This page provides information about the known limitations of Chaos Vantage.
- Mixed GPU vendors are not supported.
- GPUs must be in WDDM mode. TCC mode is not supported.
- Light cache is not supported in multi-GPU setup.
- Reservoir (re)sampling is not supported in multi-GPU setup.
- Maximum number of 8 unique UV channel sets are supported.
- Maximum texture resolution of 16384x16384px is supported.
- Maximum 10 layers of materials are supported per blend material.
- Clip opacity is only supported.
- Procedural textures are not supported in Opacity and Bump. Only bitmaps are supported.
- Refraction values(from a color or texture) smaller than 0.1(in the 0 - 1.0 scale) will be ignored and the material will be rendered opaque.
Render elements
- Maximum 16 Multi Matte render elements are supported.
- Negative id numbers for Multi Matte render elements are not supported.
- Procedural textures are not supported for light textures. Only bitmaps are supported.
- Only 1 dome light from .vrscene is supported. If multiple dome lights are present 1 will be picked for environment randomly.
- Non-linear gamma for environment/dome texture is not supported.
- Only bitmaps and V-Ray Sky are supported.
- Only 1 volumetric fog from .vrscene is supported. If multiple fogs are present 1 will be picked randomly.
- Objects should have unique names. Non-unique naming for objects may cause issues with transformations and visibility.
- Maximum number of 16 777 216 instances is supported.
Vantage denoiser
- Images with denoiser > 0 and denoiser=0 will be different in reflections and refractions.
- Glossy reflections on materials with refraction will be ignored and will be set to mirror reflections instead.
- After first bounce calculates only refraction and ignores reflection and diffuse values.
- Denoising refraction doesn't work well when geometry curvature is high relative to the screen area it covers.
- Ignores bump.
- Over-blurs reflections.
- Temporal lag for reflections in animations with moving camera/lights.
- Does not apply to Depth of Field.
- On first bounce ignores diffuse value and calculates either refraction or reflections making refractive objects more visible due to reflections.