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This page provides information about the UVWRandomizer texture in V-Ray for Cinema 4D. 


The VRayUVWRandomizer map allows applying random offset, rotation and scale to textures, assigned to a single object with different Face IDs or different objects. It can be used as a mapping source for VRayBitmap and VRayTriplanar textures only.

UI PathTexture V-Ray > VRayUVWRandomizer


Texture – Specifies the texture to be randomized. Note that it works only with VRayBitmap and VRayTrilanar.

Random by Polygon Selection – Considers the face IDs (from unique polygon selections) of the object when feeding the data (color or texture) to the material.

Random by Object ID – Considers the Object IDs of the object when feeding the data (color or texture) to the material.

Random by Mesh Element – Assigns random colors based on the object's element (e.g., teapot lid, etc.) IDs.

Random by Instance – Assigns random colors based on the InstanceID (works for Alembic instances and VRayInstancer source objects).

Random by Node Name – Considers the node name when feeding the data to the material.

Stochastic Tiling – Changes the mapping based on the UV tile.

Tile Blend – Edge blending between adjacent tiles when Stochastic Tiling is used.

Seed – Changes the randomization pattern.

Offset Variance

The offset variance controls the position of the texture along the U or V axis.

U Range Min/MaxThe min and max range, in which the offset of the U axis is applied.

U Steps – Specifies the number of steps, in which the variance interval is achieved.

V Range Min/MaxThe min and max range, in which the offset of the V axis is applied.

V Steps – Specifies the number of steps, in which the variance interval is achieved.

Example: Offset Variance

In this example the U and V Min and Max Range is set to 0-1 - the default values. Stochastic Tiling mode is used.

U Variance 0.5; V Variance 0

U Variance 0.5; V Variance 0.7

U Variance 0.9; V Variance 0.3

Rotation Variance

The rotation variance rotates the texture along the U or V axis.

Rotation Range Min/MaxThe min and max range, in which the rotation parameters are applied.

Rotation Steps – Specifies the number of steps, in which the variance interval is achieved. For example, if UV rotation is set from 0 to 360 with a Step of 5, the texture is rotated at an angle that is a multiple of 72 degrees (e.g. 72, 144, 216..)

Example: Rotation Variance

The Rotation Min and Max values are kept at their default: 0-360 degrees. Stochastic Tiling mode is used. 

Rotation Step: 15 degrees

Rotation Step: 30 degrees

Rotation Step: 90 degrees

Rotation Step: 120 degrees

Rotation Step: 180 degrees

Scale Variance

This rollout controls the variance in the scale parameter.

U Scale Range Min/MaxThe min and max range, in which the scale parameters are applied to the U axis.

U Scale Steps – Specifies the number of steps in which the variance interval is achieved on the U axis.

V Scale Range Min/MaxThe min and max range in which the scale parameters are applied to the V axis.

V Scale Steps – Specifies the number of steps in which the variance interval is achieved on the U axis.

V Scale UnlockedWhen enabled, the U and V axes can be scaled separately.

Example: Scale Variance

This example shows how the scale steps affect the variance in the pattern of the texture. U/V Scale Range Min and Max are set to 0-100. Stochastic Tiling mode is used. 

Scale Step: 0

Scale Step: 15

Scale Step: 30

Scale Step: 60

Scale Step: 100


Wrap U/V – Controls how the map is wrapped.

None – It is rendered as is.
Tile – Tiles the bitmap.
Mirror Tile – Tiles the bitmap in a mirror pattern.

Crop U/V – When enabled, crops the map on respective axis.

Wrap Mode – Specifies how to wrap the map:

On 0.5 Boundary
On Integer Boundary

User Workflow: How to Randomize Textures

See the workflow example in the video on how to randomize textures with UVWRandomizer and the Multi Sub texture

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