This page provides a quick starting point on how to open .vrscene and .vantage files in Chaos Vantage.
VRSCENE and VANTAGE files can be opened in Chaos Vantage in several ways through the Chaos Vantage Home screen or inside the Vantage application.
When loading a scene, if the assets (textures, proxies) are missing from their original paths or the scene folder, Chaos Vantage looks for them next to where the .vrscene file is in a folder that has one of the following names:
assets, maps, proxy, textures, vray_proxy
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Chaos Vantage Home
The following options open .vrscene and .vantage files through the Chaos Vantage Home screen:
Open file
Click the Open file button. Then in the Open scene file window, select a scene file and click Open.
New file
Click the New file button to open an empty file with a default texture environment.
Double-click thumbnail
Double-click on any scene thumbnail in the Recent file or Sample scenes lists.
Drag-n-drop the scene file directly into Chaos Vantage Home.
Chaos Vantage
The following options open .vrscene and .vantage files inside the Chaos Vantage application:
Menu: File > Open Scene
In the menu bar, click File > Open Scene. Then in the open window, select the .vrscene/.vantage file and click Open.
Menu: File > New Scene
In the menu bar, click File > New Scene to open an empty file with a default texture environment.
Drag-n-drop the scene file directly into Chaos Vantage. Click Open in the Open or merge scene? dialog window and it automatically renders the scene.
Additionally up to 10 recently opened scenes can be quickly accessed via File > Recent Files. Just choose the appropriate scene from the list.