This page provides information on the Active Body Thruster (PhoenixThruster) component.
This component creates procedural animations inside Phoenix and moves Active Bodies with a directable engine force.
It can only act on bodies included in an Active Body Solver.
Affected Node | affected_node – Specifies the geometry object that will be affected by the Thruster force. Note that you need to select the original geometry and not the Active Body clone.
No Rotation | no_torque – Prevents the affected body from rotating due the Thruster force.
Attached to Body | attach – When enabled the Thruster force will act as attached to the body - the application point and direction of the force will move and rotate with body during the simulation. If it is disabled, the Thruster force will be applied only from the location and direction of the helper node.
Magnitude | magnitude – The amount of force to be applied to the body, measured in scene units/sec^2.
Initial Velocity | initvel, initvel_mag – The initial velocity for the affected body, measured in scene units/sec.