved XRefs  Deletes all unresolved XRef objects and XRef scenes in the scene.

This operation is not undoable.

Select All – Selects all Scene Cleaner checkboxes.

Select None – Deselects all Scene Cleaner checkboxes.

Apply – Runs all selected cleanup tasks.

Selection Randomizer

Mode – Allows to select one of the two available selection modes: 

By Count – Picks the exact number of objects from the selection.

By Percentage – Picks a number of objects based on the percentage value.

Seed – Allows to randomize the selection.

Start Preview Initiates a live preview directly in the viewport.

Reset Options Restores all settings back to their default values.

Apply – Applies the custom values.

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