Assets provided by Evermotion

Important: Update Your Chaos License Server by January 28, 2025
To ensure uninterrupted access to your licenses, an essential update is required by January 28, 2025. Failure to update your Chaos license server will result in the loss of access to your licenses. For detailed instructions, please visit the FAQ Article.

Table of Contents

This page provides information on setting up Chaos Vantage through a silent installation.


A silent installation allows you to complete Chaos Vantage installation without user input during the process using a predefined set of options. To set up a silent installation, you need to perform two steps: creating an .xml file and running the installer.

You can remove Chaos Vantage from your machine similarly through a silent uninstall.

Installer Arguments

You can run the installation file from command prompt with the following arguments:

-helpPrints available arguments for the installer executable.

Specifies path to an installation configuration file.


Specifies if a Graphic User Interface or a command line one is used during installation:

0 – No Graphic User Interface is visible, installation is in command line.

1 – Installation is with a Graphic User Interface.

-debugSpecifies the level of debug logging by the installer. Defaults to 0 and assumes a value of 1 if argument is provided with no value.

Specifies if the installation is automatic with default settings and forces the -quiet argument.

If you perform an automatic installation and using the Software , you accept the terms of the EULA and the Global Consumer Privacy Policy.


Specifies whether the automatic installation is without user input. Defaults to 1.

0 – Installation requires user input and asks for a confirmation of each variable before proceeding. It also prints log in the console.

1 – Installation is without user input. EULA is accepted automatically.


Specifies whether the installer performs backup on previous installation.

0 – Previous installation is not backed up.

1 – Previous installation is backed up.

Creating the .xml file

Run the installation file from the command prompt with the -gui=0 argument.

e.g. vantage_1.6.2.exe -gui=0

Follow the instructions of the install and set up the installation the way you want to have it on all machines. This creates a file named config.xml in the folder of the installation file.

Running the installer

In the second step, you run the installer with the following command:

vantage_1.6.2.exe -gui=0 -configFile="xml_file.xml" -quiet=1 -auto

Configuration File

The config.xml file holds configuration information about the settings of the installation. Below is an example of such a config file.

Example installer config XML file: ChaosVantageSilentInstall.xml

 <Value Name="DESKTOP_SHORTCUT" DataType="value">1</Value>
 <Value Name="REGISTRY_PROG_ID" DataType="value">Chaos.Vantage</Value>
 <Value Name="STDROOT" DataType="value">C:\Program Files\Chaos\Vantage</Value>
 <Value Name="ANONYMOUS_TELEMETRY_PRIOR" DataType="value">1</Value>
 <Value Name="REMOTE_LICENSE" DataType="value">1</Value>
 <Value Name="DESKTOP_PATH" DataType="value">C:\User\<username>\Desktop</Value>
 <Value Name="REVERT_INSTALL" DataType="value">1</Value>
 <Value Name="ASSOCIATE_VANTAGE" DataType="value">1</Value>
 <Value Name="FIREWALL_EXCEPTION" DataType="value">1</Value>
 <Value Name="INSTALL_TYPE" DataType="value">0</Value>
 <Value Name="PERSONALIZED_TELEMETRY" DataType="value">0</Value>
 <Value Name="PROGRAMFILES" DataType="value">C:\Program Files</Value>
 <Value Name="APPDATALOCAL" DataType="value">C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local</Value>
 <Value Name="INSTALL_CGLS" DataType="value">0</Value>
 <Value Name="REVERT_UNINSTALL" DataType="value">0</Value>
 <Value Name="STARTMENUPROG" DataType="value">C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs</Value>
 <Value Name="ANONYMOUS_TELEMETRY" DataType="value">1</Value>
 <Value Name="COMMONFILES" DataType="value">C:\Program Files\Common Files</Value>

Please note that <username> is specific for the currently logged user.

Below is a description of the common variables that can be defined in the .xml file:


Specifies whether a desktop shortcut for Chaos Vantage is created:

0 - No desktop shortcut for Chaos Vantage is created.

1 - Creates a desktop shortcut for Chaos Vantage.


Specifies how Chaos Vantage is added in the windows registry. Default is Chaos.Vantage.


Specifies the installation folder for Chaos Vantage. Default location is C:\Program Files\Chaos\Vantage.

Note that for versions prior to Vantage 2.5, the default location is C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Vantage


Specifies whether the Chaos license server runs locally or on another machine:

0 - The license server runs locally on the same machine.

1 - The server is on a different machine in the network.


Specifies the desktop folder path where the desktop shortcut of Chaos Vantage is generated. Default location is C:\Users\<username>\Desktop.


Specifies whether the installation is reverted and copied files are deleted if errors occur that prevent the install process to continue:

0 - Copied files are not deleted if errors occur.

1 - Copied files are deleted if errors occur.


Specifies whether .vantage files are associated and opened from the windows explorer with Chaos Vantage:

0 - .vantage files are not associated and cannot be opened from the windows explorer with Chaos Vantage.

1 - .vantage files are associated and can be opened from the windows explorer with Chaos Vantage.


Specifies whether to add a Firewall Exception for the Chaos license server:

0 - Does not add a Firewall Exception for the Chaos license server.

1 - Adds a Firewall Exception for the Chaos license server.


Specifies the installation type:

0 – Workstation.


Specifies whether to enable telemetry for the most used product functionality, parameter values, but also contains personally identifiable information tied to an individual user's license:

0 - Personalized telemetry is disabled.

1 - Personalized telemetry is enabled.


Specifies whether to enable telemetry for the most used product functionality and/or parameter values. The data is not personally identifiable and is not tied to the user's individual account:

0 - Anonymous telemetry is disabled.

1 - Anonymous telemetry is enabled.


Specifies the Program files folder location. Default location is C:\Program Files.


Specifies the local Application data folder location. Default location is C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local.


Specifies whether to install the Chaos license server:

0 - Does not install Chaos license server.

1 - Installs the Chaos license server.


Specifies whether the uninstall is reverted and installed files are not deleted if errors occur that prevent the uninstall process to continue:

0 - Installed files are deleted if errors occur.

1 - Installed files are not deleted if errors occur.


Specifies the Start menu programs folder location. Default location is C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs.


Specifies the windows' Common files folder location. Default location is C:\Program Files\Common Files.


This section specifies the client license settings.


Primary license server's IP Address.


Alternate license server's 1 IP Address.


Alternate license server's 2 IP Address.

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