This page provides a quick starting point for saving changes made to your scene as a .vantage file for later use.
The configuration .vantage file stores information about a scene's render settings, saved cameras, and more. You can save different versions of your scene in separate configuration .vantage files, then open or override them as needed.
In this video, you can see two color correction configurations - one for autumn time exterior and another for spring time exterior; as well as comparison between the two.
LUT default presets are used for both configurations with some additional tweaks to the Filmic tonemap. Changes to the object materials and environment settings are also done in the video.
Want to follow along but don’t have a license?
Once you make changes to your scene, you can save them as a configuration .vantage file for later use.
Go to File > Save Scene As and save the .vantage file. You can save as many configuration .vantage files, as you want, with this option, provided the names do not coincide.
File > Save Scene saves a .vantage configuration file, overriding any previous configuration files with the same name and location as the currently saved one.
Go to File > Open Scene as Config Only to open the configuration .vantage files.