Table of Contents

This page provides information about the VRayRamp texture in Cinema 4D.


The VRayRamp texture is a gradient ramp texture that allows colors to be assigned to each point available in the gradient ramp.

In the image, VRayRamp is used to shade the wallpaper, the garland, and the presents. 

UI Path: Texture > V-Ray > VRayRamp


Type – Specifies the type of ramp to create:

V – Creates the gradient along the V axis.
U Creates the gradient along the U axis.
(U+V)/2Creates a diagonal gradient.
Radial – A gradient with a radial transition.
Circular – A gradient with a circular transition.
Box – A gradient with a box radial transition.
UV – Creates a gradient based on the UVs of the object the material is assigned to.
Four Corner – A gradient that transitions linearly between colors assigned to each corner.
Tartan – Creates a gradient with a plaid pattern.

Gradient – Specifies the gradient colors.

Position 1/ Position 2 – Specifies the position of color in the gradient. A texture map can be used to specify the position.



UV Noise On – Enables noise for the texture.

Animated UV Noise – Enables the noise to be animated.

UV Noise Amount – Specifies the amount of UV noise.

UV Noise Levels – Specifies the amount of noise iterations.

UV Noise Size –  Controls the scale of the noise.

UV Noise Phase – Controls the noise phase.

U Wave/ V Wave – Specifies a sine wave offset in the U/V direction.

Noise AmountSpecifies the amount of noise to add to the texture.

Noise Frequency – Specifies the amount frequency.

Hue Noise Amount – Introduces noise in the hue.

Hue Noise Frequency – Specifies the noise frequency in the hue.

Saturation Noise Amount – Specifies a noise amount for the saturation.

Saturation Noise Frequency – Specifies what the noise frequency is in the saturation.

Value Noise Amount – Specifies a noise amount for the value.

Value Noise FrequencySpecifies what the noise frequency is in the value.