
Table of Contents

Build 3.50.04

Official release

Date Mar. 3, 2017

Download – Build 3.50.04

Modified Features

V-Ray / V-Ray RT

  • Optimize compiling geometry for scenes with displacement on machines with many cores


  • Add settings rollout IPR options whether to track changes to the VFB size and whether to always use progressive sampling

V-Ray RT

  • Add an option to only render the visible part of image for OpenVR and Oculus renders (Follow VR headset)


  • Do not consider Intel GPUs for V-Ray GPU

  • Take the adaptive lights number of lights into account


  • Make unoccluded sub-texmap slot default when keeping replaced texture as subtexmap


  • Show MDL enum parameters as combo boxes instead of spinners


  • img2tiledexr should store its version and build date into the converted OpenEXR files


Bug Fixes


  • Animated Noise in VRayLightMtl with Direct Illumination On slows down the rendering drastically

  • Artifacts with Adaptive Lights in certain scenes

  • Deep image result is overwritten when post effects are enabled

  • Distributed rendering with no Use local host requires additional license

  • Improve saving time of progressive resumable files to a network location

  • Log flood with "Invalid normal index found on face" with specific geometry

  • Saving to raw images with non-ANSI names fails when post effects are present

  • The main thread hangs when some of the license servers are offline

  • Very slow compile geometry phase on particular scenes

  • Wrong VRayZDepth with use camera clip boundaries enabled and the physical camera's clipping planes disabled


  • Constant refresh with VRayPhysicalCamera and V-Ray Exposure Control

  • Crash when adding a render element during IPR

  • Crash when using adaptive lights and a new light is added to the scene

  • Rendering hangs and 3ds Max 2017 UI freezes when Physical camera Lens Shift is modified

V-Ray RT

  • Export display sRGB parameter to .vrscene

  • Some machines can't load IFL files when accessing them from shared location

  • Unhandled exception when rendering scenes with Ornatrix feathers and displacement in production rendering mode


  • Black regions with Projections

  • Different results with VRayClipper and Camera rays only option enabled

  • Adaptive Lights are not updated after change in region/resolution during ActiveShade

  • Compensate camera exposure of VRayLightMtl is not working

  • CUDA error 719 with specific scene

  • Fix potential crash with unsupported render elements

  • Alpha pixels missing with matte/shadow plane

  • Overexposed lighting when rendering with V-Ray GPU

  • The specular contribution does not get adjusted by the fog attenuation


  • Denoiser hardware acceleration type is not updated at render end

  • Denoiser is not applied progressively when rendering with V-Ray RT

  • Do not apply denoiser on load from history

  • Lens effects hardware acceleration mode doesn't work

  • Selecting a point in the curves color correction window causes the point to move

  • The curves color correction in the VFB should be applied after the exposure

  • Turning off the Select object mode during ActiveShade leaves the wrong cursor


  • Denoiser is calculated every time before V-Ray RT rendering start if it was used before

  • The option Only generate render elements is producing corrupt file


  • Not properly generated with Bitmap texmaps


  • Materials are transparent in BRDF mode


  • None of the General shader properties are accessible through MAXScript


  • Crash with 1000+ shader nodes

  • Exporting OSL materials with unconnected textures for V-Ray RT produces broken scenes


  • Crash with Alembic file with containing incorrect UVW mapping indices in V-Ray RT

  • Custom attributes for alembic files are lost in Show whole mesh display mode


  • Active checkbox not exported for V-Ray RT

  • Add render element export for V-Ray RT

  • Missing toon effect with 3ds Max standard cameras


  • Crash when loading an .mdl while V-Ray RT is running and then stopping it

  • Exporting empty MDL materials fails

  • Merging light cache passes is very slow when rendering scene with missing MDL resource files

  • Shows as incompatible when V-Ray RT is set as production render engine

  • Spinners reject negative parameter values

  • Treat df::bsdf() as black diffuse

  • Wrong rendering of MDL texture with bump on geometry with incorrect tangents


  • NaN pixels occur


  • Animation is not working for V-Ray RT

  • Missing objects from imported vrscene when rendered with V-Ray RT

  • Snippet override with wildcards doesn't work on Windows 7

V-Ray scene converter

  • Broken lights instances after conversion


  • Fails to convert files properly after 3.50.03



Build 3.50.03

Official release

Date February 8, 2017

Download – Build 3.50.03

New Features


  • Distortion support for physical camera


Modified Features


  • Move the VRayDenoiser progressive update frequency in the System rollout

V-Ray RT

  • The IPR button in the VFB should work when V-Ray RT is the production renderer

  • ActiveShade should render with the current VFB resolution and should track changes to the VFB size

  • Export Forest Color information as color instead of 3 float numbers


  • Add a warning when users have Adaptive Lights and Shadows RE enabled

  • Support VRayUserColor to be used for mapping channels

  • Support the noise parameters for Gradient Ramp texture


  • Add MAXScript callback when IPR completes rendering

  • Production IPR should fill the VFB and react to changes in the VFB size and changes to render resolution

  • Production IPR should react to changes in the render region in the VFB

  • Track changes to node properties both V-Ray and user during IPR

  • Track changes to the environment overrides in the render settings during IPR


  • Add command for VFB display control (vfbControl #show)

  • RGB button switches between RGB color and effectsResult channels

  • Show HSV values in the VFB pixel information window


  • Add displacement support to MDL

  • Display texture parameters in MDL materials as file buttons


  • Override material with 3ds Max native materials


  • Option to disable the Optimizing Volumetrics rendering pre-pass

V-Ray Scene Converter

  • Blend material to VRayBlendMtl conversion support for sub materials and textures

  • Convert Corona's native materials, textures, and lights to V-Ray ones


Bug Fixes


  • Adaptive lights don't work with fly-through light cache

  • Concatenated node user attributes on VRayProxy objects

  • effectsResult channel is not saved with .vrimg file from Render Setup

  • Resumable rendering with bucket sampling and post effects stops with an error after the first completed frame

  • When saving a scene with GLSL, OSL or MDL the full path to the file is not always written

V-Ray RT

  • Incorrect adaptive lights with production (non-ActiveShade) renders

  • Light cache from map is not used in out of process rendering

  • Not located alembic proxies with local paths

  • Not updating the IFL sequences properly during time slider change

  • Some scenes with multiple MDL materials fail to export

  • Wrong rendering with light cache from file saved with adaptive light grid


  • Adaptive lights with VRayClipper with affect lights off in some cases has artifacts

  • Artifacts with Skylight portal and adaptive lights

  • Artifacts with VRayLight exclude lists and Adaptive lights

  • Bump looks wrong with object-space UVW generator

  • Compiling geometry takes too long in a specific scene when using GPU

  • Crash when tweaking the displacement amount in specific scene

  • Crash with adaptive lights and disabled light portals

  • Discrepancy in rendering of Normal, Average and Multiply Blending Modes of Tint in Forest Color texture

  • Crash with empty Forest Color map channel

  • Don't save matte render elements for GPU when writing to image

  • ForestPro objects not rendered when Displacement is enabled in specific scene

  • Gradient Ramp connected to Gradient Ramp renders wrong

  • Lens effects Object/Material ID is not working with GPU rendering

  • Max ray intensity is not applied to self-illumination and light cache bleeding

  • Noisy results even though the sampling settings are high

  • Occasionally wrong lighting with adaptive lights

  • Random crash when using light cache with adaptive lights

  • Some Render Elements render wrong in specific setups

  • Render is very slow floods the kernel with invalid messages when rendering with On-Demand textures but there are no textures in the scene

  • Tweaking assigned Color Correction maps to Environment changes the output

  • Visible mesh edges on refractive objects

  • XRef Multi/Sub-Object material renders black with CUDA


  • Changing properties of the VRayPhysicalCamera are not updated in IPR

  • Crash after using the V-Ray Light Lister during production IPR

  • Crash when accessing the Material Editor during an ActiveShade session with Clear cache on render end enabled

  • Crash when adjusting curves in VRayHDRI during IPR

  • Crash when cloning a specific object during IPR

  • Crash when creating instances in a particular scene during IPR

  • Crash when creating VRayLight without dragging for setting the size during IPR

  • Crash with IPR with VRayFastSSS2's object-based pre-pass

  • Crash with XRef materials during IPR

  • IPR crashes with VRayExtraTex Render Element

  • IPR render from camera that has Skew modifier applied doesn't match production render

  • Locked camera view is not respected in IPR

  • Making an object a shadow catcher from the V-Ray toolbar is not updated in IPR

  • Modifying VRayLight created in IPR as a Copy crashes 3ds Max

  • Occasional crash with IPR related to texture shortcut buttons

  • Unhandled exception with instanced objects during IPR

  • VRayLightMtl intensity is not properly updating in IPR

  • Hiding and unhiding of nodes is not reflected in production IPR

  • Render mult parameter of VRayHDRI is not working in IPR


  • Environment variables not re-read defined in OCIO

  • Fix scaling of non-native resolution images in the history

  • Hide lens effects ID masks when loading from the history

  • Lens effects are not updated every time the update button is pressed


  • Crashes when rendering with VRayCurvatureMap inside VRayExtraTex Render Element


  • Shader inputs are not shown when using Quick Shader


  • 3ds Max occasionally crashes on closing in shutdownNeuray()

  • Crash when changing parameters during out of process ActiveShade session

  • Crash when referencing missing textures

  • Materials with textures crash when connected to VRayBlendMtl

  • MDL files are not loaded on scene open

  • Reloading the same MDL material makes the preview disappear

  • The gamma mode is ignored


  • The normal map is affected by the bump map multiplier


  • User attributes aren't distributed to all references/instances


  • Alembic preview is not loaded


  • Map for color is not exported for V-Ray RT

  • The hidden edges of objects with non-fully opaque materials are drawn


  • The Loop Overlap option is not exported to V-Ray RT and vrscenes from 3ds Max

vrimg2exr.exe / img2tiledexr.exe / V-Ray

  • Slow EXR saving process on network location


Build 3.50.02

Beta release

Date January 12, 2017

Download – Build 3.50.02

New Features


  • Add VRayRawDiffuseFilter, VRayRawReflectionFilter and VRayRawRefractionFilter render and bake elements

  • Fallback to limited functionality Demo mode if no license is present

V-Ray RT

  • Add support for adaptive lights


  • All supported procedural textures to work for bump maps, when used through VRayColor2Bump texture

  • Implement support for Forest Color texture

  • Support for Mapped, Linear and 4 corners Gradient types in Gradient Ramp texture

  • Support for adaptive lights in CUDA (both in Production and in ActiveShade)

  • Support for the planar VRayClipper


  • Lens effects work on the denoised result if a denoiser render element is present

  • Lens effects can be enabled and adjusted during rendering


  • Integrate support for NVIDIA MDL

  • Initial support for VRayMDLMtl in V-Ray RT


  • Implement scene node that supports rendering geometry and materials from a .vrscene file and settings override with another file


  • Ability to store the toon outlines in a separate render element


  • Does not update on filename change in V-Ray RT

V-Ray Toolbar

  • Add button to make selected objects shadow catchers

Modified Features


  • 3ds Max render effects should be applied when the Stop button is pressed in the render progress

  • Adaptive lights sampling improvement when the total lights are less than the Adaptive lights count

  • Bucket resuming writes its own .vrimg output if other output format is set

  • Enable adaptive lights by default

  • Faster 2d displacement on machines with many cores

  • Faster rendering of proxies on many-core machines

  • Improve the HDR images loading speed

  • Make 1 a possible value for Geometry samples in Render Setup

  • Remove limitation on parameters count for OSL and GLSL shaders

  • Restore the 3ds Max project folder after DR render

  • Rework post-effects pipeline to avoid Lens effects overriding the denoised image in particular

  • Right-click on parameters' spinners should reset them to the default values instead of zero for most of V-Ray plugins

  • The light grid for adaptive lights does not take specular light contributions into account

V-Ray RT

  • Allow irradiance map and light cache from saved file in ActiveShade

  • Change mouse cursors for some of the right click modes during Active Shade

  • Implement export of VRayToon

  • Implement the glossy Fresnel options

  • Improve random by render ID values generation for V-Ray RT and matched with VRayMultiSubTex


  • Add a render stamp variable noiseThreshold for the reached noise threshold of the progressive sampler

  • Add toolbar button for copying the current channel to clipboard

  • Increase default VFB history maximum files count to 100 and the size on disk in MB to 10000

  • Show a progress bar in the VFB during IPR session


  • Support for Raytraced SSS ID V-Ray object property


  • Disabled by default the GI checkbox for self-illumination


  • Replace the Store in fixed point format (rg.ba) option with an Invert value one

V-Ray Bitmap to VRayHDRI converter

  • Bitmaps in objects/modifiers/environment should be handled

Bug Fixes


  • Adaptive lights don't work with fly-through light cache

  • Adding lights during IPR session produces wrong results when adaptive lights are enabled

  • Artifacts with adaptive lights and VRayFastSSS2 material

  • Crash when modifying matte object material in IPR

  • Deep merge strategy set as None renders incorrectly with non-fully opaque objects

  • Different bump with bitmaps since 3.50.01

  • Environment map ghosting through objects when matte/shadow objects are in the scene

  • If there is no license available V-Ray crashes when rendering

  • IPR crashes with Hair and Fur on render stop

  • IPR crashes with VRayExtraTex render element

  • IPR crashes while painting with the VRayFurStyler

  • Issue with finalToon and orthographic cameras

  • Noisy pixels not cleaned up by the progressive sampler

  • Random crashes after progressive rendering is finished

  • Render hangs when resuming with DR and distributed light cache

  • Rendering hangs at transforming vertices when there is a VRayVolumeGrid and many VRayLightMtl materials with direct illumination enabled

  • OSL preprocessor-only output is polluted with diagnostic messages

  • Wrong viewport drawing of objects after rendering in 3ds Max 2017

  • Scene renders brighter when there is glass at the windows

V-Ray RT

  • Crash during ActiveShade with a scene with instanced VRayProxy

  • Crash with time slider and motion blurred meshes

  • Error when rendering RT DR with Max Frame buffer and Render Mask

  • Matte for refl/refr of VRayMtlWrapper has no effect

  • Mismatched Vertical Tilt correction compared to production renderer

  • Noisy results with progressive sampler when Sub-pixel mapping is enabled

  • Skew modifier on Standard cameras is ignored

  • Unhandled exception when editing part of specific material used as Override during ActiveShade session

  • Using Array tool during ActiveShade rendering causes missing objects in 3ds Max 2017

  • VRayIntancer crashes when rendering out of process

  • When setting through the VFB the camera focus distance it gets messed if the user clicks on a dome light


  • Add warning when using too many textures per material with on-demand textures

  • Artifacts with shadow catcher

  • Bitmap aperture is not rendered with CUDA

  • Broken shader with dirt as layer weight

  • Can't use more than 1 triplanar texture for bump

  • Crash with Distance texture

  • Difference in transparency between RT CPU and GPU in specific scene

  • Different shader result in scene with complex procedural texture tree

  • Hair is rendered very slow with light cache

  • OCL device select tool doesn't save changes on some computers

  • On demand textures produce different result to Full Size with specific scene

  • Only the initial image of ifl sequence is used when the Bitmap or VRayHDRI map is linked to Output map

  • Refraction volume is shaded differently compared to CPU

  • Specific GLSL shader files produce error with CUDA

  • Moving lights in 3ds Max is causing GPU memory leak

  • Negative values for distribution of VRayDirt produce unexpected results


  • Artifacts in Compare V-Ray Settings window from VFB History when resized

  • Crash when lens effects Bloom mode is set to Render elements only

  • Random crash when switching production renderer from V-Ray RT to V-Ray with open VFB

  • Render region issues when set through MaxScript vrayVFBSetRegion function prior to rendering

  • The width of History Settings window is not enough to display the whole Completed Renders Only checkbox label

  • V-Ray RT settings are not saved in the history if set as production renderer

  • Zooming the color corrections curve causes major lagging of the UI


  • Mesh clipper doesn't handle motion blur

  • More precise rendering with GI

  • Moving a mesh clipper during IPR session doesn't work correctly

VRayOrnatrixMod / VRayHairFarmMod

  • Typo in dynamic_tessellation parameter (was dynamic_tesselation) in both UI and MaxScript


  • Mesh preview memory leak after 3.50.01


  • Shading produces blending artifact


  • Crashes when rendering with VRayScatter

  • Produces artifacts when width map is set

  • Removing objects from VRayToon exclude list sometimes removes wrong objects

  • The Remove button of VRayToon exclude list becomes inactive when multiple toon effects are applied


  • Crash when previewing or rendering a cache where the ID channel cannot be uncompressed

  • Deleting a volume grid object and then rendering causes a crash

  • Exporting a VRScene with volume grid object calculates light and particle pre-passes

  • Broken Lighting and Specular render elements for reflective/refractive geometry

  • Lights that were in the scene before creating a new volume grid object are added to its exclude list

  • Ocean Rendering hangs at low altitude when the container is far away

  • Slow creating and deleting of many lights from the scene



Build 3.50.01

Beta release

Date November 22, 2016

Download – Build 3.50.01


New Features


  • Enable usage as an interactive production renderer (IPR)

  • Enable the resuming of bucket renders from raw .vrimg files

  • Enable the resuming of progressive renders

  • Experimental implementation of adaptive lights

  • Optimize GI rendering

V-Ray RT

  • Support for direct output to Oculus Rift and HTC Vive

  • Object picking in VFB

  • Enable Set focus distance in the VFB for the selected camera


  • Aerial Perspective support

  • Support for matte materials shadow catcher

  • Support for the VRayStochasticFlakesMtl material

  • Initial implementation for on-demand mip-map texture in production rendering mode

  • Less CPU memory usage when rendering scenes with many textures

  • Less GPU memory usage when rendering scenes with many textures

  • Implement support for Render mask

  • Support for velocity render element

  • Better handling of geometry and materials updates during ActiveShade

  • Add Low GPU thread priority option

  • Support for additive mode of the VRayBlendMtl

  • Support for transparency for the layers of the VRayBlendMtl

  • Add support for VRayAtmosphere render element

  • Fixed differences in lighting between V-Ray RT CPU and GPU

  • Fixed differences in texture blending between V-Ray RT CPU and GPU

  • Support for Irradiance Map from file

  • Support for RenderID, ObjectID and MtlID render elements

  • Implement ground projection of VRayHDRI


  • Implement hardware acceleration support for lens effects


  • Implement Glossy Fresnel option


  • Include alSurface shader port for V-Ray in the installation


  • Support for user property tags in the proxy file name


  • Add ability to capture and render the back lighting


  • Add a render preset for Maya Fluids vdb

  • Support for Cap Mesh mode in V-Ray RT


Modified Features


  • Add control for panoramic pole merging for stereoscopic rendering (V-Ray RT MaxScript properties .top_merge_angle .bottom_merge_angle)

  • Dome light minor speed optimization

  • Display warning when View navigation in ActiveShade is selected without looking through camera

  • Increase the tooltip display times in the render settings

  • Remove the interpolated reflections/refractions options

  • Set the default value for the dynamic noise threshold for the progressive sampler to 80

  • Use adequate precision for render elements (full/half precision) in OpenEXR files

  • When using a dome light, matte objects have visible outlines unless GI environment is overridden with zero

  • Bundle License Server with the installation instead of the vrlservice.exe

V-Ray / V-Ray RT

  • The progressive sampler should finish the current pass when the given "Render time" is surpassed

  • Draw the alpha channel during the undersampling phase of the progressive sampling

V-Ray RT

  • Apply resolution changes without restarting the rendering

  • Add Select object and Get object material right-click options in the VFB

  • Add UI mode views switcher for V-Ray RT between Default and Advanced views

  • Make V-Ray RT to take the render state of the Laubwerk trees options, not the viewport

  • VFB output file paths are not exported in .vrscene file

  • View navigation in ActiveShade VFB is too fast


  • Support for the directionality attribute of the VRayLight in Plane mode

  • Ability to load precalculated Irradiance map GI cache files

  • Changes on materials with baked texture to be updated quicker

  • Faster rendering of materials with bump maps

  • Faster rendering with Bitmap output curves

  • Faster rendering of rounded edges texture

  • Print the message about not having OCL devices env var as a info, not warning

  • Print the OpenCL Driver version in the log

  • Print warning when there is a render element that's not supported on the GPU

  • Print warning when max sample level is set to 0

  • Raise the number of rays per pixel when the number of active pixels is too low

  • Solid reflective material getting alpha dropouts

  • Support for UVW coordinates type in VRaySamplerInfo render element


  • Make the GGX BRDF the default one and turn on glossy Fresnel by default

  • Move the reflect on back side option in the reflection section of the Basic rollout

  • The anisotropy controls should be disabled when the BRDF is set to Phong


  • Allow for the viewport preview to be overridden by another .vrmesh or Alembic file

  • Add rendering support for Mudbox exported .vrmeshes with Level-of-Detail

  • Interpolate geometry data for heterogeneous Alembic files with velocity channel

  • Optimized the preview read and update for animated proxies


  • MaxScript commands to show/hide history and color corrections panels of the VFB

  • Contrast curve should be applied in sRGB color space

  • Change the default values of the Lens Effects

  • Improve history images saving speed

  • Move the history image compare buttons from the main toolbar to history toolbar

  • The button for showing the messages log should bring the messages window to the front

  • White balance should be applied before exposure


  • Optimize plane clipper with empty exclude lists


  • A warning should be printed when the VFB is disabled

  • Check the sampler settings before starting a render and warn if incompatible


  • Add a MaxScript parameter for axial rotation


  • Enable support for multiple include paths in OSL

  • Speed up the texture sampling in OSL


  • Add ability to render licensed materials (library licenses)

  • Add support for Nitrous viewport preview


  • Add new fragment merge mode, where fragments are merged by render ID and z-depth


  • The blend and scale parameters should be animatable


  • Add an option to exclude an object in the V-Ray object properties


  • High-DPI support for the render curves and gradients

  • Improve the motion blur for atmospherics

  • Improve the velocity voxel preview

  • Optimize rendering with emissive lights, Ray-Traced self-illumination and complex geometry

  • Respect the maxRenderThreads setting in V-Ray during rendering

  • Support V-Ray's per-object motion blur duration override

  • When several points on diagram are selected, right click on one of them should affect all points


  • Add abort on OpenCL errors

  • The noise level channel can also be named "VRayNoiseLevel"

V-Ray Toolbar

  • Creating VRayFur from the toolbar button should select the newly created fur object

V-Ray scene converter

  • Added an option to convert only selected objects

.vrscene exporter

  • Renderer settings of V-Ray RT as production renderer are not exported

Bug Fixes


  • Crash on loading scene after rendering with time stamp

  • Remove the "(notUsed)" from the imageSampler_renderMask MaxScript properties

  • Unwanted GI caustics with refractive materials with affect shadows enabled

  • Tiled texture cache set message is flooding the log when using Slate Material editor

V-Ray RT

  • Composite texture with Output map on reflect and diffuse gives a different than production render result

  • Crash with Particle Flow and motion blur when sliding the time during ActiveShade session

  • Crash when there are materials with very long names and special characters

  • Effect ID of VRayMtl is not exported

  • Excessive progressive sampling AA filter memory consumption with ActiveShade rendering and render region

  • Exclude lists of VRayDirt don't work with HairFarm

  • Exporter doesn't resolve light cache file paths

  • Exporter is missing some of the VRayMtl and VRayFastSSS2Mtl features

  • Isolating geometry in a scene with duplicating nodes names and handles produces WndProc error with out of process rendering

  • Invalid geometric normal warnings with VRayLight and stereo cube camera

  • Static geometry of VRayDisplacementMod is not exported

  • There is no motion blur on VRayFur when applied to a geometry with a modifier

  • Motion blur samples are not applied to animated VRayPhysicalCameras unless they are set locally

  • Not all supported image filters are exported

  • Not exported opacity texture correctly if names are the same with other textures

  • Not updating the IFL sequences properly during time slider change

  • V-Ray trace sets are not exported


  • Auto update bitmaps is broken with in-process rendering

  • Crash when reading from large, 8k+ textures

  • Crash when switching Noise coordinates to Vertex color channel while rendering

  • Crashes on scenes containing textures with elliptical filtering

  • Crash with motion blur and Material IDs set

  • Different texture output with Color Map and tweaked Output Amount

  • Different bump compared to CPU with Mask map

  • Difference in shading VRayDirt in VRayTriplanarTex

  • Different indexes of Ornatrix hairs on each frame

  • Flicker when rendering animation with Backburner/Deadline with lights with include/exclude lists

  • GGX BRDF produce noise in Object ID render element in CUDA

  • IES lights with invalid paths to files sometimes are rendered wrong

  • Incorrect sun position when using VRaySun/Sky with specific procedural color correction textures

  • Mapped masks of Composite map don't work

  • Material shader tree does not reflect the materials changes in ActiveShade in all cases

  • Out of process V-Ray RT rendering crashes on frame change in a scene with duplicating nodes names

  • Random by Render ID mode of VRayTriplanarTex is not applied in bump

  • Render elements does not respect the transparency of materials

  • Render server crashes when rendering animation with lights with include/exclude lists

  • Undersampling artifacts occur on the bottom and right edges of the region during ActiveShade session

  • Using excessive host mem when there are a lot of textures in the scene

  • VRayColor2Bump in base material of VRayBumpMtl deactivates VRayEdgesTex

  • VRayLight type Disc produces different lighting when textured

  • VRayZDepth clamp zdepth option has no effect

  • Wrong blending between texture and color in Falloff texture

  • Wrong lighting with max ray intensity set to 1


  • Crash when rendering an object with changing topology and VRaySamplerInfo render element with Forward/Backward occlusion type


  • "Failed to delete server scene file" DR warning appears but the file has been deleted successfully


  • GLSL and OSL plugins crash Max when the error message contains %


  • GLSL crashes when compiling embedded shaders

  • The BRDFGGX plugin and the GGX mode of BRDFVRayMtl produce different results


  • 3D noises appear as stripes

  • Incorrect rendering of V-Ray OSL shaders when part of a VRayBlend material

  • Preprocessor-only output is polluted with diagnostic messages

VRayOrnatrixMod / VRayHairFarmMod

  • Hair tessellation segments are not calculated correctly for orthographic views

Hair & Fur

  • Invalid geometric normal (000) for "HairVrShadeable" warning with Hair and Fur


  • Light portals appear noisier than rectangular lights due to undersampling


  • Opacity is not working with MultiMatteElement


  • Render to texture crashes with VRayFastSSS2 material


  • Rendering an animation with 2D displacement with VRayHDRI map with values greater than 1.0 causes the object to disappear on the second frame


  • Artifacts appear on the render channels drop-down control after show/hide history

  • color correction controls disappear and lens effects settings are misplaced if scrolled down and resized

  • Enabled color corrections cause major UI slow downs in ActiveShade mode

  • Incorrectly resized when loaded a scene and the side panels have been open

  • Raw output image file extension is not persistent

  • Render channels drop-down box progressively diminishing its height


  • Appears invisible in the viewport set to realistic preview


  • Bump map slot is not updated when plugging/unplugging a map in Slate Material Editor


  • Artifacts with animated object

  • Exclude list is not considered for generating VRayEdgesTex round corners

  • Generates artifacts on excluded objects with VRayFastSSS2/VRaySkinMtl

  • Generates darker result when clipping VRayFastSSS2/VRaySkinMtl in Raytraced mode


  • Falling back to CPU with very wide images


  • Crash in View-dependent mode in orthographic views

  • Crash with object-based VRayFastSSS2

  • Setting 2D displacement resolution to 1 crashes 3ds Max

  • Subdivision displacement in View-dependent mode is not calculated correctly for orthographic views


  • VRayFur does not generate proper defocusAmount render element with motion blur


  • Displaying parameters in the Compact Material Editor reinitializes ActiveShade rendering

  • Elliptical filtering is very slow with displacement


  • Crash when changing type in creation mode


  • Faceted results on subdivided meshes


  • Hair does not render when loaded through an XRef object

  • Hairs get occluded when light, camera and hairs are linked to an animated object


  • Automatically create proxies loads vrmeshes very slow

  • Incorrect normals geometry with mirrored transformation

  • Loading a specific Alembic file with particles crashes 3ds Max

  • NaN pixels with in the VRayRawShadow and VRayRawLighting render elements

  • Slow down when loading Alembic files with many meshes in 3ds Max 2017

  • Visibility lists are incorrectly refreshed


  • Multi-sampled motion blur produces artifacts on animated proxies


  • Doesn't work with the Vexus material from John Martini


  • Deleted VRaySun still appears in the VRaySky

  • Find VRaySun from an XRef'd scene when using VRaySky


  • Does not appear in the Material Editor when V-Ray RT/GPU is selected as render engine


  • Black color in Width map produces artifacts in the RGB and render elements


  • Crash when connected to bump slot through VRayNormalMap

  • Invalid bump normals warnings when source texture returns zero UVW coordinates

  • Normal maps are not rotated properly

  • Wrong tiling when plugged into bump map slot


  • 3ds Max crashes when playing animation with Time Bend Controls mode set to Loop

  • Artifacts with Grid-based Self-Illumination

  • Bucket artifacts with a moving grid using Phoenix Light Cache together with motion blur

  • Different render result when rendering on CPUs with different number of cores

  • Each time a render diagram is expanded or collapsed, it is fitted again

  • Emissive lights are calculated in V-Ray RT even when the Fire channel does not exist

  • Geometry behind simulator occludes render elements

  • It is possible to open the right click menu when moving a point in the diagrams or gradients

  • Interface lag when looking at a missing frame from a very long cache sequence

  • Motion blur for volumetrics does not take into account Interval center

  • Per-axis zoom in the shading diagrams does not respect the cursor position

  • Rendering with motion blur and duration=0 will preprocess forever

  • Scene saved with the old curves in Simple Smoke mode always has Inactive transparency diagram

  • Scrubbing the timeline with animated Direct Cache index leads to 3dS Max crash

  • The Fire Color and Intensity curves should act as a whole when fitted

  • V-Ray RT won't render smoke shaded by Smoke channel

  • Volumetric Geometry mode creates holes in Alpha at geometry intersection when Jittering is enabled

  • When editing diagram handle coordinates, Smooth Bezier handles stop working properly

  • Wrong velocity scaling with imported volumetric simulation from Houdini

V-Ray Light Lister

  • Rows are overlapping


  • Node transformation is applied only to the vertex channel but not to the normals channel


  • Crash with 8K OpenEXR files

V-Ray Installer

  • Help button opens the system browser rather than default browser
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