
Important: Update Your Chaos License Server by January 28, 2025
To ensure uninterrupted access to your licenses, an essential update is required by January 28, 2025. Failure to update your Chaos license server will result in the loss of access to your licenses. For detailed instructions, please visit the FAQ Article.

Table of Contents

The Display & Limits rollout is part of the Chaos Scatter parameters.



Previz type – Determines the way the instances are displayed in the viewport. This is not reflected when rendering.

None – Does not display anything.

Dot – Displays each instance as a dot.

Box – Displays each instance as a solid box

Wire box – Displays each instance as a wireframe of a box.

Full – Displays the full geometry of the model.

Point cloud – Displays the instance as a series of dots in the shape of the original model.

Max instances – Determines the maximum number of instances displayed in the viewport. When this limit is exceeded, random instances are hidden. If increasing this number would display more instances, the option is colored.

Max polygons – This option is only available when the Previz type is set to Full. Determines the maximum number of polygons in the viewport. When this limited is exceeded, random polygons are hidden. The option is colored, when the value does not correspond to the maximum number of polygons available for display.

Points [%] – This option is only available when the Previz type is set to Point cloud. Determines the percentage of points to be displayed in the viewport.

Original wire colors – When enabled, instances are colored using the original model's wire colors. Otherwise, the instances use Chaos Scatter's wire colors. An object's wire colors can be found in the Modify menu next to its name.

Icon Size – Determines the size of the Chaos Scatter object's gizmo in the viewport.

Update automatically – When disabled, scattering is not recomputed when either the Distribute-on target objects or the Instanced objects are changed. This option does not affect changes in the Chaos Scatter parameters. Changes to the parameters always trigger recomputation.

Update now – Forces recomputation of the scattering.


Max instances – Limits the maximum number of instances. Note that this option does not determine how many instances are created. Instead it serves as a measure to avoid scattering too many instances and causing a crash.





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