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This page provides information about the Geometry Instances Particle Type for the V-Ray Particles geometry.


The Geometry Instances Particle Type allows for custom geometries, or even V-Ray Proxy objects to be instanced multiple times in the scene. This Particle Type is compatible with geometry,  Cloner, and Instance objects, which need to be placed as V-Ray Particles' child objects. 


Clones – Determines in what order the geometries are instanced, with regard to their hierarchy in the Object Manager. The objects' order flows from top to bottom - meaning that the object at the top of the child list is instanced first. Click on the expandable tab for a simple illustration of the geometry hierarchy.

Iterate – Instances the geometries in a consecutive order, and when V-Ray reaches the end of the child objects list, it circles back to the beginning.
Random – Instances the geometries in a random order. The random instancing can be varied by a given Seed value.
Cycle – Instances the geometries in a consecutive order, repeating each object as many times, as specified in the Cycle Count option. When V-Ray reaches the end of the child objects list, it circles back to the beginning, again instancing each object as many times as specified.

Viewport Mode – Determines how the instances are displayed in the viewport. This does not affect the render in any way.

Off – Instances are hidden in the viewport.
Points – Instances are displayed as points in the viewport.
Matrix – Instances are displayed as their 3D matrix, with solid-color shading, in the viewport.
Bounding Box – Instances are displayed in the viewport as their bounding boxes with solid-color shading.
Object – Instances are displayed as objects in the viewport. This mode is most similar to the render.

Workflow: Using Geometry instances with Chaos Cosmos Browser

The Geometry Instances particle type allows V-Ray Proxy objects to be used as particle shaders. This includes all geometries from the Chaos Cosmos Browser.

Add the imported Cosmos geometry to the scene and place it as a child of the V-Ray Particles object to assign it.

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