Table of Contents

This guide shows you how to set up Live Link from SketchUp to Chaos Vantage. For more information about Live Link, see the Tools in SketchUp page.


The Live Link feature makes it possible to instantly see changes made in SketchUp without the need to export and import .vrscenes in Chaos Vantage.

Live Link Setup

For Live Link to function properly, please follow the steps below:

I. Installation

Live Link works only with V-Ray 5 for SketchUp, update 2 or later versions.

II. Initiation

After installation, Live Link can be initiated in one of the following 2 ways:

A. Start Chaos Vantage

 Use the Start Chaos Vantage in SketchUp. It can be accesses either from:

  • the Start Chaos Vantage button in the Chaos Vantage toolbar which is hidden by default but can be enabled from View > Toolbars > Chaos Vantage

  • the Start Chaos Vantage command accessible from Extensions > V-Ray > V-Ray Live Link

Using either of the two initializes a Live Link session between SketchUp and Chaos Vantage. It automatically:

  • Starts Chaos Vantage if it is not already running;

  • Sends the scene to Chaos Vantage on 20701 port.

Start a Custom Live Link session in SketchUp.

In Sketchup:

1. Open the Specify address and port dialog by going to Extensions > V-Ray > V-Ray Live Link > Customize Live Link:

1.1 Specify the following:

  • Address – add your local machine as as server. Enter either localhost or
  • Port – specify a port range for which Chaos Vantage awaits incoming data. By default it is 20701

1.2 Close the Specify address and port dialog by clicking the OK button.

In Chaos Vantage:

1. Open Chaos Vantage.

2. Open the Live Link menu and make sure Start Server is enabled (greyed out). If Start Server on Application Start is enabled, every time Chaos Vantage is launched in stand-by mode and waits for incoming data. 


3. Set up port range in Change Port... menu and make sure the range entered here matches the one previously set in SketchUp. Default is 20701.


Back In Sketchup:

Start Live Link by going to Extensions > V-Ray > V-Ray Live Link > Start Custom Live Link.

III. Pause and Termination

Once a Live Link session is started, the scene is transferred to Chaos Vantage and a thick blue contour line appears around the viewport and the status message in the lower right changes to [LIVE LINK]

The Pause when app loses focus option in the Preferences menu is ignored when in Live Link session.

To stop a Live Link session, either click again the Start Chaos Vantage button, Start Custom Live Link option, or open the VFB and stop the Interactive rendering.


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