
Table of Contents

Build 3.30.05

Official release

Date – March 10, 2016

Download – Build 3.30.05


Bug Fixes


  • Fixed artifacts in alpha channel with specific scene when deep merge mode is by z-depth
  • Fixed DR servers not proceeding to next frame during animation rendering
  • Fixed rarely DR servers not taking part in light cache calculation due to desynchronisation with the render client
  • Fixed random pixels in render elements with layered materials
  • Fixed random hanging with very low texture cache memory limit and tiled textures


  • Matte objects were receiving shadows from themselves

  • Switching the input language during ActiveShade session was changing 3ds Max's decimal symbol to point


  • Turning on "Enable color map" in Output was clamping textures in Environment and Dome VRayLight texmap slots


  • Fixed crash due to very long node user properties string

  • Fixed VRayMultiSubTex "Face material ID" and "Random by Node Handle" modes rendering


  • Dragging a button from the VFB toolbar was causing focus freeze

  • Mouse cursor was sticking to the the sliders in the lens effects settings


  • The mesh was inaccessible through MaxScript


  • Fixed automatic name change when loading a scene saved with older version of V-Ray


  • Fixed "Use Real-World Scale" option affecting the material editor preview when not using the standard 3ds Max mapping


  • Fixed crash with ThinkingParticles


  • Fixed crash with CUDA error 700 on shader parameters change during ActiveShade


  • Integer scalar mode was producing wrong results


  • Avoid calculating shadow rays that are not needed


  • Writing deep output was crashing


  • Fixed Houdini imported grid transformation


  • Broken output when converting to 16-bit EXR with "Data window" option enabled


Build 3.30.04

Date – January 20, 2016

Download – Build 3.30.04

New Features


  • Added initial support for VRayTriplanarTex

Modified Features


  • Optimized bitmap memory management


  • "Opacity mode" option default set to "Stochastic"


  • Enabled pure Volumetric render mode in V-Ray RT

  • Implement support for nameless VDB channels

  • Probabilistic volume sampling overrides the GI particle mode shading


  • Added prompt for administrative credentials

Bug Fixes


  • Reduced memory usage for light cache preview with high resolution images
  • Closing of the DR settings window shown by the vrayEditDRSettings() MaxScript command was opening the V-Ray Message Log window
  • Fixed crashes with animation and light cache with distributed rendering
  • Fixed hanging with tiled textures and very small texture memory limit
  • Multi/Sub-Object material with a VRayBlendMtl that has the base material blank was not casting transparent shadows
  • The %os keyword in the frame stamp did not recognize Windows 10
  • Reduced noise with Adaptive sampling and "Sub-pixel mapping" enabled
  • Reverted to V-Ray's render messages window in 3ds Max 2016


  • Fixed incorrect loading of compressed .vrimg files with compression ratios greater than 100 percent
  • Fixed incorrectly received mouse clicks from other windows


  • Added support for the ColorCorrection map "Printer lights per" and exposure mode options

  • Dynamic geometry was disappearing after the first frame in Light Cache phase when rendering animations

  • "Enable color map" was causing clipping of texture colors with environment and VRayLight dome lights

  • Fixed crash if VRayExtraTex texmap change during ActiveShade

  • Fixed crash with Progressive sampler when the region is out of the image dimensions

  • Shader linking did not update in Slate Material Editor during ActiveShade rendering


  •  Fixed memory usage for layered materials with opacity maps and fully transparent regions


  •  Optimized memory usage for geometry instances' user attributes
  • Portal lights blocked shadows from other lights
  • The ColorCorrection map HSL to RGB and RGB to HSL conversions changed to match the production rendering
  • Texture mapping size and offset with "Use real-world scale" enabled were not working when the mapping was "Planar from World XYZ"


  • Fixed overbright pixels with "Inscattered light intensity" less than 1.0


  • Fixed dark edges with rounded corners and Blinn/Ward/GGX BRDFs


  •  Fixed crash in V-Ray RT GPU when no input file was attached


  •  Bloom mode with "Render element only" option produced darker images
  • Fixed changing params through MaxScript


  •  Fixed animated rendering of proxies in "Show full mesh" mode with applied modifiers


  •  Fixed rendering transparent


  •  Fixed Material Editor preview


  •  Fixed self-shadowing export in V-Ray RT causing rendering slowdown
  • Fixed incorrect position changes with animated .vdb caches
  • Fixed incorrect frame smoothing
  • Fixed 3ds Max hanging when rendering with render cutter
  • Fixed multi-threaded cache files loading after a render has been completed in V-Ray RT and V-Ray Standalone
  • Fixed crash after repeated adding and removing of color gradient points
  • Fixed crash during GPU preview of fire in RGB mode with own opacity graph
  • Fixed differences between GPU viewport preview and rendering of fire
  • Fixed flipped meshing with .vdb caches from Houdini
  • Fixed "Object XYZ" texture mapping and preview in mesh mode for the Surface texmap
  • Removed noise on flat iso-surfaces produced by texmaps
  • Fixed rendering of speed channel from .f3d/.vdb caches
  • Fixed artifacts with grid-based self-illumination with DR


  •  Mesh transformations were ignored with the -mergeVoxels option
  • Instancing reverted to disabled by default when converting Alembic files because it's causing problems with previews

V-Ray Scene Converter

  •  Avoid script errors on converting Standard material with Strauss BRDF

.vrmesh Exporter

  •  Fixed exporting of VRayProxy objects in "Show full mesh" mode with modifiers

V-Ray Quick Settings

  •  The "AA Quality" slider was not changing the "Color threshold" of AA settings


Build 3.30.03

Official SP3 release

Date – December 15, 2015

Download – Build 3.30.03


Modified Features


  • Minor speed up of rendering with the light cache
  • Minor speed up when accessing tiled textures
  • Enabled assigning of existing trace sets to object nodes through the vrayAddTraceSets MaxScript function


  • Faster activation of the mouse tracking with the progressive sampler and V-Ray RT

V-Ray RT

  • Added option to disable the in-process rendering


  • Increased the GI bounces when retracing the light cache

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed crash when rendering Particle Flow system with VRayLightMtl with Falloff map

  • Wrong samples distribution with VFB mouse tracking and progressive sampling and V-Ray RT


  • Fixed random crash when displaying RT stamp variables

  • Prevent restoring from maximized state when starting rendering


  • Fixed crash with EXR files using custom data window


  • Fixed "affect environment rays" support for V-Ray RT

  • Fixed export of the sun node for V-Ray RT

  • Avoid unnecessarily affected shadow rays or unscattered light for shadow rays

  • Fixed issues with dome lights


Build 3.30.02

Beta 2

Date – November 30, 2015

Download – Build 3.30.02


New Features


  • Minor performance improvements


  • Initial support for rounded corners on the GPU

  • Initial support for the MultiTexture plugin from CGSource


  • Support for VRayDirt

Modified Features


  • Include the name of the material causing "invalid bump normal" warnings itself

  • Removed the V-Ray PowerShader banner from all it's appearances

  • Improve light cache quality for small render regions

  • The "Adaptive tracing" option for the light cache is removed as it didn't work reliably


  • Added tiling support and Real World Mapping in the Material Editor and viewport previews

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed crashes with ForestPack when preparing the scene for rendering

  • Fixed crashes when cancelling render while tessellating subdivided/displaced objects with "static geometry" enabled

  • Fixed crashes with dynamic meshes that have no faces but have more than one vertices

  • Fixed wrong URL of the Global DMC settings "?" button

  • The V-Ray option to show the render messages window on warning/error was still taken into account in 3ds Max 2016

  • Work around an issue with notification system in 3ds Max 2012, causing old scenes loading to crash


  • Fixed incorrect loading of compressed .vrimg files with compression ratios greater than 100 percent
  • Fixed incorrectly received mouse clicks from other windows


  • "Blur" parameter of VRayHDRI map was not correctly exported

  • Fixed broken scene updates since Beta 1

  • Fixed crash on render end with VRayMtlWrapper

  • Fixed crash with dynamic noise threshold when rendering as production renderer through Backburner

  • VRaySky randomly stopped illuminating the scene when the sun was disabled

  • Fixed unhandled exception when rendering motion blurred particles with longer duration and more than two geometry samples


  • Fixed crash when rendering through Backurner

  • Fixed incorrect orientation of VRayHDRI in environment slots

  • Wrong ground color for the VRaySky texture

  • Fixed wrong rendering of VRayMultiSubTex texture in DR mode

  • Different "phase" parameter of the Noise texture compared to RT CPU

  • "Cast shadows" option not working on objects with Multi/Sub materials

  • Fixed flipped normals on objects with negative scaling and displacement/subdivision

  • Fixed crash with empty Output maps

  • Fixed wrong implementation of the "saturation" parameter of the ColorCorrection map

  • Fixed wrong mapping of VRayFlakesMtl when using in-process RT

  • The "Clamp" output option of the Bitmap texmap was not working


  • Fixed crash if there was no VRaySun in the scene


  • Wrong motion blur on PFlow events that reduce the particle count


  • Fixed crash when encountering duplicate structures with different layouts

  • Fixed crash when re-loading shaders with syntax errors

  • Fixed crash when VRayHDRI texmap is attached as input


  • Fixed black pixels occurring when rendering Phoenix FD with "Affect background" off and "Color Clamp" on

.vrmesh Exporter

  • Fixed wrong results when total mesh faces were less than "min faces"


Build 3.30.01

Beta 1

Date – November 10, 2015

Download – Build 3.30.01

New Features


  •  General speed improvements
  • New adaptive sampling algorithm for better detection and clean-up of noise in the image
  • Added option for automatic subdivs calculations for materials and lights
  • Better GI distribution (more robust handling of reflective GI caustics) for interior scenes
  • Experimental support for machines with more than 64 logical cores (enabled through VRAY_USE_THREAD_AFFINITY=1 environment variable)
  • Better sub-pixel filtering for the progressive sampler
  • Dynamic noise threshold for the progressive sampler for more even noise distribuion
  • Internal spectral color space switched from CIE RGB to sRGB
  • Updated default settings
  • Added "Generate render elements" option to the V-Ray object properties

  • Added vrayGetStampVariable() MaxScript function to return the value of any VFB stamp variable

V-Ray RT

  • In-process RT engine (no separate command-line opens up)


  •  Support for lights include/exclude

  • Better support for AMD hardware

  • Initial support for GLSL texture shaders

  • Support for hair and particles from VRayProxy objects

  • Added initial support for VRayMultiSubTex

  • Added support for 3ds Max procedural textures in environment slot

  • Added support for VRayFur

  • Added support for MultiTexture

  • Added support for mapped IOR of VRayMtl

  • Added support for the physical camera bitmap aperture

  • Added support for the "cast shadows" option of the V-Ray lights

  • Added support for VRayPlane

  • Added support for VRayUserColor and VRayUserScalar

  • Support for texture-mapped "radius" parameter in VRayDirt


  • Ability to compare the V-Ray settings recorded with the VFB history images

  • Ability to export the color corrections settings as single LUT (.cube) file

  • Ability to load color corrections from VFB history

  • Ability to remember the window position since the last 3ds Max session

VRaySun / VRaySky

  • New sky model (Hosek et al)

  • Added ground color parameter


  • Updated default settings


  • New stochastic flakes material for car-paint like materials


  • Implemented raytraced rounded corners when used as bump map


  • Added an "Additional bump map" slot


  • GLSL shaders are now compiled to binary code through LLVM for increased render speed


  • Added a texture for triplanar mapping


  • New aerial perspective atmospheric effect


  • Ability to clip against arbitrary meshes


  • Implemented options for hair curling

VRayInstancer / VRayMetaball

  • Added ability to pick individual PFlow events


  • Specify the proxy preview faces as percentage of the original faces, min and max values


  • Added options for probabilistic volume sampling in the VRayVolumeGrid atmospheric effect
  • Added support for importing VDB caches from FumeFX 4

Modified Features


  • Automatically disable the bitmap pager

  • Distributed calculations of the light cache with distributed rendering

  • Further speed improvements for proxies and instances (beyond what we had in V-Ray 3.20.03)

  • Improved CPU utilization for the progressive sampler when using noise threshold

  • Speed improvements when rendering displacement/subdivision surfaces

  • Added progressive sampling buffer memory usage info to the V-Ray rendering messages log

  • Optimized Mitchell-Netravali filter performance on Intel Xeon CPUs

  • Added warnings about compatibility issues with Blend, Shellac and Composite materials

V-Ray RT

  • .vrscene exporter support for VrayScannedMtl

  • Added "Show log" button in the System rollout when set as production renderer

  • Avoid burning the RT statistics into the final saved images

  • V-Ray plugins can be loaded from multiple paths set in the VRAY30_RT_FOR_3DSMAXNNNN_PLUGINS environment variable

  • Moved the "Ignore in RT Engine" option from Object Properties to V-Ray Properties


  • Improved light cache with support for motion blurred hairs

  • Optimized the "Compiling geometry..." phase on scenes with many nodes

  • Print warning for unsupported textures


  •  Prevent kernel recompilations during ActiveShade


  • Added tooltip with the image comment to the images in the VFB history

  • Adding/removing render elements will not delete the contents of the frame buffer


  •  Moved the "Use interpolation" options for reflections/refractions to the relevant rollout


  •  Added toggle controls for the coat materials


  •  Added user tags support for textures connected to a GLSL/OSL texture or material


  •  For newly created VRayDirt textures, the subdivs (and samples quality) is no longer influenced by antialiasing settings


  •  Tiled textures caching optimizations
  • General speed improvements
  • Support for UDIM tiles greater than 1999


  •  Fixed incorrect results when the "Mirror" and "Tile" options are switched off


  • Enabled adding of multiple lights in the Environment Fog field through "Select by name" dialog

  • "per gizmo fadeout enable" option is disabled by default

  • Renamed the per-gizmo "fadeout" parameter to "falloff"


  • Added automatic preview detail reduction

  • Allowed the render diagrams/gradients to be resized by MaxScript

VRaySamplerInfo Render Element

  •  Added modes to extract a specific node user attribute as an integer or floating-point render element

V-Ray Scene Converter

  • Added support for Corona 1.2.1

  • Added support for the Output rollout and crop/placement values;

V-Ray vrmat Converter

  •  Added support for VRayHDRI and VRayNormalMap

V-Ray Installer

  •  Auto-run the license server if it was running prior the installation


  •  Accepts "-numthreads" option to limit the number of threads for the DR node when not using NUMA options

Bug Fixes


  • "Transfer missing assets" option wasn't working trough Backburner

  • Automatically turn off image filtering with Cube 6x1 cameras because it is causing "Invalid geometric normal (-0 -0 -0)" errors

  • GI "Leak prevention" parameter name was disappearing when loading settings from VFB history file

  • Light Cache was crashing at Merging Passes stage with Motion Blur and particle systems

  • Fixed wrong results with sharpening image filters when rendering with progressive image sampler and V-Ray RT

  • "Maps" option in Global Switches doesn't disable the textured lights properly

  • Per-pixel statistics were wrong with region render

  • Render mask in texture mode was loading only the top level bitmap if there were sub-textures

  • Rendering was freezing with static subdivision and tiled textures when the displacement map is missing

  • Rollouts in the Render Settings window were disappearing when loading V-Ray presets

  • The "?" button for the Adaptive image sampler was opening broken URL

  • Fixed crash with Free Directional Lights

  • Fixed wrong result in the VRayShadows render element

  • Added missing V-Ray items in the 3ds Max menus


  • 3ds Max Photometric lights' filter color was not exported to .vrscene files

  • Camera animation was not properly exported to .vrscene files

  • Could not lock render view if Phoenix FD GPU preview is in one of the viewports

  • Fixed crash when creating spherical light during ActiveShade

  • Fixed 3ds Max crash when inserting VFB stamp variables after rendering as production renderer

  • Fixed crash when re-connecting Multi/Sub-Object material to VRayBlendMtl during ActiveShade

  • Fixed different results with VRayIES lights compared to the production renderer

  • Fixed error when rendering Normal Bump map with texture in Additional bump map and no Normal map set

  • Fixed export of textures redundantly wrapped in TexOutput plugin

  • Fixed random error "stage 2" after tweaking exposure settings due to uninitialized resources

  • Fixed silent crash when closing 3ds Max after rendering

  • Fixed VRayBlendMtl exporting of redundant BRDFLayered plugins for the sub-materials

  • Fixed wrong scaled camera rendering

  • Gradient Ramp texture had Surface Normal not properly calculated for backfacing polygons

  • MaxScript/Quad menu export to .vrscene was always creating animation keyframes

  • Meshes with subdivision should be exported as GeomStaticSmoothedMesh

  • Prevent hidden geometry export

  • Subtract function in VRayCompTex was producing incorrect results

  • The parameters for probabilistic lights were not exported to .vrscene files

  • The RGB Offset, Level and Output Amount from the Output texture and rollout were not applied correctly

  • VRayDistanceTex was not exported

  • VRayFur placement by material ID was offset by 1

  • VRayGLSLTex and VRayOSLTex were not shown as compatible textures in the material editor

  • VRaySun exclude list was not applied


  • Fixed crash on closing of the Render Message window in 3ds Max 2016, during ActiveShade

  • Fixed lighting with dome light if it was not the first light in the scene

  • Fixed wrong results with textured VRayLights

  • "Inverse square" decay of Standard lights was not working

  • MultiMatte render element was not working when rendering with motion blur

  • Objects with animated displacement were disappearing on time change during ActiveShade

  • Removed artifacts caused by overlapping faces on VRayProxy objects with motion blur

  • VRayNormalMap was not rendering correctly


  • "Auto update bitmaps" was not working

  • Fixed crash when deleting VRayClipper during Active Shade

  • Refractions were rendering differently compared to the V-Ray RT CPU

  • The "Mix Curve" of Falloff maps was not taken into account

  • Optimized memory allocation when loading scenes with many textures

  • VRayProxy objects' G-Buffer ID was not filled correctly


  •  Prevent auto-save an image in the history if the VFB has just been cleared
  • Adding points to the curve color correction was resetting the right tangent of the last point
  • Channels were mismatched in compare A/B mode when channels were different in both of the images
  • Fixed %frame variable in the frame stamp doesn't work
  • Fixed color correction rollouts scroll position after hiding rollouts
  • White balance color correction was causing hanging after rendering


  •  The "max subdivs" parameter was not disabled for modes other than subdivision surfaces


  •  Fixed result affected by inactive instances
  • Was not irradiated by VRaySun in V-Ray RT
  • Wrong deep output was generated when using with multiple/overlapping gizmos

VRayHairFarmMod & VRayOrnatrixMod

  • Fixed crash when rendering with VRaySamplerInfo render element


  •  Anisotropy and Rotation texmap shortcut buttons did not have context menus


  •  Was not returning correct number of sub-textures


  •  Fixed "inside color" leaking out with particular geometry

VRayFastSSS2 / VRaySkinMtl

  • Lights include/exclude list was ignored when motion blur was enabled

  • Fixed visible edges in raytraced mode when intersecting with other invisible geometry


  • Fixed reflections when the material has glossy reflections and GI is off

  • Fixed missing direct light from VRayAmbientLight


  •  Elliptical filtering was crashing when assigned as environment map


  • "Placement" option was not reflected in the viewport preview

  • Source object's scaling was not taken into account


  •  Fixed crash when the map channel is set to 100


  •  Environment was wrongly contributing to irradiance maps when there was a dome light with "affect alpha" disabled


  •  The wrong VRaySun lights was chosen in case there were multiple hidden but one


  •  Exposure in viewport was too dark in the in 3ds Max 2016


  •  Rendering with bitmap aperture was producing black images


  • Camera exposure from the VRayPhysicalCamera was applied twice to render elements when rendering with shademaps

  • Disable the DOF effect while rendering shade maps


  •  Deleting and then undoing breaks all rendering and simulation functionality
  • Fire in "own opacity" mode was rendering very dim in reflections with glossiness < 1
  • Workaround F3D files from FumeFX using boundless simulation or wavelet are not scaled correctly

V-Ray Bitmap to V-RayHDRI converter

  •  Fixed error if there are Bitmap textures with no file names
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