
Table of Contents

Build 3.40.03

Official release

Date August 30, 2016

Download – Build 3.40.03

Modified Features


  • Added channel data interval information to the cache info

  • Create default lights for the GPU preview if there are none

  • Rename "Analytic" scattering to "Approximate"

Bug Fixes


  • 3ds Max was crashing when switching focus to it with a radio button active

  • Fixed rendering slowdown on the main machine with DR since 3.40.01

  • Enabled back running on Windows XP

  • It was possible to add empty servers addresses for DR

V-Ray RT

  • Color mapping "Affect background" was not exported

  • Crash with Ornatrix hairs placed on top of VRayDisplacementMod

  • Region rendering with DR was very slow during ActiveShade


  • Enabled back VRayTriplanarTex for bump, since 3.40.01

  • Misplaced bump map with UDIM tiling

  • VRayBumpMtl was not working with VRayEdgesTex when the base material also has bump


  • Bump effect was offset


  • Preview meshes were not loading when opening scenes with XRef scenes in them


  • Crash when deleting a light that is excluded in the GPU preview list

  • Crash when loading a cache while RT is running

  • Krakatoa and Stoke MX were using the same frame from the velocity field of imported caches

  • Using Self-illumination, results were different according to number of rendering cores


Build 3.40.02

Official release

Date June 14, 2016

Download – Build 3.40.02

Modified Features


  • Prevent the Denoiser Render Elements from saving as separate files


  • Speed up texture sampling


  • Add "-abortOnOpenCLError" to stop hardware accelerated denoising on errors

  • Add "-frames" option that allows to specify the frames to process

  • Add "-verboseLevel" option

Bug Fixes


  • Materials with self-illumination enabled render incorrectly when light cache is secondary GI engine

  • Fixed problems with light cache "Store direct light" when using IR+LC after V-Ray 3.40.01

V-Ray RT

  • "Elements active" option in Render Elements tab is not working


  • Fireflies appear on scene with VRayFastSSS2

  • Highlight glossiness still renders when Trace reflections option is disabled


  • Clicking on the white area of the scroll bar in the color corrections window scrolls by just one pixel

  • Image messes up when scrolling in the window

  • Toolbar icons are not stretched over the entire buttons when screen dpi is changed


  • Denoising artifact appears on images with fireflies

  • Hardware accelerated denoiser messes up the progress bar during progressive rendering

  • Returns black result on some computers when hardware accelerated


  • Lag when switching between Shaded and Wireframe viewport modes


  • The __color keyword is not respected

  • Bool uniforms with initializers get random values


  • Empty texmap inputs lead to input parameters after them to be skipped


  • Fixed artifacts in the render


  • Crash when connected to a bump slot and has VRayNormalMap


  • Doesn't work with network paths for input files


Build 3.40.01

Official release

Date May 31, 2016

Download – Build 3.40.01


New Features


  • Add support for 3ds Max 2017 including support for Physical Material, support for MultiTile in V-Ray RT, support for ColorMap in V-Ray RT, initial HiDPI scaling support within VFB
  • Enable GI by default
  • Add another deep output fragment merge mode, "None", where fragments are not merged at all
  • Add "layers" type to override material exclude list
  • Add refraction filter bake element
  • Lower tessellation rate for out-of-view hair and displaced/subdivided geometry to save RAM in heavy scenes
  • Move the VRayHDRI's Tiled textures options from the material editor's interface to the V-Ray's Settings tab
  • Print a warning if "Show GI only" is enabled


  • Implement a new render element that contains a denoised version of the image:
    • The Denoiser can take advantage of hardware acceleration
    • The denoised result can be adjusted after a render is complete
    • The denoised result is updated periodically during progressive rendering
    • The render elements required by the denoiser are automatically added


  • A new command-line tool for denoising still images and animations with frame blending


  • Add support for Orthographic camera
  • Add support for bump with procedural Noise texmap
  • Print the memory usage in the VFB statistics


  • Add option to enable auto-saving to history if the render completed normally (i.e. is not aborted)
  • Add option to keep the VFB history folder relative to the current project path


  • Add "filter color" parameter


  • Add an option to select luminous intensity in candelas (cd)


  • Add option to override the node properties of the source objects


  • Add textured flakes support


  • Add support for vertical placement of the left/right views in addition to side-by-side


  • Add random modes: "By particle ID"/"By instance ID" support


  • Implemented ability to pop out and enlarge the render diagrams
  • Implemented different interpolation types per point in the render diagrams
  • Implement motion blur clipping by the Cutter geometry for non-Mesh modes

.vrscene exporter

  • Show progress bar instead of "not responding" during export to .vrscene

V-Ray scene converter

  • Convert rectangle/sphere/disc photometric lights without web profile to the corresponding V-Ray lights

V-Ray Installer

  • Attempt to uninstall previous installation without registry record
  • Installation options can be set from the command-line


  • Store the textures names used by OBJ files into user attributes


  • Make it possible to run V-Ray from a remote location


Modified Features


  • Faster rendering with the light cache
  • Blend the "Fixed" and "Adaptive" sampler UI into a "Bucket" image sampler
  • Enable support for processor groups and more than 64 CPU cores by default
  • Rename "Color threshold" to "Noise threshold" in the Adaptive image sampler
  • Add texmap shortcut buttons next to colors for plugins with automatically generated UI
  • Add UI mode views switching for the Image Sampler rollout
  • Make the DR settings window with persistent size
  • Remove the "Adaptive subdivision" sampler from the UI
  • Slow rendering of objects visible behind multiple panes of glass
  • The log messages window text and background match the 3ds Max color scheme


  • Streamline the UI rollouts
  • When assigning a new VRayHDRI or a Bitmap texture through the UI, automatically browse for a file and set the mapping to spherical environment

V-Ray RT

  • Add information about the current noise threshold to the render statistics
  • Enable region changes without restarting the render in RT
  • Enabled by default the rendering of Proxies, X-ref, Particle systems, Displacement and Motion Blur
  • Make override material independent for production and ActiveShade renderers
  • Optimize export of scenes with many instanced geometries with many faces


  • Add "bias" spinners support for VRayDirt
  • Improvement automatic texture resizing, leading to reduced memory usage and better quality
  • Optimized rendering of VRayBlendMaterial
  • Speed up loading of resized textures to the GPU
  •  Warn the user if all the GPUs they have are used for rendering


  • Added a button to open the V-Ray messages window
  • Show warning when images cannot be saved in the history
  • The MaxScript command "vfbcontrol #clearimage" should not trigger confirmation dialog


  • Automatically calculate the "precision" parameter for 2d displacement mode
  • Enable the "static geometry" option by default


  • Bring back for 3ds Max 2016 and newer


  • Faster hair strands generation


  • Implement drag and drop of texture files from Windows Explorer to the file edit field


  • Improved GGX/GTR sampling to reduce fireflies
  • The "Anisotropy" spinner has a lower step


  • Optimize rendering using cached voxels


  • Improved importance sampling algorithm, removed the "texture subdivs" parameter
  • Treat "num flakes" as square root of the number of flakes


  • Add "blend angle" and "horizon offset" options to the user interface


  • Add option for changing the mesh preview color

V-Ray scene converter

  • Convert the 3ds Max Normal Bump map to VRayNormalMap

Bug Fixes


  • 3ds Max freezes when exporting a .vrmesh file with the lock selection toggle enabled
  • Artifacts in objects outline upon saving to *.hdr file when image filter is set to VRaySincFilter
  • Crash upon rendering VRayIES lights
  • Crash when rendering an object with changing topology and VRaySamplerInfo render element with Forward/Backward occlusion type
  • Noisier results with "Clamp output" and "Sub-pixel mapping" enabled
  • Double stamp is printed when saving through 3ds Max output
  • Fixed artifacts with NormalMap
  • Freeze after rendering with displacement
  • Misspelled additional parameters in some materials and textures
  • NaN pixels when rendering matte geometry with Hair and Fur
  • RAW image output file extension is not memorized between sessions
  • Scenes with more than 64 render elements crash
  • The %numpasses and %numsubdivs keywords are written as 0 in multichannel OpenEXR files
  • The items from the viewport quad menus are not restored from the "V-Ray menu registration" button

V-Ray RT

  • Crash when adjusting a NoiseMap attached to V-Ray OSL shader
  • Crash when switching between CUDA or OpenCL and VRAY_OPENCL_PLATFORMS_x64 is not set
  • Crash with VRayDistanceTex and FFD modifier
  • Displacement map is not working when the host material is used as base in VRayBumpMtl
  • Machine with disabled "Use local host" option DR takes render node license
  • Matte rendering is not working with Forest Pro objects
  • Moving a light during ActiveShade causes two light re-exports
  • Override material is not working on Forest Pro and Rail Clone geometry
  • Render to texture saves black image when set as production renderer
  • VRayFur's "Placement" options are not working
  • When rendering Active Shade with Render Mask selected - changes to selection are not updated


  • Crash when trying to select objects in the 3ds Max ActiveShade frame buffer
  • Crash when rendering with motion blur, Particle Flow and Multi/Sub-Object material
  • Crash with rendering out-of-process and render region
  • Textures in VRayMtl's Self-Illumination slot are clamped (0-1)
  • VRayNormalMap plugged into the texmap slot of VRayDisplacementMod is not considered


  • Crash with multiple UV sets on dynamic geometry
  • Different VRaySky horizon compared to V-Ray RT CPU
  • Fixed memory leak and crashes with displacement, subdivision and VRayProxy
  • Fixed loading Light Cache from file depending on the current frame
  • Fixed wrong bump mapping with VRayColor2Bump
  • Fixed high memory usage with proxies, hair, particles, displacement and subdivision in animation
  • Size and offset of "Use real-world scale" are not working when the mapping is "Planar from World XYZ"
  • Motion-blurred hair with light cache is rendered very slow
  • MultiTexture and VRayMultiSubTex can work as input to other textures
  • VRayMultiSubTex is not modified when processed through another texmap
  • Wrong shading for the Light Cache with displacement, subdivision and VRayProxy

V-Ray Standalone

  • Projector textures in direct lights do not render properly


  • Crash with auto-save to the history after Render To Texture
  • Saving an image to the history from V-Ray RT does not save the scene file name
  • Saving image results in broken filename when not ASCII
  • Window position is saved when cloning the renderer


  • SSS/Skin sub-materials cause difference in final result between active/inactive Render Elements


  • Limited actions (drag/cut/copy/paste) on base material slot


  • Black surface of the section of the clipped geometry with "Affect lights" disabled


  • The "show subtriangles" option is not working


  • Garbage data produced for normals with the VRaySamplerInfo render element
  • Old scenes should be left in "Prepass-based illumination map" mode
  • The "Save/Load flythrough map" prepass modes are missing from the user interface


  • 3ds Max crashes when the value for per area or per face is set too high on very large geometry
  • Tiling occurs with Curl options


  • Artifacts (splotches) when hdri image is set in the 3ds max environment slot
  • Viewport preview is very slow with large bitmaps


  • Incorrect velocity information is generated


  • Open EXR file renders black when used for IBL
  • "Store With Irradiance Map" does not work well with Use Local Subdivs off


  • Crash when rendering with Scanline or Raytrace texmap


  • Indirect illumination is wrongly evaluated


  • Animated diffuse color is not updated in the viewport
  • Crash when changing to Scanline renderer if opacity map is set and material editor is open
  • Difference in bump map rendering with older versions
  • Diffuse texture is not working with Particle Flow operator "Position Object/ Density by Material /grayscale"


  • Settings rollout name is wrong


  • Tweak dropdown controls forget their position when switching between different textures


  • MaxScript objects return "Object" class name instead of "VRayProxy"
  • Wrong Alembic particle/hair width

VRayScatterVolumeMtl / VRayHairMtl

  • Texmap slots are not updated on map change with Slate Material Editor


  • Crash with high resolution renderings when autosave is enabled


  • Not appearing in the VRayMtlSelect render element


  • Fixed black dot artifacts when rendering using "Volumetric Heat Haze" mode
  • Frame blending does not work properly with adaptive grid
  • Imported VDB files have wrong orientation in V-Ray RT
  • The viewport GPU preview disappears when changing frames with a single cache
  • Mesh preview crashes on 3ds max 2016 and newer with Nitrous DX9
  • Multi Matte Element is not filled in "Volumetric Geometry" mode
  • VDB levelset caches render with inverted normals and winding

.vrscene exporter

  • VRayProxy with displacement modifier is exported as static mesh

V-Ray Light Lister

  • Handling invalid nodes

V-Ray Quick settings

  • Rollouts disappear when loading custom preset


  • Is swapping the MtlIDs
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