Build 3.05.04
Beta 3 release
Date – December 11, 2013
New Features
- VRaySkinMtl material
- Initial support for particles in Alembic files
- New color corrections - contrast, HSL, color balance
VRayOrnatrixMod / VRayHairFarmMod
- Added options for dynamic view-dependent hair tesselation
- Added an option to save three-channel alpha in deep OpenEXR 2 files for compatibility with Houdini
VRayUserColor / VRayUserScaler
- Reading data directly from a Node's User Properties
- Support for RailClone instancing
Modified Features
Right-click on a UI switcher allows to switch all rollups to Basic/Advanced/Expert views
Updated to Embree 2.0
V-Ray will now print a performance warning in the messages window if the 3ds Max bitmap pager is enabled
Support for %d and %0nd tags in file names for irradiance maps, light caches, photon maps and caustics maps
Added an "auto" option to try and automatically convert textures to linear space
- Added a preview of the currently selected .vrmat/.vismat material in the Open File dialog when browsing for a file
- Added .tx and .tex as valid texture file names
Added an option to preserve the alpha of the sub-textures
Ability to specify face material ID for the hairs
Added an option to exclude the light coming in result of cutted geometry
.vrscene Exporter
Make .vrscene exporter's Export and render button render the whole sequence
VRayOrnatrix / VRayHairFarmMod
Implement global hair tree support
More robust sampling of small rectangle lights
Reduced noise on transparent hairs
Added the ability to type a shader directly in the Material Editor
Added a __VRAY_HOST__ macro that expands to the version of vray.dll
Quick Settings
Added the possibility to save custom presets
Multithreaded file save with the "Split channels" option is disabled due to instabilities
Now exposed in the UI
V-Ray RT
Improved refresh rate and responsiveness
Bug Fixes
3.0 slower than 2.4 in some cases
- Unnecessary repeated asset transfer after a texture is changed once
- VRayLightMtl is black in MultiMatte render element when using material ID
- Reflection/Refraction exclude lists in the V-Ray object properties didn't work with groups
- Fixed rare crash with progressive sampler
- Some bake elements have duplicate class names of other plugins
- Render mask did not work with the VRayStereoscopic helper
Artifacts with motion blur and shutter efficiency less than 1.0
Color clamp button selection state not saved when button not pushed
The UI colors should match the 3ds Max color scheme
When opening a scene with bloom/glare masks turned on, lens effects were not applied after the first rendering
Setting tex_inside_separate_on:true for a VRayDistanceTex constructor from MaxScript causes system exception
VRayCarPaintMtl / VRayFlakeMtl
Wrong material name in info message in 3ds Max 2013 and later
Did not work properly with Hair&Fur
Distributed Rendering
Render servers failed to join a DR render
Image rendered with BDPT turns black when Glare effect is applied
Hair & Fur
The "Visible to camera " option for distribution object was not inherited by Hair&Fur
Fixed issues with non latin characters in VRMat material
Correct default values for TexCloth
Loading some .vrmat files in scene caused 3ds Max to crash
The vrmat editor preview should have gamma 2.2 applied
Fixed issues with targets when creating new lights
Fixed a rare crash when loading scenes with VRayIES
Fixed issues with Alembic with dynamic topology and visibility lists
"Affect all channels" didn't work with glossy reflections for some render elements
Strange result when used on Editable Poly with intersecting attached elements
Should return the true intensity in the viewport if VRayExposureControl is active in Nitrous
Fixed crash when accidentally rendering with the scanline renderer
Render Mask
Drag and drop of textures to the render mask button was not working
Negative particles rendered as positive
V-Ray RT
Swirl texture prevented V-Ray RT from starting
Rendering production while RT was running in VFB would lock RT properties until VFB is closed
Saving images from V-Ray RT as production renderer didn't work with the V-Ray VFB enabled
Fixed issues with Multi/Sub-object materials on dynamic geometry (instances)
Build 3.05.03
Beta 2 release
Date – October 14, 2013
New Features
- Added a new camera type "Spherical panorama" for equirectangular panoramas (similar to "Spherical" but allows manual control of the vertical FOV)
- The full version of V-Ray Standalone is now included in the installation
Distributed Rendering
- Option to exclude the local machine from DR rendering
- Options to automatically transfer and cache render assets to the DR servers (3ds Max 2010 and later)
- Raytraced mode for multiple scattering
- Added an option for ground environment projection
- Support for Alembic 1.5
- Ability to specify starting path in Alembic files
- Support for Ptex object-space vector displacement
Lens Analyzer
- Ability to analyze distortion in arbitrary images
Render Mask
- Added two new modes: include/exclude list and by layer name
- Option to automatically save each render in the history (enabled from the VFB history options dialog)
Modified Features
"Reinhard" color mapping is now the default color mapping mode
Added per-object motion blur duration setting in the V-Ray object properties dialog
Faster shutting down of 3ds Max when "clear on render end" for tiled textures is disabled
- Print information about which materials require prepass interpolation maps
The light dimensions are now shown in scene units in the UI
Newly created objects are named "VRayCam001" etc
V-Ray RT
Now uses the V-Ray VFB when enabled in the production renderer
Up to 5x faster initial scene transfer to render servers
Automatic asset transfer to the render servers
Reduced noise on VRayBlendMtl materials
The default preview mode is "preview from file (faces)" as it's faster in Nitrous
Now is always compiled with pure SSE2 so that it works on older hardware
Bug Fixes
The V-Ray caustics Auto save option is errorneously named casutics_autoSave in MaxScript
Fixed override issue with V-Ray object properties when selecting multiple objects
The V-Ray log file was not redirected properly when loading a scene with modified log file path
No shadows behind glass with "cast shadows" disabled
VRScene exporter didn't work for SSS2 materials
Deep OpenEXR 2 files continued to be written even after a render has been cancelled
Distributed rendering didn't work after rendering with V-Ray RT
Fixed crash with multi-threaded saving of render elements when using the "split render channels" option
Hair & Fur
Multiple Hair&Fur materials swap randomly between different modifier instances in the same stack
Crashes with VRayLightMtl material
Preview was always as faces instead of edges in Nitrous
Alembic hair preview could not be selected in the viewport
- Convert file paths to UNC option didn't work for VRayProxy
Greyed out "Autogrid" in latest builds
Quick Settings
Slow update when changing the shading quick settings if Render Globals are open
Problems with OSL shaders with ',' as the system decimal symbol
- Convert file paths to UNC option didn't work for VRayHDRI
The Browse button does not work if the texture file name contains <UVTILE> tag
The "Show Map in Viewport" button was not working
Phase Function = 1 produced NaN pixels
Crash when rendering VRayMetaball objects
Materials with glossiness less than 1.0 rendered incorrectly
Stereoscopic rendering through shade maps was not working in beta 1.1
Fixed crashes when rendering with the V-Ray VFB
Incorrect renders with the irradiance map
Incorrect surface normals in some cases
Fixed incorrect motion blur in some cases
VRayRenderID render element: XML output was not correct in 3ds Max 2013 and later due to Unicode
V-Ray Object Properties
Fixed incorrect setting of properties when multiple objects are selected
The entire history was reloaded when saving an image into the history
Build 3.05.02
Beta 1.1 release
Date – October 14, 2013
Modified Features
The material can now read and render materials from .vrscene files
Can now load unlimited number of OpenEXR tiled texture files
- The default value for the cutoff parameter is now 0.005
V-Ray RT
Added option to disable initial image under-sampling
Bug Fixes
V-Ray didn't load on Windows XP and Windows Vista
- Fixed increased noise compared to V-Ray 2.x in specific situations
- Fixed darker GI compared to V-Ray 2.x in specific situation
- Fixed darker reflections compared to V-Ray 2.x in specific situations
- Fixed freeze or crash with "Separate render channels" option
- The "separate channels" file name box did not update correctly
- Fixed horizontal line artifacts with the Progressive sampler
- Fixed issues with texture baking
- Fixed issues with render subset and objects with visibility less than 1.0
- Fixed occasional corrupted deep image files
- Fixed crash after loading scenes with VRayEnvironmentFog
- Fixed render hang with materials using the Raytrace map
- Fixed noise threshold issue with the Progressive sampler
- Fixed a crash with probabilistic lights in certain situations involving VRayLightMtl materials;
Fixed artifacts with transparent surfaces
Support for hair colors from Alembic files
VRayOpenColorIO Texture
Various fixes
Buckets started where they were last cancelled
- Fixed black pixels in certain situations
- Fixed a viewport display issue with Alembic hair in 3ds Max 2011
- Added multiplier for hair width from Alembic files
- Fixed issues with Alembic files containing meshes with changing topology
V-Ray RT
scene exporter: fixed a problem when exporting VRayFastSSS2 material
- Fixed issues with the noise threshold not working correctly
Build 3.05.01
Beta 1 release
Date – August 20, 2013
New Features
- New progressive image sampler
- Simplified main renderer user interface: basic/advanced/expert views for some rollouts; help shortcut buttons
- Extensive optimizations for render speed, especially when using brute force GI
- The Intel Embree library is now integrated into the V-Ray core for static and motion-blurred geometry
- Probabilistic light sampling for scenes with many lights
- Support for render texture mask and render subset from selected objects
- Added reflection/refraction trace sets in the V-Ray object settings dialog
- New streamlined installer
- New "Max ray intensity" parameter to help deal with fireflies in glossy reflections
- New VRayLUT, VRayICC and VRayOpenColorIO textures
- Support for bitmap aperture and optical vignetting
- Ability to write deep images (OpenEXR 2/vrst/vrsm)
- Support for OpenColorIO color correction
- Lens effects can be applied directly in the VFB
- Support for <UDIM> and <UVTILE> tags
- Support for tags in the bitmap file name based on the node user properties
- Optimized rendering and reduced memory usage
- Ability to render hair from Alembic .abc files
- New material and texture with support for the Open Shading Language
- VRayVRmatMtl material for rendering .vrmat/.vismat files
- Option for geometry-based sampling for the illumination map
- New geometric object
- New geometric object
VRay Quick Presets
- V-Ray toolbar with a button that shows the Quick Presets window
- Support for most render elements
- Initial support for vertex merging
Modified Features
Updated the OpenEXR library to OpenEXR 2
Optimized the loading of irradiance map files over the network
The irradiance map prepass now uses the same render region sequence as the main renderer
Removed the light cache "Number of passes" parameter; this is now handled internally
"Right Click - vrscene exporter" now uses the V-Ray RT translator instead of MaxScript
Dynamic bucket splitting towards the end of the image
Correct "raw" elements for easier compositing (needs the regular and the filter elements to be present too)
Added "shutter efficiency" option for motion blur
Multi-threaded saving of images when using "Split render channels" option
- V-Ray lights now support external atmospherics renderers (AfterBurn/FumeFX)
Updated the Ptex library to the latest version
Rewritten the Ptex library texture cache for better multithreading on many-core machines
- Ability to switch between the most recent images in the history using the 1-9 keys
- Ability to switch between render elements in the VFB using PageUp and PageDown
- The history thumbnails in the VFB now have sRGB color correction if the sRGB setting is enabled
- Support for the "track mouse" option in the VFB for stereo renders
- "Compare" button to toggle comparison view on/off
- Add right-click menu on the border for custom border color selection
Affect the Nitrous viewports in 3ds Max 2013 and later
The "fix dark edges" option is now "on" by default for newly created materials
The "Show cone" option now respects the pixel aspect ratio
Added an "auto guess vert. shift" option to keep the vertical shift when moving the camera
Added support for hidden faces for displaced and subdivision surfaces
Added "static geometry" and UV smoothing options, as well as option to use fast displaced normals
Added "View map" and "Reveal in explorer" buttons
Ability to automatically generate .ifl files when picking a frame from an image sequence
Added "Show subtriangles" option to show tesselation of displaced and subdivision surfaces
The "Random by strand index" option is now supported for VRayFur
The "Simpify for GI" option is now enabled by default
Faster rendering of transparent VRayHairMtl material
Added an option to group g-buffer fragments by Z-depth rather than render ID
Added a "bump delta scale" parameter
Added a "color gamma" option that allows correction of the actual color used for rendering
Added an "affect alpha" option for the dome lights
Added an option to lock the dome light texture to the orientation of the light icon in the viewports
Added the ability to change the wire color
Support for motion blurred lights
Added a "Temperature" color mode
Added support for material IDs in .obj files
Added an option to truncate channel names to 32 symbols
Bug Fixes
Fixed truncated error messages in the V-Ray log for missing textures in 3ds Max 2013 and later
Some message boxes in 3ds Max 2013 did not display proper Unicode strings
Set sensible limits to some parameters in 3ds Max
Increase the max stdio file handles to the maximum possible (2048) on 3ds Max startup
V-Ray loses its license when RPManager is running
Low CPU utilization when the irradiance map prepass is calculating background
The parameters of some render elements did not have proper names in Track View
Crash/hang when checking/unchecking "V-Ray VFB" option in VRayMtlReflectGlossiness Render Element
Hang on "Unloading geometry" when cancelling a render during "Presampling displacement"
Fixed incorrect (brighter) GI with glass objects with "affect shadows" enabled when they are in front of an area light
Fixed rare bug with refractions due to precision loss
Could not edit the gizmo objects list through MaxScript
Could not edit the exclude list through MaxScript
Fixed various issues with the include/exclude UI
Fixed random lighting between renderings with DirectIllumination and CompensateExposure on
Ability to set higher values for dome light texture resolution
The light preview in the Nitrous viewport disappeared when the light size if very large
Brighter glossy reflections of light portals
Incorrect (brighter) GI with glass objects with "affect shadows" enabled when they are in front of an area light
Inconsistency between GI on/off when an invisible sphere light intersects geometry
Dome light looked pixelated in glossy reflections and refractions (light needs to be recreated for the fix)
Fixed crash after deleting environment fog gizmo and rendering
Fixed issue on duplicated objects with modifiers
The V-Ray LUT .cube textures does not load if the system decimal symbol is not "."
- Comments section of the VFB history changed the information when it was in Korean
"RGB Offset" and "RGB Level" in the Output rollout had no effect until the Material Editor is opened
If model using the VrayDisplacementMod was X-Ref'd, the displacement is not considered
Issue with drag and drop on the texture button
Fixed incorrect diffuse render element with blend material in additive mode inside a 2-sided material
The "Use irradiance map" option from the base material is now used
The helper should append .vrst extension to file names if no extension is specified
Build 3.00.08
Official release
Date – September 16, 2014
Download – Build 3.00.08
Modified Features
V-Ray Scene Converter
Added option to convert the standard cameras to VRayPhysicalCamera
V-Ray Quick Settings
Added preset delete button
Replaced the texmap preview in the material editor slot with a generic but faster rendering one
Added color mode control
Added light_multiplier parameter
Updated V-Ray SDK example project
Added support for tweak parameters tooltips display in material editor
- Made .osl the default file extension
Added support for UV channels with negative indices
Bug Fixes
Added "facesPerVoxel" and "oneVoxelPerMesh" parameters to the .vrmesh exporter
Fixed a crash when reading mip-map levels for non-square textures
Fixed a crash when rendering geometry with incorrect faces
Fixed a crash when rendering objects with Linked XForm and motion blur
Fixed a crash when rendering with empty layer as render selection mask
Fixed a crash when switching RT and Production after changing VRayColor parameters while RT was running
Fixed a crash with XMesh having very large surface normals
Fixed a random crash in scenes saved with region rendering enabled
Fixed artifacts when rendering with mapped IOR
Fixed crash with VRayPtex due to incorrect mesh data
Fixed memory allocation for non-tiled bitmaps
Fixed rare crash with progressive image sampling initialization
Fixed rare crash with progressive image sampling and noise threshold greater than 0.0
Fixed Embree rendering on machines with lower versions of SSE support
Fixed export of multiple splines to .vrmesh through MaxScript
Optimized geometry traversing on multi-core machines
Fixed "No GI on other mattes" option
Fixed "Max ray intensity" not working for the first glossy reflection
Fixed rendering of "Matte for reflect/refraction" objects
.vrscene exporter
Added point cloud export parameters
Fixed animation settings persistence between export sessions
Frame range is not written into .vrscene files when exporting animations
The "Strip paths" option didn't affect VRayProxy objects
Some options didn't work as expected
Fixed the On parameter support for 3ds Max lights
V-Ray RT
Animated "focus distance" parameter was not exported
Fixed a crash when ActiveShade is rendering simultaneously with material editor's swatches
Fixed color mapping improperly applied twice when sub-pixel was enabled
Make V-Ray RT Animation Preview" command to save images when rendering with VFB
Fixed rendering sequence through animated camera, subsequent frames were wrong
Fixed a crash with animated meshes, during ActiveShade session
- Fixed a crash with animated proxies, during ActiveShade session
- Fixed an issue causing lights disappearance when moving dynamic geometry during ActiveShade rendering
- Fixed slow "Compiling geometry" with Forest Pro
- "Trace depth" parameter was ignored
VRayFastSSS2 with raytraced single scattering and Direct light renders differently from production renderer
V-Ray Quick Settings
VFB history autosave was always enabled
- Fixed non-Quick Settings custom presets handling
Ability to set the bloom "shape" parameter for the lens effects to larger values that 40
- Add a #hide keyword to the vfbControl() command to close the VFB after a command is executed
Fixed include/exclude with grouped objects and hairs
Fixed incorrect results with raytraced multiple scattering and raytraced single scattering
Fixed a crash when rendering multiple hair instances
Fixed artifacts occurring with irradiance map and "affect reflections" in certain situations
Fixed viewport representation in 3ds Max 2015
Fixed velocity render element
Fixed not-working "Open in External Editor" command for 3ds Max 2012 and previous
Fixed undo of "Guess vert/horiz tilt" buttons
Fixed artifacts when rendering with motion blur
- Prevent unneeded reading proxy particle widths for preview
Render elements were outputting left channel only image files through 3ds Max rendered image window
Fixed a crash in a specific scene
miscellaneous fixes
Fixed artifacts in certain situations with irradiance map and area lights with "Affect reflections" turned off
Build 3.00.07
Official release
Date – May 22, 2014
Download – Build 3.00.07
Bug Fixes
"Direct visualization" of the caustics photon map does not work properly with VRayEnvironmentFog
- Freeze at render start with memory frame buffer and very large resolutions
Fixed crash with Nitrous in 3ds Max 2015 with a scene created with an older version of V-Ray
Fixed crash when outputting Deep EXR with "Previous render" set to anything but "Unchanged"
Build 3.00.06
Official release
Date – May 5, 2014
Download – Build 3.00.06
New Features
- Support for 3ds Max 2015
- Added VRayPointParticleMtl material for shading point particles from .vrmesh/Alembic files
Modified Features
Added option to the .vrmesh exporter to automatically create a Multi/Sub-Object material when exporting multiple objects in a single file
V-Ray RT
Added lights include/exclude lists support
Added statistics when using the VFB
Implemented showing Safe Frame when rendering in a viewport
Added option to render particles as points
Added option to enable/disable Alembic full names support in the visibility lists
Added support for hair and particles color channels from Alembic
Make the "Animation offset" parameter animatable
VRayBump2Normal is now included in the V-Ray installation
Added support for the "track mouse" option while rendering for progressive sampling and V-Ray RT
The Lens Effects 3ds Max Effect plugin settings are now applied only when the 3ds Max rendered image window is used, as it clashes with the VFB Lens Effects settings
Lens effects - the default glare type changed to "From render camera"
When the "mono" button of the VFB is pressed, the computed intensity is now based on the selected R/G/B components only
Material exporter support for VRayBlendMtl
Material exporter support for Checker and Falloff textures
Bug Fixes
Prevent raw image output, when enabled but empty path is provided
Reflection/Refraction trace sets' Clear button was cleaning both of the lists
Reflection/Refraction trace sets were not working in inclusive mode
V-Ray RT
Fixed a crash when undoing delete of Forest Pro geometry while Active Shade rendering
Fixed support of Material Frequency Particle Flow operator when rendering as production renderer
Progressive sampler settings were not exported in .vrscene files
VRayParticleTex was not translated
Region rendering with the V-Ray VFB did not work when using V-Ray RT as production renderer
The translucency parameters of VRayMtl are not exported
Lens effects source channel was incorrect when re-rendering as production renderer
Fixed assigned materials order when rendering with multiple hair nodes and having some of them hidden
Fixed a crash with XMesh and motion blur
Distributed Rendering
Rendering in DR mode with "Use local host" unchecked demanded a render node license
The "Save hosts in scene" option was not always working correctly when rendering with DR through Backburner
Bucket outlines left in VFB after rendering end
Fixed a very slow rendering when Noise texture with animated parameter was used
Fixed smoothstep output values outside the interpolation range
Newly opened shaders were not added to the recent files history after clearing history
Ensure all user defined global variables are initialized to zero
Shader source files were not shown in the Asset Tracker
Newly opened shaders were not added to the recent files history after clearing history
- Fixed crash when assigned to dome VRayLight
- Shader source files were not shown in the Asset Tracker
Fixed crash with corrupt .vrmesh files with large number of voxels
- Fixed wrong rendering of multiple instances with particles/hairs
- Optimized loading of scene with many Alembic proxies
- Optimized preview voxel loading routine
- Skip proxy preview calculations if zero number of faces/hairs/particles is provided
Changing PTex cache size had no effect on rendering, 100 MB was always used
- Added an option for turning off anisotropic filtering for PTex textures
Rendering shade map sequences could cause crashes
Fixed crash after VRayIES light was created in 3D snap mode and 3ds Max was Reset
Fixed "Lock to dome orientation" option to work for nested textures
V-Ray did not write .vrimg/.exr files if "Generate preview" was enabled, and "Memory frame buffer" was turned off
- The progressive sampler was not creating a raw .vrimg/.exr file
- The Lens Effects were not applied to images loaded from the history
- The Lens Effects were not stored in the output file
Cloning VRayExtraTex element didn't clone the include/exclude list
Fixed batch conversion output names generation
miscellaneous fixes
Global subdivs multiplier should be able to go down to zero
- Fixed a MaxScript system exception error when cancelling the creation of a VRayLight from the V-Ray toolbar
- Fixed issues with VRayLights and FumeFX with illumination map
Build 3.00.05
Official release
Date – April 7, 2014
Download – Build 3.00.05
Bug Fixes
OpenCL engine was not working
Fixed camera creation unhides hidden lights
miscellaneous fixes
Fixed more cases of stuck buckets with GI
- Wrong render results when using camera DOF and motion blur at the same time
Build 3.00.04
Official release
Date – March 3, 2014
Download – Build 3.00.04
Modified Features
The lens effects sliders position can be set by mouse click
Added Affect alpha option for the dome lights
Bug Fixes
Phoenix FD did not update in mesher mode when changing frames
Stereo mode did not work correctly
Crash when trying to render an object with GLSL material
Fixed bump mapping with Fresnel reflections
Fixed bump mapping with tiled texture
Fixed different dynamic tessellation with and without motion blur
LENS files were not auto-transferred for DR
Apply inverse gamma correction when loading an image with 8-bit colors
Color balance and HSL corrections were applied after display corrections like sRGB instead of before
Fixed crash with curve color correction when there were NaN pixels in the image
Color balance correction could produce strange results with HDR colors
Fixed crash with deep output in certain situations
Fixed global presets loading the sRGB/ICC button state
Fixed a crash when loading image after 3ds Max reset
Lens effects were applied twice when changing the Mode and Type settings
Lens effects were not applied on images loaded from the VFB history
Fixed cut-off look of the material in the Material Editor
Fixed unexpected behavior when linked to other objects
Artifacts with environment override in the texture
miscellaneous fixes
Fixed stuck buckets due to long GI paths in certain cases
- Fixed stuck buckets with dynamic geometry with mixed static and motion-blurred geometry
- Fixed texmap slots of some of the V-Ray texmaps did not refresh immediately when a new map is connected to them
- Fixed NaN pixels in certain cases with Noise texture used as displacement map on a large plane
- Fixed NaN pixels in certain scenes with 3ds Max Fog atmospheric effect
- Fixed NaN pixels when a bump texture returned a NaN normal
- Updated DLL version numbers
- Improved motion blur raycast accelerator for fast rotating objects
- Fixed rare crashes when preparing scenes with many mesh lights
Build 3.00.03
Official release
Date – February 17, 2014
Download – Build 3.00.03
Bug Fixes
Render Masks
Improved performance with threads number scaling
did not work with the Default Scanline renderer with mapping channels different from 1
V-Ray RT
Fixed issue where rendering particle systems was breaking the rendering of motion blur
VRayHDRI was not working as bump map
Fixed crash in V-Ray standalone when moving dynamic geometry with motion blur enabled
- Fixed driver crash with dynamic motion blurred geometry
- Fixed artifacts with area lights
User properties for standalone plugin were not read correctly
Fixed crash in the VRMat editor in certain builds when previewing materials in the editor
A helper meshlight was not created in the same layer as the object's when "Direct illumination" was on
Fixed displaying of include/exclude lists editor on vrayVFB check/uncheck
miscellaneous fixes
Fixed slower rendering of scenes with dynamic meshes on many-core machines compared to V-Ray 2.4
Fixed updating of texmap buttons on some V-Ray texmaps when connecting them in slate material editor
Fixed crash when rendering with 3ds Max frame buffer, V-Ray Stereoscopic's "Adjust resolution" enabled and DR
Fixed crash with the "Previous render" option in the render settings when render elements were enabled
Fixed issue where the "Check for missing maps" option was breaking the animation export for particle systems
Fixed NaN pixels in certain cases when a 3ds Max Bitmap is used as a spherical environment
Fixed long irradiance map calculation times in specific cases with matte objects and "Retrace" light cache option enabled
Build 3.00.02
Official release
Date – February 7, 2014
Download – Build 3.00.02
Modified Features
Increase the default buffer size to 100 MB to speed up conversions
Bug Fixes
Fixed handling of tiled textures with mip-map levels that fit into one tile as produced by txmake
- Fixed rare crash when cancelling a render with tiled textures
- The render region height parameter was not always updated correctly when locked to the width
Render Mask
Fixed rendering with DR
Quad menu command was not showing the VFB in ActiveShade mode
Fixed slower reading of OpenEXR files compared to previous V-Ray versions
Fixed a crash with PSD textures with all layers hidden
Fixed crash when a Multi/Sub-Object material is used as a base material
Fixed rendering of camera motion blur
Fixed crash with "discard" statement when using uniform global variables
Reverted to OSL 1.3 as some input parameters were not updated properly
Fixed erroneously disabled Remove button when more than one VRayLightSelect render elements were present
Moved to the V-Ray category for textures
Fixed proxy selection in viewport, objects behind were selected instead
Fixed rendering of animated materials attached to Multi/Sub-Object material
Fixed incorrect mapping of baked procedural textures
VRayDirt in VRayExtraTex render element did not render properly
Reduced the number of messages that are printed to the standard output when merging large irradiance map files
Fixed previous installation license settings acquisition, local license was assumed always
Build 3.00.01
Official release
Date – January20, 2014
Download – Build 3.00.01
New Features
- Redirected all help links to the new official help web site
- A V-Ray toolbar provides quick access to common V-Ray features
- Support for VRayDirt, VRayFastSSS2, VRaySkinMtl materials
- Added an option for deep output to OpenEXR 2 and .vrst files
- Added ability to convert particles from Alembic files to .vrmesh files
Modified Features
For 3ds Max 2014, all related V-Ray files have been renamed to xxxx2014 (e.g. vrender2014.dlr, vray2014.dll etc)
Added a "Divide shading subdivs" parameter in the image sampler to prevent V-Ray from balancing shading subdivs vs AA subdivs for those users that find it confusing
Exposed in the UI the option for direct visualization of caustics calculations
Added an option to control DOF/moblur subdivisions for the Adaptive subdivision image sampler
When the maximum transparency level is reached, return the environment color rather than black
Hair & Fur
Hair&Fur properties are taken from the source object (except the "Renderable" property)
- The material now respects the global "Linear workflow" option
VRayMetaballTex / VRayParticleTex
VRayMetaballTex renamed to VRayParticleTex and can be used to read colors from Alembic particles
Removed the "Ignore light normals" from the UI
Dome lights are now always created with intensity 1.0 instead of the default 30
Internally uses the production renderer core running in progressive mode
Use different GPU code depending on the features used in the scene
Faster loading of textures
Bitmap aperture now has "affect exposure" option
Renamed the "offset" and "shift" parameter to the more correct photographic terms "shift" and "tilt" respectively
Added an option to prevent custom bitmap aperture from affecting exposure
Added an option to force remap mapping channels so that they always start from 1
Added a "View image" button that opens a 3ds Max bitmap buffer with the texture
Added support for single-channel TIFF and .tx/.tex files
The numpad 1-9 keys can also be used to switch between recent images
Ability to load arbitrary file formats
Clicking on a slider for HSL, color balance or brightness/contrast now sets the value
A color correction rollout can now be hidden or expanded by clicking on its title
Bug Fixes
Different buckets with probabilistic lights and DR
- The "Max ray intensity" parameter could introduce color shifts
- Fixed rare crashes with tiled textures and dynamic geometry when the dynamic memory limit was reached
- Some V-Ray materials did not generate proper material IDs; Fixed crash with FumeFX render elements
- Added support for alpha channel from FumeFX render elements
V-Ray RT
Fixed mixed up materials with RailClone objects
Fixed issues with animated proxy objects
Support for VRayBumpMtl
Fixed crashes and corrupted 3ds Max window after closing ActiveShade in 3ds Max 2014 with Enhanced Menus enabled
Right-click menu in ActiveShade could be flooded with "Missing" entries
The scene translation time was counted as render time
Wrong Z-depth render element with the "invert z-depth" option enabled
Fixed a crash with animated displacement
Fixed incorrect results with <UDIM> tags
Fixed crashes when starting rendering
ForestPro did not work correctly
Reflection environment and background were added randomly to a light select element
Invisible lights affected the Z-Depth render element
Fixed artifacts with Multi/Sub material and VRayNormalMap on ForestPro objects
The "compensate camera exposure" option for the VRayLightMtl material didn't work
Fixed an issue with spherical lights when "Use texture" was enabled
The options for previewing the directional parameter were not grayed out for non-rectangle lights
Fixed a glitch when creating dome lights
Incorrect rendering of non-uniformly scaled lights with directionality greater than 0.0
When looking through a sphere light, black parts of the geometry could appear
Fixed issues with dome lights with the "Lock to dome orientation" option enabled
Textured dome lights could appear pixelated to the camera and in reflections
Alembic particles didn't work correctly with irradiance map and motion blur
Alembic particles rendered black with light cache enabled
Velocity render element didn't work with Alembic hair and particles
Distributed Rendering
Saving of servers inside the scene file did not work
Fixed multiple transfers of assets with Unicode characters
Missing assets could incorrectly prevent other assets from being transferred to the render servers
Modified bitmaps were not transferred properly to DR servers when "Transfer missing assets" was enabled
Lists all supported image formats by default
Fixed a crash when a velocity render element was present in the scene;
Render Mask
Irradiance map was calculated even for parts of the image not covered by the mask
Mapped scale of Hair&Fur could take the entire RAM
Fixed flickering with motion blur when the hairs change the number of knots between frames
V-Ray failed to load when 3ds Max was started with an affinity mask set from the command prompt
Lights with different power from the default could produce different buckets in DR
Fixed slow rendering compared to V-Ray 2.x
The primary reflection glossiness map didn't work, just the numeric value
Fixed a crash when trying to apply lens effects to an image loaded from the VFB history
The HSL and color balance corrections were not saved in the 3ds Max scene
Some of the new color corrections were not taken in account when displaying corrected pixel info
The curves were not updated properly if the numerical input fields were used
HSL color correction didn't work unless there is at least one other correction enabled
The .ocio file was not read correctly if the system decimal symbol was comma
Fixed incorrect results due to probabilistic light sampling