Build 6.20.05
Official release, update 2.5
Date - Dec 17, 2024
Modified Features
- Add support for instance rotations for the new Particle Emitters
- Add support for User Data Tag
- Handle scene-linear Rec.709-sRGB and ACEScg bitmap import
- Add -skipHome command when initiating LiveLink to prevent the Vantage Home screen from appearing
Bug Fixes
- Incorrect result with animated Bend Deformers in V-Ray Standalone
- Missing "Vertical FOV" setting in the Overrides settings when the Camera is set to Spherical Panorama
- Freeze when Render Node License error is encountered
- Light Cache build fails at start of build, crashing of V-Ray GPU
- Fix crash with new default camera
- Crash when an empty Instance object is used
- Particles will render earlier than expected in V-Ray Standalone
- Node material previews in some scenes will be refreshed after loading
- Cinema 4D crashes when reloading cosmos assets
- Chaos Scatter is always re-exported during interactive rendering
- V-Ray Material does not support animation for Cinema 4D Noise Shader
- V-Ray crashes when a source with object properties tag is cleared from Enmesh
- Animated material change is not functioning in V-Ray Standalone
- Color management problems in Cinema 4D 2025
- Material Override does not work without a material
- Materials are not linked to selections when importing a V-Ray scene containing Multi/Sub-Object
- Interactive does not update any V-Ray Volume Grid changes
Build 6.20.04
Official release, update 2.4
Date - Sept 18, 2024
New Features
- Support Cinema 4D 2025
- Add Scatter version with support for Cinema 4D 2025
Modified Features
- Color management modifications for Cinema 4D 2025
- Expose DWA compression level for EXR files
Bug Fixes
- Animated V-Ray Clipper without Mesh doesn't export in V-Ray Standalone
- The icon for the object hierarchy of the VRayDecal objects include exclude list is missing
- Wrong default of shadow bias in Sun light
- Installer fails to find the directory for Cinema 4D 2024.5
- Render instances do not inherit MoData from Cloner in render-instance mode
- Render host is not responding with Vantage
- File asset paths do not work with objects
- V-Ray Denoiser Tool is not working on Mac OS
- V-Ray Dirt Texture doesn't match CPU and GPU results when Affected By is inclusive
- Animated objects sharing geometry produce artifacts with the bucket sampler
Build 6.20.03
Official release, update 2.3
Date - June 27, 2024
New Features
- Add support for the new particle system in Cinema 4D 2024.4
- Implement "Debug Shading" in V-Ray
Modified Features
- Custom user data parameters support for V-Ray Decal
- Add the Glossiness parameter in the Clear Coat section of the Scanned material
- Hide the randomization by render ID from UVWGenRandomizer
- Improve Redshift node material conversion
V-Ray GPU, VRayTextures
- Use a V-Ray Triplanar texture with different textures on each axis and direction
- Improve defaults of MultiSubTex
- Improve the conversion from V-Ray 3.7
- Upgrade the Sun Direction Only parameter to a boolean
Bug Fixes
- V-Ray Lights create lines in the Specular render element while set to include mode
- A crash when opening a specific scene on MacOS
- Default lights don't update properly in interactive when active lights are deleted
- First node preview render in a process may fail
- Cinema4D crashes when V-Ray is installed on the latest Cinema4D 2024.4.0
- Unnecessary undos are added by node material change handlers
- VRayUVWTransform shader transformation is not applied in shader previews
- Multi-sub random by user attribute name has no effect
Build 6.20.02
Official release, update 2.2
Date - April 16, 2024
New Features
- Use system memory for rendering with V-Ray GPU
Modified Features
- Add animation options to V-Ray Bitmap node texture and classic shader
- Automatically set Start Node for converted materials
- Support for the Multi Shader
- Expose the phase function parameter for Environment Fog
- Add ports for user-defined output closures of OSL material nodes
- Surface properties have a too low hard limit
- Add support for the native compositing tag
- Add support for Redshift Color Layer, Material Layer, and Material Blender nodes
- Implement Batch Load feature in VRayMultiSubTex
- Add an option to reload, edit, and locate images in the classic V-Ray Bitmap shader
- Provide preset for Pyro volumes
- Add Automatic Vertical Tilt, Guess Vertical Tilt, and Guess Horizontal Tilt parameters
Bug Fixes
- Updates on classic materials may prevent viewport interactive updates
- Modifying imported vrscene may break the Cinema 4D scene rendering
- Depth of Camera should utilize camera clipping values even when clipping is not enabled
- Non-default texture outputs are not working with plugin lists
- Crash when starting render without accepted EULA
- Cinema 4D 2024 crashes when loading the last file from the profiler
- Anima 4D characters texture mapping is incorrect when exporting to Chaos Cloud
- LightMix back to the scene doesn't work as expected with IES lights
- Splines and gradients cannot be imported for classic shaders
- Wrong import and export of transparency layers in native materials
V-Ray, VRayProxy
- VRayProxyHook can leak Proxy properties nodes
- Cinema 4D freezes when rendering
- Wrong material projection in specific scene after material update
Build 6.20.01
Official release, update 2.1
Date - Feb 8, 2024
New Features
- Introduce an adaptivity clamp to control the sampling in overexposed regions of the image
- Use a V-Ray Triplanar texture with different textures on each axis and direction
Modified Features
- Make V-Ray Lights non-editable
- Expose additional UV scale in Object Properties
- Add support for converting additional Redshift nodes
- Add support for Refraction and Glossiness in the Viewport editor
- Support all TexAColorOp operations on GPU
- Implement the ability to get the name for the Bitmap node from the texture filename
- Hide light preview when the light is turned off by the generator checkbox
- Add option for disabling the automatic RGB primaries modification
Bug Fixes
- Chaos Scatter is not rendered with interactive on Cinema4D 2024 when V-Ray proxy is instanced
- Specific frames rendering black in V-Ray Standalone
- The Decal's length offset is not animated
- Negative values of Decal displacement shift the geometry instead of applying the intended displacement
- Improve the performance of rendering node material previews when opening scenes containing a large number of materials
- Chaos Vantage animation fails to start
- Warnings for invalid material evaluation with a specific scene
- Having a Post effect layer in render settings with over 98 render element "Layers" causes renders to not start
V-Ray, Interactive
- Interactive doesn't refresh when using the "Frame Geometry" option in the viewport
- Wrong focus distance when the Camera is a child in the hierarchy and focus object is used
- Negative explicit channel IDs are causing a crash
VRayLightRectangle, VRayLightSphere
- Imported lights might be over-bright
Build 6.20.00
Official release, update 2
Date - Dec 7, 2023
New Features
- Initial support for importing V-Ray Scene files as native objects
- Support for importing the Place2D UVW generator from Maya
- Convert Cinema 4D Materials to Classic V-Ray Materials
- Convert Redshift Standard materials to V-Ray Materials
- Add import of IES lights from Cosmos
- Render animation with Vantage via Live Link
- Expose the V-Ray Node material parameters in the Classic Material Editor
VRayVolumeGrid, V-Ray
- Native support for rendering Pyro
V-Ray, Interactive
- Add support for OSL Material and Texture
V-Ray, Interactive, VRayPhysicalCamera
- Add support for Stereoscopic rendering
V-Ray, LegacySceneConverter
- Separate the Environment settings to a new V-Ray Environment Object
- Integrate VolumeInstancingTree and VolumeGrid instancing optimizations into V-Ray Standalone CPU
Modified Features
- Support for the Pin Material tag
- Better import of raw texture buffers
- Add support for the "Solo" mode in the Node Editor
- Modify Light Mesh options to have a similar layout to other lights
- Update Chaos Scatter to version 4
- Add LPE labels to materials and lights
- Implement the Stochastic Flakes as a node material
- Hide deprecated option "Inverted Normal" from UI of V-Ray Dirt texture
- Add the ability to show the current texture from Light Lister in the Active Object Manager
- Filter exported plugins for animation and interactive
- Add profiler events for export durations by categories
- Skip the import of TexMaxGamma plugin whenever possible
V-Ray, V-Ray GPU
- V-Ray GPU shouldn't load already loaded bitmaps from files when rendering an animation
- Support for V-Ray Enmesh rendering on V-Ray GPU
V-Ray, VRayPhysicalCamera
- Parallel physical camera rendering requires additional setup
- Support for per camera overrides
V-Ray, VRayPhysicalCamera, Interactive
- Ability to transfer Auto Exposure and White Balance to the camera
V-Ray, VRayLightDome, VRayLightIES, VRayLightRectangle, VRayLightSphere, VRaySun
- Add viewport light previews
VRayLightDome, VRayLightIES, VRayLightRectangle, VRayLightSphere, VRaySun
- Add the ability to change the wire color for the V-Ray lights in the viewport
- Expose the new directionality strength parameter
V-Ray, VRayProxy, V-Ray GPU, VRayTextures
- Support for rendering Particle colors based on different channels
V-Ray GPU, VRayTextures
- Add support for more Sampler Info outputs
VRayMtl, V-Ray
- Double click in Material Manager should create V-Ray Node material as a default material
- Add the option to select V-Ray Material as the default material
- Automatically set the RGB primaries to the current active color space when creating V-Ray bitmaps
Displacement and Subdivision
- Compile geometry is slow for subdivision surface objects on high core count machines
Bug Fixes
- Viewport Interactive is blocking Cinema 4D when OCIO color management is used
- Cinema 4D Freezes when Blend Material is added to its own Base Material Slot
- Fix a deadlock in GeomParticleSystem in streaks mode when no velocity channel is present
- The "Use Default Lights" global override parameter does not work
- User attributes are not working for the VRayBitmap filename text field
- Wrong label in the Max Gamma shader
- Wrong import of TexCombineColor and TexCombineFloat
- VR Mat could not fetch the name of Material X automatically
- Unpack installation may not unpack the V-Ray plugin and docs
- Fix the typo in the Light Lister units settings
V-Ray, VRayMtl
- Unable to convert native C4D materials if unsupported native shaders are present in the material
V-Ray, V-Ray GPU, VRayTextures
- Rendering animation stops in the middle of the "Loading bitmaps" stage
Render Elements
- When trying to add a render element during interactive rendering in Cinema 4D, the application crashes
- Volume grid loads mirrored .vdb cache, simulated with the Pyro engine
- Bump mapping in V-Ray GPU is inverted
- Bump type 5 is not working with procedural textures
- Bump mapping doesn't work correctly on a plane
- Cryptomatte render element doesn't work for objects behind glass
- VRaySphere is not rendered with RTX
- Select object and Pick object material functionality in VFB is broken with V-Ray GPU IPR
- Rendering stuck when using the Bucket image sampler and Textured render mask
- MultiMatte does not consider material IDs nested in VRayBlendMtl with a blend amount
- Crash when scenes containing Image sequences and V-Ray Sky are rendered with CUDA and then with the RTX engine
- Render freezes when rendering animated objects with RTX, motion blur, and V-Ray Denoiser
- GPU Light cache freezes when rendering animation with specific scene on machine with multiple GPU devices
- Phoenix Particle Shader in Point mode randomly disappears on a test scene with OptiX
- Print a warning for CUDA 12 min driver version
- Emissive material does not appear in VRaySelfIllumination behind refractive object
- VRayProxy with assigned Multi/Sub-Object material in V-Ray GPU has incorrect shading with material override
- VRayClipper does not have correct material IDs when rendering with V-Ray GPU
- Bump mapping differs when comparing small objects between V-Ray and V-Ray GPU
- MultiMatte does not work with material IDs within VRayBlendMtl
- MultiMatteID is not propagated through nested materials
- GPU interactive prints warnings on material changes
V-Ray GPU, VRayTextures
- GPU rendering performance is slower when some of the VRam is occupied
VRayLightDome, VRayLightIES, VRayLightRectangle, VRayLightSphere, VRaySun, V-Ray GPU, VRayTextures
- Regression of spot/direct lights intensity
- Enabling the Only If Selected preview option of the Cinema 4D VolumeGrid and then deselecting and selecting the grid leaves it empty
- Changing the preview Detail Reduction in Cinema 4D always resets back to a certain value
- Crash when basing the Smoke Color on the Speed channel of VDBs whose bounding box does not start at 0,0,0
- Wrong Grid-based Volumetric Motion Blur with VDBs whose bounding box does not start at 0,0,0
Build 6.10.02
Official release, update 1.2
Date - Sept 20, 2023
New Features
- Build V-Ray for Cinema 4D 2024
- Implement Switch material
- Support for emissive materials in LightSelect and LightMix
- Add option for moving pivot point of UVW Transform Node
V-Ray, Render Elements
- Add Distributed Rendering Render element
Modified Features
- Add Legacy lights group to the Light Lister
- Set the state for the color picker to be expanded by default for some materials and lights
- Add support for importing Switch Node Material
- Improvements to parameter steps and defaults
- Disable generating previews for some utility textures to increase performance
- Collapse the Output rollout for V-Ray Bitmaps by default on creation
- Uvwgen option replaced with Map Channel in Stochastic Flakes Material
- Improve proxy animation detection and reduce redundant file reads
- Increase the hard limit of the Heat Haze parameter in the Volume grid
Chaos Cloud
- Support for texture baking in Chaos Cloud
Bug Fixes
- Buckets rendering incorrectly with Distributed Rendering
- V-Ray Light Mesh visibility does not consider parent object visibility during animation
- Crash during interactive rendering of Boole object with complex hierarchy
- Can't hide a sun light from Sun with Sky in interactive
- Scenes from Windows to Mac don't properly relink Cosmos assets
- Resumable rendering doesn't show an error when used with the Cinema 4D file output system.
- Enmesh crash with non-polygon references or source
- Hide the V-Ray viewport menu when V-Ray is not the current render engine
Build 6.10.01
Official release, update 1.1
Date - Jun 28, 2023
New Features
- Support importing Scatter Presets from Cosmos in Cinema4D
- Add Viewport preview for instanced geometry from VRayParticles object
V-Ray, Render Elements
- Implement SamplerInfo RE
Modified Features
- Add brightness and mix type for self-illumination of VRayMtl
- Expose the length offset parameter of VRayDecal
- Show progress bar dialog for downloading Cosmos assets
- Add download/relink button in cosmos objects
- Material previews using document color management
- Add button for recreating material assignment tags
- Improve Enmesh Cosmos import in Cinema4D
Bug Fixes
- Instanced geometry with different nsamples crashes during compile geometry
- Using OCIO color management produces darker material previews in Cinema 4D 2023.2
- Proxy exported from Cinema 4D does not render properly with decal
- Resumable rendering is not disabled for VFB interactive rendering
- VFB Menu button state is not updated when switching scenes
- Luminance from native material is ignored
- Mark missing Cosmos assets option is not updated during active document when using Relink option from "Project Asset Inspector"
- Cinema 4D freezes when moving or undocking Qt based windows
- The standalone V-Ray GPU Device Select tool is not working because of missing Qt libraries
- Using multi-instance cloner prints redundant messages
V-Ray, Interactive
- Render Region disappears when a render is started
- Wrong VFB render region when switching from one opened file to another
V-Ray, Render Elements
- Light Select render element does not work with Cloner
V-Ray, VRayProxy
- Cinema 4D crashes with displacement from V-Ray decal over Cloner
- Cinema 4D may crash if relinked with "Download missing assets" without logging in
Build 6.10.00
Official release, update 1
Date - May 18, 2023
New Features
- Chaos Scatter in V-Ray for Cinema 4D
- Implement V-Ray Toon Node and Classic Material
- Implement V-Ray Profiler
- Add Support For Cylindrical Decal
- Support V-Ray Interactive rendering in the Viewport editor
- Add support for Geometry Instancing in VRayParticles object
- Expose the path guiding light cache options
- Add support for importing V-Ray Enmesh assets from Chaos Cosmos
- Add Download and Relink of missing Cosmos Assets
- Add support for user attribute textures and the MoGraph Color Shader
- Add light decay options to V-Ray Lights
- Implement Resumable Rendering
- Implement the "Test resolution" functions for the V-Ray Frame Buffer
- Add support for Ornatrix hair system
- Integrate NVidia AI denoiser upscaling mode
V-Ray, VRayMtl
- Implement Bump To Glossiness shaders
V-Ray GPU, VRayTextures
- Add support for Compressed Textures on V-Ray GPU
Chaos Cloud, V-Ray
- Add support for exporting sidecar vrscene files
Render Elements
- Add a Metalness render element
V-Ray, Interactive
- Implement "Object Selection" inside the V-Ray Frame Buffer
V-Ray, Render Elements
- Add support for V-Ray Toon render element
- Add the new Sky clouds parameters for density, seed and contrails
VRayVolumeGrid, V-Ray, V-Ray GPU
- Integrate VolumeInstancingTree and VolumeGrid instancing optimizations into V-Ray Standalone
Modified Features
- Improve the UI for V-Ray Decal and add additive bump options
- Add support for Matrix object as particle source in V-Ray Particles
- Add support for native OCIO management in Cinema 4D 2023
- Add the ability to lock the aspect ratio for V-Ray Enmesh Crop Box sizes and UV tiling
- Add include exclude list for affected lights in environment fog
Add extra material options to BRDF nodes
Rearrange the Tools menu
Mark missing Cosmos assets with an icon
Expose the Flat and Frontal and Camera projection types for the V-Ray projection node
Expose the legacy lights in the V-Ray menu
Replace "Face ID" labels with "Polygon Selections"
Update the Fog Distance and Fog Height default value
Update Environment Fog Raymarching params
Add an option to save only the RGB Channel when Denoiser or Lens Effects are active
UI changes to the V-Ray Softbox texture
Deprecate the Standalone zip Installations and allow extracting files from the V-Ray Installer
Hide V-Ray Enmesh in viewport when the object's "Enable" parameter is off
Change the stepsize for V-Ray Decal dimensions
Intermediate render output should have final color corrections
Preserve the existing layer for converted materials
Change the stepsize for the Displacement amount in V-Ray Decal
Add the new Affect Alpha parameters to Volumetrics
Add selections as input objects when creating Fur or Enmesh
Notarize the V-Ray for Cinema 4D installation for macOS
VRayMtl, V-Ray GPU
- Port the "Uniform" illumination mode of the VRayMtl translucency on GPU
Chaos Cloud, Interactive, V-Ray
- Add a window with EULA agreement for zip installations
V-Ray, VRayTextures
- Expose the nearest filtering to interface of Bitmaps
- Material previews using document color management
Render Elements
- Support for ObjectID as a new ID type in the Cryptomatte render element
V-Ray, V-Ray GPU
- LightMix during LC building and progressive undersampling
V-Ray, Displacement and Subdivision
- Change the Min/Max Displacement bound parameter type from Color to Float
- Implement auto bump mapping for smoothed and displaced meshes
- Improve the viewport locator for the V-Ray Sun to display the sun vector
- Speed up grid volume rendering by substituting PreLin() with GridSampling::prepareLerpVoxelWeights/Indices()
- Speed up the rendering of grid volumetrics by removing needless reading from the grid
Bug Fixes
- Alpha is used in some of the node slots as default color
Material IDs for the Blend and 2Sided V-Ray materials are not inherited from the submaterials
Material ID doesn't create correct masks when multiple materials with opacity maps are blended together
Override camera options step amount is too large
Stage animation of cameras and camera projections not working as expected
Texture slots import redundant color shader
Low CPU utilization with Intel Alder Lake CPUs on Windows 11
The text spline object is not rendering with animation when deleting the text on the second frame
V-Ray Enmesh allows the use of non-geometry items as a reference object
Crash when using the Set Active Object as Camera button
- Dynamic geometry doesn't update during Interactive rendering when deformed
Memory leak with textures when rendering animation
Cryptomatte render element doesn't work for objects behind glass
"CUDA error 700" appears when toggle off/on the Volumetric Environment set to Fog during Interactive render with GPU
VRayMultiSubTex in Random By Element mode with dynamic geometry produces incorrect results
Crash in V-Ray GPU IPR with BF+BF and refractive glossy VRayMtl when changing translucency modes
Difference between CPU and GPU with VRayMultiSubTex Random By Element and non-default motion blur geometry samples
V-Ray, Interactive
- Preview object disappears when switching extra options on and off
- Once changed, IES Light Shape option can not get back IES From file parameter.
VRayProxy, VRayVolumeGrid
- Making a Proxy/Decal/Volume Grid editable results in deleting any object in the hierarchy under them
V-Ray, VRayTextures
- Bitmap filtering doesn't work
VRayLightRectangle, VRayLightSphere
- Cryptomatte masks for lights are not working in V-Ray GPU
- The user attributes assigned to the simulator/volume grid aren't accessible through the VRayUserXXXX textures
- Render artifacts with Adaptive dome light and Particle Shader in Fog mode in a specific scene
Build 6.00.05
Official release, hotfix 4
Date - Apr 26, 2023
New Features
- Light is selectable via Light lister name
Modified Features
- Create V-Ray Tags submenu in Cinema 4D 2023
- Update End User License Agreement
Bug Fixes
- Preview object disappears when switching extra options on and off
- V-Ray interactive only utilize half of the threads on AMD 3990x
- Team Render doesn't save single frame render output
- TX Textures stop the rendering process
- Node Light Material uses transparency instead of opacity
- Node material assets are not renamed from Project Asset Inspector
- Render stucks when specific nodes are used for 2D displacement
V-Ray GPU, VRayTextures
- Rendering animation stops in the middle of the "Loading bitmaps" stage
- VRayDirt's "Ignore Self Occlusion" does not work
Build 6.00.04
Official release, hotfix 3
Date - Feb 08, 2023
New Features
- Add support for the TriPlanar Mapping option for the Cosmos materials
Modified Features
- Help links for the Node Materials
- Add the Phase Function parameter to V-Ray VolumeGrid
V-Ray Volume Grid
- Change the default of the 'Scatter Depth' to 0 in the VolumeGrid for Cinema 4D for better cloud rendering
Bug Fixes
Legacy Scene Converter
- Converted legacy scene is corrupted and crashes after render
Render Elements
- Render elements are exported with the same name, causing issues with Chaos Cloud rendering
- Fix deadlock in GeomParticleSystem in streaks mode, when no velocity channel is present
- Some quick help links are not working correctly
- Incorrect alpha and specular conversion of native Cinema 4D materials
- UVW mapping for Scanned materials is not working properly with V-Ray GPU
V-Ray Layered Tex
- VRayLayeredTex shader adds a new layer in incorrect order
Build 6.00.03
Official release, hotfix 2
Date - Dec 21, 2022
Modified Features
V-Ray, Render Elements
- Improve the user interface of the MultiMatte render element
Bug Fixes
Chaos Cloud, V-Ray
- VFB animation outputs different number of frames when having custom framerate
- V-Ray MultiSubTex node doesn't work in Cinema4D S22 and R23
- Error message when creating V-Ray Node Blend material
- Orthogonal cameras do not work with V-Ray GPU interactive in Cinema4D
- Improve responsiveness for multithreaded CPUs
Build 6.00.02
Official release, hotfix 1
Date – Dec 08, 2022
Modified Features
- Expose TriPlanar reference object parameter
- Add support for importing TexEdges shaders
- Support Max procedural textures that are being used in Cosmos in Cinema4D
- Import flakes material from Cosmos library
- Viewport editor preview for V-Ray Decal
- Import Decals from the Chaos Cosmos library
- Add "Fit aspect ratio" buttons in V-Ray Decal
- V-Ray Fur for Cinema 4D should have Enable/Disable Checker
- Support for Isometric Camera
V-Ray Interactive
- Read material max depth override settings
- Support for Affect All Channels
- Implement auto bump mapping for smoothed and displaced meshes
Bug Fixes
- Standard instances of deforming geometry do not update in animation
- Animated instances and particles may not update in animation
- LightMix Back-To-Scene does not work with MeshLight
- Save Project with Assets doesn't save the Cosmos Asset vrmeshes from the scene
- Importing a 2-sided material from Cosmos results in duplicated materials
- Interactive renderer crashes with decal while deleting assigned material
- Making changes to a Cinema 4D standard material or light causes 5 to 10 second freeze during Interactive Rendering
- Materials for the recently added Cosmos assets are imported incorrectly
- Import VRayCarPaint2 materials from the Cosmos library
- Spherical camera selected with Stage may not consider Phycal camera tag
- Stage animation of cameras lost in Vantage
- V-Ray proxies lose their assigned material after the scene is saved with all assets
- Use "Camera focus distance" option from Overrides settings does not affect the render
- Low CPU utilization with Intel Alder Lake CPUs on Windows 11
V-Ray, Interactive
- Crash when tweaking lights during interactive rendering and LightMix enabled
- Fix broken Samples limit value when opening scenes saved with V-Ray 6
- Light Cache crash with a specific scene
- The V-Ray scene converter doesn't convert a specific scene in V-Ray 6
- Scene conversion dialog isn't displayed on scene open with Cinema 4D S26
- Longer render and load time with Alembic compared to Vrmesh
- Compile geometry is slow when there are 735 proxy files referencing the same vrmesh file
Build 6.00.01
Official release
Date - Sep 28, 2022
New Features
Support for ACEScg
Implement V-Ray Decal
Implement V-Ray Enmesh
Implement V-Ray Mesh Light
Procedural clouds for V-Ray Sun and Sky
Finite Dome and ground projection for the V-Ray Dome light
Add Thin Film layer to V-Ray Material
Implement V-Ray MultiSubTex for Node materials
Conversion from Standard and Classic V-Ray materials to V-Ray Node materials
Add V-Ray Shadow Catcher command in the V-Ray menu
Add TexParticleSampler shader
Implement V-Ray SoftBox node and shader
Add support for Cinema 4D Team Render
Support for rendering Particles and X-Particles in Cinema 4D
Implement Hair and Fur sampler for strand variations
Support for calculating Light Cache with the Interactive renderer
Calculate Light Cache on the GPU device for the V-Ray GPU engine
Support for Cinema 4D 2023
Add support for TexOCIO plugin
Implement Texture Baking
Toolbar for V-Ray for Cinema 4D
Add SamplerInfo shader and node
V-Ray, Interactive
Implement Object, Material and Focus picker inside the V-Ray Frame Buffer
Modified Features
- Support for the "Render Perfect" option for the Cinema 4D Sphere
- Add option to respect displaced surfaces in TexTriPlanar
Add the affect alpha option to Volumetric objects
Rework the Object Properties icon to support displaying more than 9 ObjectID numbers
Automatically flip coordinate system handedness for vrscenes exported from a host app with different coordinate system
- Replace min and max subdivs with samples limit for V-Ray GPU
- Remove trace and GI depth from interactive tab
- Intermediate render output should have final color corrections
- Material preview quality improvements
- Add support of include/exclude lists for reflection and refraction in object properties
- Add ID input texture to MultiSubTex
- Convert DropDown menus to QuickTab Buttons for some parameters
- Ability to add the current selection as input objects when creating V-Ray Fur or V-Ray Enmesh
- Ability to denoise the Alpha channel with the V-Ray Denoiser
- Temporal denoise mode for NVidia AI Denoiser
- Rename the "Use Mtl Id" to "Use Multimatte ID" checkboxes
- Create scene importer for scanned materials
V-Ray, VRayProxy
- Add support for multi sub tex plugins from Cosmos Assets
- Change coat and sheen glossiness name to roughness when "use roughness" is enabled
- Improve the viewport locator for the V-Ray Sun to display the sun vector
- Autovoxelize dynamic geometry in V-Ray GPU
V-Ray GPU, VRayTextures, Displacement and Subdivision
- Implement auto bump mapping for smoothed and displaced meshes
- Shader set generation option in proxy export
- Enable Probabilistic Volumetrics by default for new scenes
Bug Fixes
Object leftovers between frames in animation
V-Ray clipper doesn't work for more than 1 frame in animation in mesh mode
Diffuse artifacts with anisotropic reflections and sheen or diffuse roughness
Reflections computed in fully diffuse VRayMtl materials
Issues with Anti-aliasing when using VRayCryptomatte mask on objects with multiple materials
Missing values in exported vrscenes
Imported Sphere and Rectangle Lights have wrong intensity
Cosmos browser asks for cookies on each process restart
Scanned material should be able to work with relative paths
Change the step size for the "Multiplier" and "Burn Value" in Color Mapping
Cinema 4D crashes in Interactive Rendering with Subdivision and Fur
Crash when V-Ray Fur is a hierarchy added to object
Darker Buckets appear on M1 Mac Machines with Adaptive lights
Crash when adding modifiers to geometry with Fur in Interactive
Identical meshes with different polygon selection names export the same geometry
Changing the V-Ray physical camera focus distance from the Cinema 4D focus picker doesn't work
Material link parameters can't be cleared in interactive rendering
Implicit focus distance may result in inverted camera render
V-Ray, Render Elements
- Add input options for Material Select RE
V-Ray Sun disk is not rendered with V-Ray GPU
Instanced textured V-Ray lights don't share loaded textures
Clipped light geometry when 'Clip lights geometry' option is disabled and non-light geometry is in front of lights
Wrong fog color alpha results when refraction set to affect all channels
The alpha of a transparent VRayMaterial is not working correctly
Some threads never finish with "Low GPU thread priority" set to 1
Wrong V-Ray Clipper material on clipped V-Ray Light objects when set to Use object material