Important: Update Your Chaos License Server by January 28, 2025
To ensure uninterrupted access to your licenses, an essential update is required by January 28, 2025. Failure to update your Chaos license server will result in the loss of access to your licenses. For detailed instructions, please visit the FAQ Article.

Table of Contents

CONF files define render configuration. See Corona standalone input format description for the syntax conventions used in this document.

  • The format is very simple “one line = one property” one; each line sets one property of the render settings.

  • Run Corona.exe -confHelp to see the list of all settings names and its types.

  • Each line has this format: [string type] [string name] = [value]

  • The name must be one of the predefined names (see Corona.exe -confHelp).

  • Type is one of predefined values; each type has a different expected format at the […] line.:

typeValue format
Booleither true or false
Str[string]If the string does not contain whitespaces or quotation marks, it can be printed as is. Otherwise, it needs to be enclosed in quotation marks and all preexisting backslashes and quotation marks need to be prefixed with a backslash. Example: foo\bar“x becomes “foo\\bar\”x”
Vec3[float] [float] [float]Used for both vectors and colors.
Vec3Array[float] [float] [float], [float] [float] [float], …, [float] [float] [float]Triplets of floats separated by commas, variable size. Used for both vectors and colors
FloatArray[float], [float], …, [float]Floats separated by commas, variable size.
  • Each property name has only one possible type.

  • Int and float types have minimum and maximum values that are check upon loading (see Corona.exe -confHelp)

  • Some algorithm choices can be expressed both as numbers and string literals (e.g. int shading.renderEngine = Progressive). See -confHelp for complete list.

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