This page provides information on the VRayProxy Node in V-Ray for Blender.



VRayProxy allows you to import geometry from an external mesh at render time only. The geometry is not present in the scene and does not take any resources. This allows the rendering of scenes with many millions of polygons - more than Blender itself can handle.

UI Path


||Node Editor|| > Add > Geometry > VRayProxy



File name – Specifies the source .vrmesh file.





File name – Specifies the source .vrmesh file.

Scale – Аllows you to scale the mesh.

Type – Аllows you to control how animations are handled.

Still – Тhe animation is not played. Instead just one frame of the animation is shown. You can select which that frame is with the help of the Start offset parameter
Ping Pong
 – Тhe animation is looped by playing it backwards once the last frame has been reached and then playing it forward again when the first frame is reached.
 – Тhe animation is played once.
 – The animation is looped by skipping to the first frame once it has finished.

Override – Allows you to manually specify which part of the animation to be played

Speed – A multiplier for the speed of the animation. Putting negative numbers here makes the animation play backwards.

Offset – Use this parameter to offset the beginning of the animation by the given number of frames. You can use positive as well as negative values here.

Start – Specifies the first frame of the animation.

Length – Specifies the length of the animation to be played.

Flip Axis – Flips the Y and Z axis.

Compute normals – When this option is enabled, V-Ray generates and saves information about the normal of each vertex. This requires additional memory but speeds up the shading calculations during rendering.

Angle – Smooths the angles in degrees.

Recompute bounding box – When enabled, V-Ray computes the bounding box of the geometry before the actual rendering in order to speed it up. 

Smooth Uv – Allows you to choose whether or not the UVs of the object are subdivided.

Smooth Uv Borders – Allows you to choose whether or not the UVs of the object are subdivided at the borders. 

Primary Visibility – When disabled, the object is not visible in the final render.




Exporting a Mesh to a File

Before you can import a mesh through a VRayProxy object, you need to create the mesh file first. In Blender this is done through the V-Ray options in the Object Data tab. To do that you need to select the object you want to export, adjust the settings and click Create Proxy.


Path – The location in which the proxy file is saved.

Name – The name of the proxy file.

Animation – Allows you to control what is exported when the geometry is animated.

None – Only the current frame is exported.
 – Manually specifies the frame range to be exported.
 – All frames in the scene are exported.

Start/End Frame – When the Animation parameter is set to Manual these values control which frames are going to be exported with the proxy.

Add velocity – Enabling this option exports velocity information for the moving objects. This makes it possible to add motion blur to the final animation. However exporting this extra information takes longer. If you are not going to need motion blur it makes sense to disable this option.

Apply Transform – Any transforms applied to the object are exported to the proxy.

Attach Mode – Allows you to control what is happening after the .vrmesh file is created.

Replace – Removes the current geometry and replaces is with the V-Ray Proxy.
This Object
 – Attaches a new VRayProxy node to the current node tree.
New Object
 – Creates a new node tree with the VRayProxy node attached.
 – Saves the .vrmesh file without importing it in the scene.

Add suffix – When enabled, adds the _proxy suffix to the object name.