Table of Contents

This article will provide you a step-by-step description of how to render extreme resolutions with V-Ray.


The total number of pixels in V-Ray Frame Buffer is currently limited to 2 147 483 647 pixels.

  • For a square image, this means 46340 х 46340 pixels.

  • For example, with Width/Height Aspect 2:1 within the host platform with V-Ray, you could render 65 500 x 32 750 pixels.

Displaying images with more pixels is not recommended because it will occupy too much RAM. Instead, for such resolutions, it's recommended to use VFB preview functionality - explained below.


  1. Enable Auto-Save Image by adding a File Path, Filename and choosing V-Ray Raw Image Files (*.vrimg) format

    Asset Editor > Render Output > Save Image

    Rendering > Render setup > Common > Render Output

    For more 3ds max related information, please check the following article: Rendering Very Large Images

    Render Settings > Common > Image File Output

    V-Ray > Settings > Renderer > Auto-Save

    V-Ray > Render Settings > Images

    Render settings > Vray > Common > V-Ray output system > file

  2. Export a .vrscene

  3. Open it in text-editing software (like Notepad for example) and search for

  4. Change the values to

  5. Open V-Ray Standalone and add the edited .vrscene as a sceneFile

vray.exe -scenefile=\path\to\exported\filename.vrscene
      • Type cmd in the folder path line
      • Press Enter
      • Type vray.exe -scenefile= and drag and drop the already prepared .vrscene
      • Click over the V-Ray Standalone window
      • Press Enter

  1. Press Enter to start the rendering.
    The VFB will open in preview mode to save memory. It won’t show the whole resolution and you cannot zoom as usual. The image will be automatically saved, you don’t have to save it from the VFB.

  2. Once completed you can open .vrimg in the V-Ray Frame Buffer or use the V-Ray Image to EXR (vrimg2exr) converter to save the image to .exr file format or load it to VFB in the platform you are using. 

V-Ray Standalone - where to find vray.exe:

C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for SketchUp\extension\vrayappsdk\bin

C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\3ds Max 20**\bin

C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for Rhinoceros\vrayappsdk\bin

C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2020\vray\bin

C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for Revit\Libraries\vrayappsdk\bin

C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\Houdini **.*.***\appsdk\bin

C:\Program Files\Maxon Cinema 4D R23\plugins\V-Ray\res\libs\win64