
Build 3.05.04


Beta 3 release

Date – December 11, 2013



New Features


  • VRaySkinMtl material


  •  Initial support for particles in Alembic files


  • New color corrections - contrast, HSL, color balance

VRayOrnatrixMod / VRayHairFarmMod

  • Added options for dynamic view-dependent hair tesselation


  • Added an option to save three-channel alpha in deep OpenEXR 2 files for compatibility with Houdini

VRayUserColor / VRayUserScaler

  • Reading data directly from a Node's User Properties


  • Support for RailClone instancing


Modified Features


  • Right-click on a UI switcher allows to switch all rollups to Basic/Advanced/Expert views

  • Updated to Embree 2.0

  • V-Ray will now print a performance warning in the messages window if the 3ds Max bitmap pager is enabled

  • Support for %d and %0nd tags in file names for irradiance maps, light caches, photon maps and caustics maps


  • Added an "auto" option to try and automatically convert textures to linear space


  • Added a preview of the currently selected .vrmat/.vismat material in the Open File dialog when browsing for a file
  • Added .tx and .tex as valid texture file names


  • Added an option to preserve the alpha of the sub-textures


  • Ability to specify face material ID for the hairs


  • Added an option to exclude the light coming in result of cutted geometry

.vrscene Exporter

  • Make .vrscene exporter's Export and render button render the whole sequence

VRayOrnatrix / VRayHairFarmMod

  • Implement global hair tree support


  • More robust sampling of small rectangle lights


  • Reduced noise on transparent hairs


  • Added the ability to type a shader directly in the Material Editor


  • Added a __VRAY_HOST__ macro that expands to the version of vray.dll

Quick Settings

  • Added the possibility to save custom presets


  • Multithreaded file save with the "Split channels" option is disabled due to instabilities


  • Now exposed in the UI

V-Ray RT

  • Improved refresh rate and responsiveness

Bug Fixes


  • 3.0 slower than 2.4 in some cases

  • Unnecessary repeated asset transfer after a texture is changed once
  • VRayLightMtl is black in MultiMatte render element when using material ID
  • Reflection/Refraction exclude lists in the V-Ray object properties didn't work with groups
  • Fixed rare crash with progressive sampler
  • Some bake elements have duplicate class names of other plugins
  • Render mask did not work with the VRayStereoscopic helper
  • Artifacts with motion blur and shutter efficiency less than 1.0


  • Color clamp button selection state not saved when button not pushed

  • The UI colors should match the 3ds Max color scheme

  • When opening a scene with bloom/glare masks turned on, lens effects were not applied after the first rendering


  • Setting tex_inside_separate_on:true for a VRayDistanceTex constructor from MaxScript causes system exception

VRayCarPaintMtl / VRayFlakeMtl

  • Wrong material name in info message in 3ds Max 2013 and later


  • Did not work properly with Hair&Fur

Distributed Rendering

  • Render servers failed to join a DR render


  • Image rendered with BDPT turns black when Glare effect is applied

Hair & Fur

  • The "Visible to camera " option for distribution object was not inherited by Hair&Fur


  • Fixed issues with non latin characters in VRMat material

  • Correct default values for TexCloth

  • Loading some .vrmat files in scene caused 3ds Max to crash

  • The vrmat editor preview should have gamma 2.2 applied


  • Fixed issues with targets when creating new lights


  • Fixed a rare crash when loading scenes with VRayIES


  • Fixed issues with Alembic with dynamic topology and visibility lists


  • "Affect all channels" didn't work with glossy reflections for some render elements


  • Strange result when used on Editable Poly with intersecting attached elements


  • Should return the true intensity in the viewport if VRayExposureControl is active in Nitrous


  • Fixed crash when accidentally rendering with the scanline renderer

Render Mask

  • Drag and drop of textures to the render mask button was not working


  • Negative particles rendered as positive

V-Ray RT

  • Swirl texture prevented V-Ray RT from starting

  • Rendering production while RT was running in VFB would lock RT properties until VFB is closed

  • Saving images from V-Ray RT as production renderer didn't work with the V-Ray VFB enabled

  • Fixed issues with Multi/Sub-object materials on dynamic geometry (instances)


Build 3.05.03

Beta 2 release

Date – October 14, 2013

New Features


  • Added a new camera type "Spherical panorama" for equirectangular panoramas (similar to "Spherical" but allows manual control of the vertical FOV)
  • The full version of V-Ray Standalone is now included in the installation

Distributed Rendering

  • Option to exclude the local machine from DR rendering
  • Options to automatically transfer and cache render assets to the DR servers (3ds Max 2010 and later)


  • Raytraced mode for multiple scattering


  • Added an option for ground environment projection


  • Support for Alembic 1.5
  • Ability to specify starting path in Alembic files


  • Support for Ptex object-space vector displacement

Lens Analyzer

  • Ability to analyze distortion in arbitrary images

Render Mask

  • Added two new modes: include/exclude list and by layer name


  • Option to automatically save each render in the history (enabled from the VFB history options dialog)


Modified Features


  • "Reinhard" color mapping is now the default color mapping mode

  • Added per-object motion blur duration setting in the V-Ray object properties dialog


  • Faster shutting down of 3ds Max when "clear on render end" for tiled textures is disabled


  •  Print information about which materials require prepass interpolation maps


  • The light dimensions are now shown in scene units in the UI


  • Newly created objects are named "VRayCam001" etc

V-Ray RT

  • Now uses the V-Ray VFB when enabled in the production renderer

  • Up to 5x faster initial scene transfer to render servers

  • Automatic asset transfer to the render servers


  • Reduced noise on VRayBlendMtl materials


  • The default preview mode is "preview from file (faces)" as it's faster in Nitrous


  • Now is always compiled with pure SSE2 so that it works on older hardware


Bug Fixes


  • The V-Ray caustics Auto save option is errorneously named casutics_autoSave in MaxScript

  • Fixed override issue with V-Ray object properties when selecting multiple objects

  • The V-Ray log file was not redirected properly when loading a scene with modified log file path

  • No shadows behind glass with "cast shadows" disabled

  • VRScene exporter didn't work for SSS2 materials

  • Deep OpenEXR 2 files continued to be written even after a render has been cancelled

  • Distributed rendering didn't work after rendering with V-Ray RT

  • Fixed crash with multi-threaded saving of render elements when using the "split render channels" option

Hair & Fur

  • Multiple Hair&Fur materials swap randomly between different modifier instances in the same stack

  • Crashes with VRayLightMtl material


  • Preview was always as faces instead of edges in Nitrous

  • Alembic hair preview could not be selected in the viewport

  • Convert file paths to UNC option didn't work for VRayProxy


  • Greyed out "Autogrid" in latest builds

Quick Settings

  • Slow update when changing the shading quick settings if Render Globals are open


  • Problems with OSL shaders with ',' as the system decimal symbol


  • Convert file paths to UNC option didn't work for VRayHDRI
  • The Browse button does not work if the texture file name contains <UVTILE> tag

  • The "Show Map in Viewport" button was not working


  • Phase Function = 1 produced NaN pixels


  • Crash when rendering VRayMetaball objects

  • Materials with glossiness less than 1.0 rendered incorrectly


  • Stereoscopic rendering through shade maps was not working in beta 1.1


  • Fixed crashes when rendering with the V-Ray VFB

  • Incorrect renders with the irradiance map

  • Incorrect surface normals in some cases

  • Fixed incorrect motion blur in some cases


  • VRayRenderID render element: XML output was not correct in 3ds Max 2013 and later due to Unicode

V-Ray Object Properties

  • Fixed incorrect setting of properties when multiple objects are selected


  • The entire history was reloaded when saving an image into the history



Build 3.05.02

Beta 1.1 release

Date – October 14, 2013

Modified Features


  • The material can now read and render materials from .vrscene files


  • Can now load unlimited number of OpenEXR tiled texture files


  •  The default value for the cutoff parameter is now 0.005

V-Ray RT

  • Added option to disable initial image under-sampling


Bug Fixes


  • V-Ray didn't load on Windows XP and Windows Vista

  • Fixed increased noise compared to V-Ray 2.x in specific situations
  • Fixed darker GI compared to V-Ray 2.x in specific situation
  • Fixed darker reflections compared to V-Ray 2.x in specific situations
  • Fixed freeze or crash with "Separate render channels" option
  • The "separate channels" file name box did not update correctly
  • Fixed horizontal line artifacts with the Progressive sampler
  • Fixed issues with texture baking
  • Fixed issues with render subset and objects with visibility less than 1.0
  • Fixed occasional corrupted deep image files
  • Fixed crash after loading scenes with VRayEnvironmentFog
  • Fixed render hang with materials using the Raytrace map
  • Fixed noise threshold issue with the Progressive sampler
  • Fixed a crash with probabilistic lights in certain situations involving VRayLightMtl materials;


  • Fixed artifacts with transparent surfaces


  • Support for hair colors from Alembic files

VRayOpenColorIO Texture

  • Various fixes


  • Buckets started where they were last cancelled

  • Fixed black pixels in certain situations


  • Fixed a viewport display issue with Alembic hair in 3ds Max 2011
  • Added multiplier for hair width from Alembic files
  • Fixed issues with Alembic files containing meshes with changing topology

V-Ray RT

  • scene exporter: fixed a problem when exporting VRayFastSSS2 material

  • Fixed issues with the noise threshold not working correctly


Build 3.05.01

Beta 1 release

Date – August 20, 2013

New Features


  • New progressive image sampler
  • Simplified main renderer user interface: basic/advanced/expert views for some rollouts; help shortcut buttons
  • Extensive optimizations for render speed, especially when using brute force GI
  • The Intel Embree library is now integrated into the V-Ray core for static and motion-blurred geometry
  • Probabilistic light sampling for scenes with many lights
  • Support for render texture mask and render subset from selected objects
  • Added reflection/refraction trace sets in the V-Ray object settings dialog
  • New streamlined installer
  • New "Max ray intensity" parameter to help deal with fireflies in glossy reflections
  • New VRayLUT, VRayICC and VRayOpenColorIO textures


  • Support for bitmap aperture and optical vignetting


  • Ability to write deep images (OpenEXR 2/vrst/vrsm)
  • Support for OpenColorIO color correction
  • Lens effects can be applied directly in the VFB


  • Support for <UDIM> and <UVTILE> tags
  • Support for tags in the bitmap file name based on the node user properties


  • Optimized rendering and reduced memory usage


  • Ability to render hair from Alembic .abc files


  •  New material and texture with support for the Open Shading Language


  • VRayVRmatMtl material for rendering .vrmat/.vismat files


  • Option for geometry-based sampling for the illumination map


  • New geometric object


  • New geometric object

VRay Quick Presets

  • V-Ray toolbar with a button that shows the Quick Presets window


  • Support for most render elements


  • Initial support for vertex merging

Modified Features


  • Updated the OpenEXR library to OpenEXR 2

  • Optimized the loading of irradiance map files over the network

  • The irradiance map prepass now uses the same render region sequence as the main renderer

  • Removed the light cache "Number of passes" parameter; this is now handled internally

  • "Right Click - vrscene exporter" now uses the V-Ray RT translator instead of MaxScript

  • Dynamic bucket splitting towards the end of the image

  • Correct "raw" elements for easier compositing (needs the regular and the filter elements to be present too)

  • Added "shutter efficiency" option for motion blur

  • Multi-threaded saving of images when using "Split render channels" option

  • V-Ray lights now support external atmospherics renderers (AfterBurn/FumeFX)


  • Updated the Ptex library to the latest version

  • Rewritten the Ptex library texture cache for better multithreading on many-core machines


  • Ability to switch between the most recent images in the history using the 1-9 keys
  • Ability to switch between render elements in the VFB using PageUp and PageDown
  • The history thumbnails in the VFB now have sRGB color correction if the sRGB setting is enabled
  • Support for the "track mouse" option in the VFB for stereo renders
  • "Compare" button to toggle comparison view on/off
  • Add right-click menu on the border for custom border color selection


  • Affect the Nitrous viewports in 3ds Max 2013 and later


  • The "fix dark edges" option is now "on" by default for newly created materials


  • The "Show cone" option now respects the pixel aspect ratio

  • Added an "auto guess vert. shift" option to keep the vertical shift when moving the camera


  • Added support for hidden faces for displaced and subdivision surfaces

  • Added "static geometry" and UV smoothing options, as well as option to use fast displaced normals


  • Added "View map" and "Reveal in explorer" buttons

  • Ability to automatically generate .ifl files when picking a frame from an image sequence


  • Added "Show subtriangles" option to show tesselation of displaced and subdivision surfaces


  • The "Random by strand index" option is now supported for VRayFur


  • The "Simpify for GI" option is now enabled by default

  • Faster rendering of transparent VRayHairMtl material


  • Added an option to group g-buffer fragments by Z-depth rather than render ID


  • Added a "bump delta scale" parameter


  • Added a "color gamma" option that allows correction of the actual color used for rendering


  • Added an "affect alpha" option for the dome lights

  • Added an option to lock the dome light texture to the orientation of the light icon in the viewports

  • Added the ability to change the wire color


  • Support for motion blurred lights


  • Added a "Temperature" color mode


  • Added support for material IDs in .obj files


  • Added an option to truncate channel names to 32 symbols

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed truncated error messages in the V-Ray log for missing textures in 3ds Max 2013 and later

  • Some message boxes in 3ds Max 2013 did not display proper Unicode strings

  • Set sensible limits to some parameters in 3ds Max

  • Increase the max stdio file handles to the maximum possible (2048) on 3ds Max startup

  • V-Ray loses its license when RPManager is running

  • Low CPU utilization when the irradiance map prepass is calculating background

  • The parameters of some render elements did not have proper names in Track View

  • Crash/hang when checking/unchecking "V-Ray VFB" option in VRayMtlReflectGlossiness Render Element

  • Hang on "Unloading geometry" when cancelling a render during "Presampling displacement"


  • Fixed incorrect (brighter) GI with glass objects with "affect shadows" enabled when they are in front of an area light

  • Fixed rare bug with refractions due to precision loss


  • Could not edit the gizmo objects list through MaxScript


  • Could not edit the exclude list through MaxScript

  • Fixed various issues with the include/exclude UI


  • Fixed random lighting between renderings with DirectIllumination and CompensateExposure on


  • Ability to set higher values for dome light texture resolution

  • The light preview in the Nitrous viewport disappeared when the light size if very large

  • Brighter glossy reflections of light portals

  • Incorrect (brighter) GI with glass objects with "affect shadows" enabled when they are in front of an area light

  • Inconsistency between GI on/off when an invisible sphere light intersects geometry

  • Dome light looked pixelated in glossy reflections and refractions (light needs to be recreated for the fix)


  • Fixed crash after deleting environment fog gizmo and rendering


  • Fixed issue on duplicated objects with modifiers


  • The V-Ray LUT .cube textures does not load if the system decimal symbol is not "."

  • Comments section of the VFB history changed the information when it was in Korean


  • "RGB Offset" and "RGB Level" in the Output rollout had no effect until the Material Editor is opened


  • If model using the VrayDisplacementMod was X-Ref'd, the displacement is not considered


  • Issue with drag and drop on the texture button


  • Fixed incorrect diffuse render element with blend material in additive mode inside a 2-sided material

  • The "Use irradiance map" option from the base material is now used


  • The helper should append .vrst extension to file names if no extension is specified


Build 3.00.08

Official release

Date – September 16, 2014

Download – Build 3.00.08

Modified Features

V-Ray Scene Converter

  • Added option to convert the standard cameras to VRayPhysicalCamera

V-Ray Quick Settings

  • Added preset delete button


  • Replaced the texmap preview in the material editor slot with a generic but faster rendering one


  • Added color mode control


  • Added light_multiplier parameter


  • Updated V-Ray SDK example project


  • Added support for tweak parameters tooltips display in material editor

  • Made .osl the default file extension


  • Added support for UV channels with negative indices

Bug Fixes


  • Added "facesPerVoxel" and "oneVoxelPerMesh" parameters to the .vrmesh exporter

  • Fixed a crash when reading mip-map levels for non-square textures

  • Fixed a crash when rendering geometry with incorrect faces

  • Fixed a crash when rendering objects with Linked XForm and motion blur

  • Fixed a crash when rendering with empty layer as render selection mask

  • Fixed a crash when switching RT and Production after changing VRayColor parameters while RT was running

  • Fixed a crash with XMesh having very large surface normals

  • Fixed a random crash in scenes saved with region rendering enabled

  • Fixed artifacts when rendering with mapped IOR

  • Fixed crash with VRayPtex due to incorrect mesh data

  • Fixed memory allocation for non-tiled bitmaps

  • Fixed rare crash with progressive image sampling initialization

  • Fixed rare crash with progressive image sampling and noise threshold greater than 0.0

  • Fixed Embree rendering on machines with lower versions of SSE support

  • Fixed export of multiple splines to .vrmesh through MaxScript

  • Optimized geometry traversing on multi-core machines

  • Fixed "No GI on other mattes" option

  • Fixed "Max ray intensity" not working for the first glossy reflection

  • Fixed rendering of "Matte for reflect/refraction" objects

.vrscene exporter

  • Added point cloud export parameters

  • Fixed animation settings persistence between export sessions

  • Frame range is not written into .vrscene files when exporting animations

  • The "Strip paths" option didn't affect VRayProxy objects

  • Some options didn't work as expected

  • Fixed the On parameter support for 3ds Max lights

V-Ray RT

  • Animated "focus distance" parameter was not exported

  • Fixed a crash when ActiveShade is rendering simultaneously with material editor's swatches

  • Fixed color mapping improperly applied twice when sub-pixel was enabled

  • Make V-Ray RT Animation Preview" command to save images when rendering with VFB

  • Fixed rendering sequence through animated camera, subsequent frames were wrong


  • Fixed a crash with animated meshes, during ActiveShade session

  • Fixed a crash with animated proxies, during ActiveShade session
  • Fixed an issue causing lights disappearance when moving dynamic geometry during ActiveShade rendering
  • Fixed slow "Compiling geometry" with Forest Pro
  • "Trace depth" parameter was ignored


  • VRayFastSSS2 with raytraced single scattering and Direct light renders differently from production renderer

V-Ray Quick Settings

  • VFB history autosave was always enabled

  • Fixed non-Quick Settings custom presets handling


  • Ability to set the bloom "shape" parameter for the lens effects to larger values that 40

  • Add a #hide keyword to the vfbControl() command to close the VFB after a command is executed


  • Fixed include/exclude with grouped objects and hairs


  • Fixed incorrect results with raytraced multiple scattering and raytraced single scattering


  • Fixed a crash when rendering multiple hair instances


  • Fixed artifacts occurring with irradiance map and "affect reflections" in certain situations


  • Fixed viewport representation in 3ds Max 2015


  • Fixed velocity render element


  • Fixed not-working "Open in External Editor" command for 3ds Max 2012 and previous


  •  Fixed undo of "Guess vert/horiz tilt" buttons


  • Fixed artifacts when rendering with motion blur

  • Prevent unneeded reading proxy particle widths for preview


  • Render elements were outputting left channel only image files through 3ds Max rendered image window


  • Fixed a crash in a specific scene

miscellaneous fixes

  • Fixed artifacts in certain situations with irradiance map and area lights with "Affect reflections" turned off


Build 3.00.07

Official release

Date – May 22, 2014

Download – Build 3.00.07

Bug Fixes


  • "Direct visualization" of the caustics photon map does not work properly with VRayEnvironmentFog

  • Freeze at render start with memory frame buffer and very large resolutions


  • Fixed crash with Nitrous in 3ds Max 2015 with a scene created with an older version of V-Ray


  • Fixed crash when outputting Deep EXR with "Previous render" set to anything but "Unchanged"


Build 3.00.06

Official release

Date – May 5, 2014

Download – Build 3.00.06

New Features


  • Support for 3ds Max 2015
  • Added VRayPointParticleMtl material for shading point particles from .vrmesh/Alembic files

Modified Features


  • Added option to the .vrmesh exporter to automatically create a Multi/Sub-Object material when exporting multiple objects in a single file

V-Ray RT

  • Added lights include/exclude lists support

  • Added statistics when using the VFB

  • Implemented showing Safe Frame when rendering in a viewport


  • Added option to render particles as points

  • Added option to enable/disable Alembic full names support in the visibility lists

  • Added support for hair and particles color channels from Alembic

  • Make the "Animation offset" parameter animatable


  • VRayBump2Normal is now included in the V-Ray installation


  • Added support for the "track mouse" option while rendering for progressive sampling and V-Ray RT

  • The Lens Effects 3ds Max Effect plugin settings are now applied only when the 3ds Max rendered image window is used, as it clashes with the VFB Lens Effects settings

  • Lens effects - the default glare type changed to "From render camera"

  • When the "mono" button of the VFB is pressed, the computed intensity is now based on the selected R/G/B components only


  • Material exporter support for VRayBlendMtl

  • Material exporter support for Checker and Falloff textures


Bug Fixes


  • Prevent raw image output, when enabled but empty path is provided

  • Reflection/Refraction trace sets' Clear button was cleaning both of the lists

  • Reflection/Refraction trace sets were not working in inclusive mode

V-Ray RT

  • Fixed a crash when undoing delete of Forest Pro geometry while Active Shade rendering

  • Fixed support of Material Frequency Particle Flow operator when rendering as production renderer

  • Progressive sampler settings were not exported in .vrscene files

  • VRayParticleTex was not translated

  • Region rendering with the V-Ray VFB did not work when using V-Ray RT as production renderer

  • The translucency parameters of VRayMtl are not exported


  • Lens effects source channel was incorrect when re-rendering as production renderer


  • Fixed assigned materials order when rendering with multiple hair nodes and having some of them hidden


  • Fixed a crash with XMesh and motion blur

Distributed Rendering

  • Rendering in DR mode with "Use local host" unchecked demanded a render node license

  • The "Save hosts in scene" option was not always working correctly when rendering with DR through Backburner


  • Bucket outlines left in VFB after rendering end


  • Fixed a very slow rendering when Noise texture with animated parameter was used


  • Fixed smoothstep output values outside the interpolation range

  • Newly opened shaders were not added to the recent files history after clearing history

  • Ensure all user defined global variables are initialized to zero

  • Shader source files were not shown in the Asset Tracker


  • Newly opened shaders were not added to the recent files history after clearing history

  • Fixed crash when assigned to dome VRayLight
  • Shader source files were not shown in the Asset Tracker


  • Fixed crash with corrupt .vrmesh files with large number of voxels

  • Fixed wrong rendering of multiple instances with particles/hairs
  • Optimized loading of scene with many Alembic proxies
  • Optimized preview voxel loading routine
  • Skip proxy preview calculations if zero number of faces/hairs/particles is provided


  • Changing PTex cache size had no effect on rendering, 100 MB was always used

  • Added an option for turning off anisotropic filtering for PTex textures


  • Rendering shade map sequences could cause crashes


  • Fixed crash after VRayIES light was created in 3D snap mode and 3ds Max was Reset


  • Fixed "Lock to dome orientation" option to work for nested textures


  • V-Ray did not write .vrimg/.exr files if "Generate preview" was enabled, and "Memory frame buffer" was turned off

  • The progressive sampler was not creating a raw .vrimg/.exr file
  • The Lens Effects were not applied to images loaded from the history
  • The Lens Effects were not stored in the output file


  • Cloning VRayExtraTex element didn't clone the include/exclude list


  • Fixed batch conversion output names generation

miscellaneous fixes

  • Global subdivs multiplier should be able to go down to zero

  • Fixed a MaxScript system exception error when cancelling the creation of a VRayLight from the V-Ray toolbar
  • Fixed issues with VRayLights and FumeFX with illumination map


Build 3.00.05

Official release

Date – April 7, 2014

Download – Build 3.00.05

Bug Fixes


  • OpenCL engine was not working


  • Fixed camera creation unhides hidden lights

miscellaneous fixes

  • Fixed more cases of stuck buckets with GI

  • Wrong render results when using camera DOF and motion blur at the same time


Build 3.00.04

Official release

Date – March 3, 2014

Download – Build 3.00.04

Modified Features


  • The lens effects sliders position can be set by mouse click


  • Added Affect alpha option for the dome lights

Bug Fixes


  • Phoenix FD did not update in mesher mode when changing frames

  • Stereo mode did not work correctly


  • Crash when trying to render an object with GLSL material

  • Fixed bump mapping with Fresnel reflections

  • Fixed bump mapping with tiled texture


  • Fixed different dynamic tessellation with and without motion blur


  • LENS files were not auto-transferred for DR


  • Apply inverse gamma correction when loading an image with 8-bit colors

  • Color balance and HSL corrections were applied after display corrections like sRGB instead of before

  • Fixed crash with curve color correction when there were NaN pixels in the image

  • Color balance correction could produce strange results with HDR colors

  • Fixed crash with deep output in certain situations

  • Fixed global presets loading the sRGB/ICC button state

  • Fixed a crash when loading image after 3ds Max reset

  • Lens effects were applied twice when changing the Mode and Type settings

  • Lens effects were not applied on images loaded from the VFB history


  • Fixed cut-off look of the material in the Material Editor


  • Fixed unexpected behavior when linked to other objects


  • Artifacts with environment override in the texture

miscellaneous fixes

  • Fixed stuck buckets due to long GI paths in certain cases

  • Fixed stuck buckets with dynamic geometry with mixed static and motion-blurred geometry
  • Fixed texmap slots of some of the V-Ray texmaps did not refresh immediately when a new map is connected to them
  • Fixed NaN pixels in certain cases with Noise texture used as displacement map on a large plane
  • Fixed NaN pixels in certain scenes with 3ds Max Fog atmospheric effect
  • Fixed NaN pixels when a bump texture returned a NaN normal
  • Updated DLL version numbers
  • Improved motion blur raycast accelerator for fast rotating objects
  • Fixed rare crashes when preparing scenes with many mesh lights


Build 3.00.03

Official release

Date – February 17, 2014

Download – Build 3.00.03 

Bug Fixes

Render Masks

  • Improved performance with threads number scaling


  • did not work with the Default Scanline renderer with mapping channels different from 1

V-Ray RT

  • Fixed issue where rendering particle systems was breaking the rendering of motion blur

  • VRayHDRI was not working as bump map


  • Fixed crash in V-Ray standalone when moving dynamic geometry with motion blur enabled

  • Fixed driver crash with dynamic motion blurred geometry
  • Fixed artifacts with area lights


  • User properties for standalone plugin were not read correctly


  • Fixed crash in the VRMat editor in certain builds when previewing materials in the editor


  • A helper meshlight was not created in the same layer as the object's when "Direct illumination" was on


  • Fixed displaying of include/exclude lists editor on vrayVFB check/uncheck

miscellaneous fixes

  • Fixed slower rendering of scenes with dynamic meshes on many-core machines compared to V-Ray 2.4

  • Fixed updating of texmap buttons on some V-Ray texmaps when connecting them in slate material editor

  • Fixed crash when rendering with 3ds Max frame buffer, V-Ray Stereoscopic's "Adjust resolution" enabled and DR

  • Fixed crash with the "Previous render" option in the render settings when render elements were enabled

  • Fixed issue where the "Check for missing maps" option was breaking the animation export for particle systems

  • Fixed NaN pixels in certain cases when a 3ds Max Bitmap is used as a spherical environment

  • Fixed long irradiance map calculation times in specific cases with matte objects and "Retrace" light cache option enabled


Build 3.00.02

Official release

Date – February 7, 2014

Download – Build 3.00.02

Modified Features


  • Increase the default buffer size to 100 MB to speed up conversions

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed handling of tiled textures with mip-map levels that fit into one tile as produced by txmake

  • Fixed rare crash when cancelling a render with tiled textures
  • The render region height parameter was not always updated correctly when locked to the width

Render Mask

  • Fixed rendering with DR


  • Quad menu command was not showing the VFB in ActiveShade mode


  • Fixed slower reading of OpenEXR files compared to previous V-Ray versions

  • Fixed a crash with PSD textures with all layers hidden


  • Fixed crash when a Multi/Sub-Object material is used as a base material


  • Fixed rendering of camera motion blur


  • Fixed crash with "discard" statement when using uniform global variables


  • Reverted to OSL 1.3 as some input parameters were not updated properly


  • Fixed erroneously disabled Remove button when more than one VRayLightSelect render elements were present


  • Moved to the V-Ray category for textures


  • Fixed proxy selection in viewport, objects behind were selected instead


  • Fixed rendering of animated materials attached to Multi/Sub-Object material


  • Fixed incorrect mapping of baked procedural textures

  • VRayDirt in VRayExtraTex render element did not render properly


  • Reduced the number of messages that are printed to the standard output when merging large irradiance map files


  • Fixed previous installation license settings acquisition, local license was assumed always


Build 3.00.01

Official release

Date – January20, 2014

Download – Build 3.00.01

New Features


  • Redirected all help links to the new official help web site
  • A V-Ray toolbar provides quick access to common V-Ray features


  • Support for VRayDirt, VRayFastSSS2, VRaySkinMtl materials


  •  Added an option for deep output to OpenEXR 2 and .vrst files


  • Added ability to convert particles from Alembic files to .vrmesh files

Modified Features


  • For 3ds Max 2014, all related V-Ray files have been renamed to xxxx2014 (e.g. vrender2014.dlr, vray2014.dll etc)

  • Added a "Divide shading subdivs" parameter in the image sampler to prevent V-Ray from balancing shading subdivs vs AA subdivs for those users that find it confusing

  • Exposed in the UI the option for direct visualization of caustics calculations

  • Added an option to control DOF/moblur subdivisions for the Adaptive subdivision image sampler

  • When the maximum transparency level is reached, return the environment color rather than black

Hair & Fur

  • Hair&Fur properties are taken from the source object (except the "Renderable" property)


  • The material now respects the global "Linear workflow" option

VRayMetaballTex / VRayParticleTex

  • VRayMetaballTex renamed to VRayParticleTex and can be used to read colors from Alembic particles


  • Removed the "Ignore light normals" from the UI

  • Dome lights are now always created with intensity 1.0 instead of the default 30


  • Internally uses the production renderer core running in progressive mode


  • Use different GPU code depending on the features used in the scene

  • Faster loading of textures


  • Bitmap aperture now has "affect exposure" option

  • Renamed the "offset" and "shift" parameter to the more correct photographic terms "shift" and "tilt" respectively

  • Added an option to prevent custom bitmap aperture from affecting exposure


  • Added an option to force remap mapping channels so that they always start from 1


  • Added a "View image" button that opens a 3ds Max bitmap buffer with the texture

  • Added support for single-channel TIFF and .tx/.tex files


  • The numpad 1-9 keys can also be used to switch between recent images

  • Ability to load arbitrary file formats

  • Clicking on a slider for HSL, color balance or brightness/contrast now sets the value

  • A color correction rollout can now be hidden or expanded by clicking on its title

Bug Fixes


  • Different buckets with probabilistic lights and DR

  • The "Max ray intensity" parameter could introduce color shifts
  • Fixed rare crashes with tiled textures and dynamic geometry when the dynamic memory limit was reached
  • Some V-Ray materials did not generate proper material IDs; Fixed crash with FumeFX render elements
  • Added support for alpha channel from FumeFX render elements

V-Ray RT

  • Fixed mixed up materials with RailClone objects

  • Fixed issues with animated proxy objects

  • Support for VRayBumpMtl

  • Fixed crashes and corrupted 3ds Max window after closing ActiveShade in 3ds Max 2014 with Enhanced Menus enabled

  • Right-click menu in ActiveShade could be flooded with "Missing" entries

  • The scene translation time was counted as render time

  • Wrong Z-depth render element with the "invert z-depth" option enabled


  • Fixed a crash with animated displacement

  • Fixed incorrect results with <UDIM> tags


  • Fixed crashes when starting rendering

  • ForestPro did not work correctly

  • Reflection environment and background were added randomly to a light select element

  • Invisible lights affected the Z-Depth render element

  • Fixed artifacts with Multi/Sub material and VRayNormalMap on ForestPro objects

  • The "compensate camera exposure" option for the VRayLightMtl material didn't work


  • Fixed an issue with spherical lights when "Use texture" was enabled

  • The options for previewing the directional parameter were not grayed out for non-rectangle lights

  • Fixed a glitch when creating dome lights

  • Incorrect rendering of non-uniformly scaled lights with directionality greater than 0.0

  • When looking through a sphere light, black parts of the geometry could appear

  • Fixed issues with dome lights with the "Lock to dome orientation" option enabled

  • Textured dome lights could appear pixelated to the camera and in reflections


  • Alembic particles didn't work correctly with irradiance map and motion blur

  • Alembic particles rendered black with light cache enabled

  • Velocity render element didn't work with Alembic hair and particles

Distributed Rendering

  • Saving of servers inside the scene file did not work

  • Fixed multiple transfers of assets with Unicode characters

  • Missing assets could incorrectly prevent other assets from being transferred to the render servers


  • Modified bitmaps were not transferred properly to DR servers when "Transfer missing assets" was enabled

  • Lists all supported image formats by default


  • Fixed a crash when a velocity render element was present in the scene;

Render Mask

  • Irradiance map was calculated even for parts of the image not covered by the mask


  • Mapped scale of Hair&Fur could take the entire RAM


  • Fixed flickering with motion blur when the hairs change the number of knots between frames


  • V-Ray failed to load when 3ds Max was started with an affinity mask set from the command prompt


  • Lights with different power from the default could produce different buckets in DR

  • Fixed slow rendering compared to V-Ray 2.x


  • The primary reflection glossiness map didn't work, just the numeric value


  • Fixed a crash when trying to apply lens effects to an image loaded from the VFB history

  • The HSL and color balance corrections were not saved in the 3ds Max scene

  • Some of the new color corrections were not taken in account when displaying corrected pixel info

  • The curves were not updated properly if the numerical input fields were used

  • HSL color correction didn't work unless there is at least one other correction enabled


  • The .ocio file was not read correctly if the system decimal symbol was comma


  • Fixed incorrect results due to probabilistic light sampling

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