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This page provides information on the silent install and uninstall processes for Phoenix.


A silent installation performs a Phoenix installation without user input during the process. A predefined set of options is used. A silent uninstallation will uninstall Phoenix using a similar method.


Silent Install

To set up a silent installation you need to perform several steps:

First you need to generate a template configuration file. This is automatically done by running the installer from the command line like this:

phoenixFD_adv_50000_maya20xx_vray6_x64.exe -gui=0

The installation should start in console mode, and you must manually input all the necessary fields (install directory, license method, etc). The installer will ask you for everything important. After the installation is complete, a configuration xml file named config.xml will be generated in the directory of the installer. Afterwards you can easily perform the installation again or on another machine (using the same configuration) by the command line:

phoenixFD_adv_50000_maya20xx_vray6_x64.exe -configFile="config.xml"


You may also use a .bat file to run this command directly from the Explorer. This will start the installer with almost no output. If you want the output, you can add the argument -quiet=0 to the command. To save the output in file, you can use the normal command line pipeline. To perform an installation with an output to file, call the installer with the following:

phoenixFD_adv_50000_maya20xx_vray6_x64.exe -configFile="config.xml" -quiet=0 > output.txt

You can append to the file (rather than replacing its contents) by using '>>' instead of '>' for the pipe.


Also, there is an easier way to install with default settings (default folder, etc) by issuing the following command:

phoenixFD_adv_50000_maya20xx_vray6_x64.exe -gui=0 -auto

The output can be controlled by -quiet=1 or -quiet=0.


To perform a silent install first run the installer with the “ -gui=0 ” argument:

./phoenixFD_adv_50000_maya20xx_vray6_centos7 -gui=0

Follow the instructions and setup the installation in the way you want it to be installed on all machines. Once the installation is complete a file named config.xml will be created in the folder from which the installation was run. You can now use this file to configure your silent install on other machines. To do that run the installer with the following arguments:

-configFile="config.xml" -gui=0 -quiet=1 -ignoreErrors=1

./phoenixFD_adv_50000_maya20xx_vray6_centos7 -configFile="config.xml" -gui=0 -quiet=1 -ignoreErrors=1

It is really important to not start the installer with sudo as that can potentially interfere with the process and install files in the wrong locations. Let the installer ask for sudo.




  1. In the terminal navigate to the location where you have extracted the file

  2. Using the cd command navigate inside the .app file and go to

  3. In the terminal enter: 
    ./run_installer -gui=0

  4. You will be prompted for your password – enter it.

  5. Follow the instructions of the installer and setup the installation in the way you want it to be installed on all machines.

  6. A file named config.xml is created in the folder of the .app file

  7. You can now install Phoenix on all machines by navigating to and using the command:
    ./run_installer -configFile="config.xml" -gui=0 -quiet=1 -ignoreErrors=1



Specifies the root Maya folder.


Specifies the plugins folder for Maya



Specifies whether or not to open the Change Log once the installation is complete

0 - does not open the Change Log.

1 - opens the Change Log.



Specifies whether the V-Ray license server runs locally or on another machine.

0 - the license server runs locally on the same machine.

1 - the server is on a different machine in the network.

Silent Uninstall

A silent uninstall allows you to remove your Phoenix installation without the need for user input during the process using a predefined set of options.

To perform a silent uninstall, the executable of the installer should be run from a Windows command prompt or from a Linux or macOS terminal with the following arguments:

 -uninstall=<log full filename> -uninstallApp=<product full name> -gui=0

  • -uninstall=<log full filename> specifies the log generated when the application was installed. It is stored in the Chaos installation folder in Phoenix > Maya 20nn for x64 > uninstall (where nn is the Maya version).
    : On Linux and macOS the -log=<log full filename> argument should be used instead of -uninstall
  • -uninstallApp=<product full name> specifies the application to remove. The full product name can be found in the .xml file generated when the application was installed. It is located in the Chaos installation folder in Phoenix > Maya 20nn for x64 > uninstall.
  • -gui=0 will only show the uninstall log in the command prompt or terminal without initializing the graphic UI.



You can also use a command to perform a silent uninstall. In order to do this, you need to know the full path of the folder containing Phoenix additional files and the exact name of the product you want to uninstall. Then you can execute the following command:

"<STD_ROOT>\uninstall\installer.exe" -uninstall="<STD_ROOT>/uninstall/install.log" -uninstallApp="<PRODUCT_NAME>" -gui=0 -quiet=1

where <STD_ROOT> is the destination folder

<PRODUCT_NAME> is the product name i.e. “Phoenix FD for Maya 2023 for x64”


For example, the following command will uninstall Phoenix for Maya 2023:

"C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Phoenix FD\Maya 2023 for x64\uninstall\installer.exe" -uninstall="C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Phoenix FD\Maya 2023 for x64\uninstall\install.log" -uninstallApp="Phoenix FD for Maya 2023 for x64"


Performing a silent uninstall of Phoenix on Linux requires running the installer executable from a terminal with the arguments specified in the Overview.

Here's an example of how the command line should look like when uninstalling V-Ray for Maya 2023: 

/usr/ChaosGroup/PhoenixFD/Maya2023-x64/uninstall/installer -uninstallApp="Phoenix for Maya 2023 for x64" -log="/usr/ChaosGroup/PhoenixFD/Maya2023-x64/uninstall/install.log" -gui=0


Performing a silent uninstall of Phoenix on macOS requires running the installer executable from a terminal with the arguments specified in the Overview.

Here's an example of how the command line should look like when uninstalling Phoenix for Maya 2023: 

/Applications/ChaosGroup/PhoenixFD/Maya2023/ -uninstallApp="Phoenix for Maya 2023 for x64" -log="/Applications/ChaosGroup/PhoenixFD/Maya2023/uninstall/install.log" -gui=0


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