Table of Contents

This page provides information on the CSV Node in V-Ray for Blender.



The CVS node allows an input of a *.csv file.


UI Path


||Node Editor|| > Add > BRDF > CSV


Transparency - Controls the transparency of the material. 

Reflect Exit color - If a ray has reached its maximum reflection depth, this color will be returned without tracing the ray further.




Cvs Path – Specifies the path of the *.csv file.

Subdivs – Controls the quality of glossy reflections. Lower values will render faster, but the result will be noisier. Higher values take longer, but produce smoother results.

Cutoff – This is a threshold below which reflections/refractions will not be traced. V-Ray tries to estimate the contribution of reflections/refractions to the image, and if it is below this threshold, these effects are not computed. Do not set this to 0.0 as it may cause excessively long render times in some cases.

Trace Reflections – If this is disabled, reflections will not be traced, even if the reflection color is greater than black. You can turn this off to produce only highlights. Note that when it is disabled, the diffuse color will not be dimmed by the reflection color.

Trace Depth – Represents the maximum number of bounces that will be computed for reflections and refractions. The individual material reflection/refraction depth settings are still considered, so long as they don't exceed the value specified here.

Dim Distance – Specifies the distance after which the reflection rays will not be traced.  

Distance – Specifies a distance after which the reflection rays will not be traced.

Falloff  A fall off radius for the dim distance. 

Csv Color Filter – Specifies the color of the cvs

Reflect Exit Color – If a ray has reached its maximum reflection depth, this color will be returned without tracing the ray further.

Affect Alpha – Allows the user to specify which channels will be affected by the reflection of the material.

Color only – The reflection will affect only the RGB channel of the final render.
Color+alpha – The material will transmit the alpha of the reflected objects instead of displaying an opaque alpha.
All channels – All channels and render elements will be affected by the reflections of the material.

Glossy As GI – Specifies on what occasions glossy rays will be treated as GI rays:

Never – Glossy rays are never treated as GI rays.
GI – (Default) Glossy rays will be treated as GI rays only when GI is being evaluated. This can speed up rendering of scenes with glossy reflections.
Always – Glossy rays are always treated as GI rays. A side effect is that the Secondary GI engine will be used for glossy rays. For example, if the primary engine is irradiance map and the secondary is light cache, the glossy rays will use light cache (which is a lot faster).

Back Side – When disabled, V-Ray calculates the reflections only for the front side of the objects. When enabled, V-Ray calculates the reflections for the back sides of the objects too.