This page provides information on how the latest version of V-Ray handles scenes saved with earlier V-Ray versions (e.g. V-Ray 3.0 or Next) and what differences can be expected in the workflow with some features.
Some features have been modified in V-Ray 5 and V-Ray 6 compared to previous versions of V-Ray. The following sections provide you with more details on what has been changed to help your transition to using the latest version.
V-Ray 6
User Interface
- The .vrscene export, .vrmesh export, V-Ray scene converter, and V-Ray Bitmap to VRayBitmap Converter tools are removed from the quad menu and moved to the new V-Ray menu.
- The VRayVolumeGrid parameters are moved to the Global switches rollout: Render Setup > V-Ray tab > Global switches rollout (Advanced).
- The Low GPU Thread option is moved from the Utilization rollout of the GPU Performance tab to the Select devices for V-Ray GPU rendering tool and the V-Ray GPU Render Devices Select rollout. The option is also renamed Low priority.
- Starting with V-Ray 6, update 1, the V-Ray Light Lister has been deprecated. Configuration of lights in the scene is done in the Lights tab of the V-Ray Lister.
- Starting with V-Ray 6, update 1, the V-Ray Camera Lister has been deprecated. Configuration of cameras in the scene is done in the Cameras tab of the V-Ray Lister.
- The Generate diffuse, Diffuse subdivs, and Diffuse multiplier options are removed from the UI.
- In earlier V-Ray versions, matte objects always show the background. Since V-Ray 6, however, the matte objects show the V-Ray Dome light instead of the background when a V-Ray Dome light is present in the scene.
- With V-Ray 6, update 1, instanced lights by VRayInstancer / Forest Pack / Rail Clone, etc. are part of the Light Select RE of the respective source light.
Fresnel reflections always include glossy Fresnel algorithm. Therefore, the Glossy Fresnel option is hidden from UI for VRayMtl and VRayToon materials.
- The V-Ray Material Library Browser is replaced by the Chaos Cosmos Browser. The legacy browser is still usable but the plan is to retire it completely. We recommend using the materials from the Chaos Cosmos Browser for any new projects for the transition period.
Environment Variables
- The environment variable VRAY_OPTIX_DENOISER_PLATFORMS has been deprecated. Instead, use the redesigned Select rendering devices for V-Ray GPU for 3ds Max #### to set GPU devices for denoising.
- When Corona 8 is installed and a scene saved with the earlier Corona 7 is opened with V-Ray 6, the scene has its Corona Scatter objects converted to the more advanced Chaos Scatter objects. When Corona 7 is used with V-Ray 6, such scenes keep their Corona Scatter objects and respectively - the VRayCoronaScatterMod.
Tools and Utilities
- V-Ray VRmat Converter tool has been deprecated in V-Ray 6 for 3ds Max, update 1. Use the .vrmat exporter from the V-Ray menu instead.
V-Ray 5
User Interface
- The V-Ray Quick Settings are removed from the user interface. If the V-Ray Quick Settings are used in older scenes, they will open with the correct parameters set.
- VRayShadowMap plugin is no longer supported.
- Since V-Ray 5.0, VRayHairMtl is no longer exposed in the UI of the Material Editor. Scenes containing V-RayHairMtl made with older versions of V-Ray will be loaded correctly. New VRayHairMtl cannot be made in the Material Editor or max script with V-Ray 5.0. We recommend using VRayHairNextMtl instead.
- V-Ray 5.0 comes with its own extensive V-Ray Material Library designed to cover detailed resolution for your realistic renders. It can be accessed via the V-Ray Material Library Browser (previously known as V-Ray Asset Browser).
ASGVIS plugins are no longer available in V-Ray 5.0 for 3ds Max.
- Since V-Ray 5.0, VRayHDRI texture has been renamed to VRayBitmap texture.
- ACEScg primaries support for Bitmap textures is available.
- The Invert normal option is now presented as Innerocclusion mode in the VRayDirt map.
- Force Back Face Culling is hidden from the user interface. It is still available via maxscript.
Render Elements
- VRayLightMix provides adjustment control to the lights in the scene from inside the VFB2.
- The Generate render elements option of VRayDenoiser is hidden from the UI. You can access it via maxscript.
V-Ray Frame Buffer
- A second generation frame buffer, V-Ray Frame Buffer 2 (VFB2), has been introduced with V-Ray 5.0. It is available in 3ds Max 2018 and later. Older 3ds Max versions and V-Ray Standalone currently only support the previous V-Ray VFB (VFB1).
- Color corrections and settings from VFB1 saved with scenes will not be loaded when using the VFB2 in 3ds Max 2018 or later.
- Color corrections in VFB2 are now placed in layers for better post-processing inside the frame buffer.
- Render Last button is no longer available in VFB2. Instead, you can use the Render button which activates production rendering.
Render Settings
- The legacy sun/sky mode is no longer supported in V-Ray 5.0. The new Improved method is recommended for VRaySky textures.
- 3ds Max photometric scale is enabled by default.
- Advanced and Expert mode options are removed from the Light Cache rollouts. They are still accessible via maxscript. Most of them will render in V-Ray 5 the way they were saved in V-Ray 3.6. The options in question are:
- Leak prevention
- Filter type
- Filter size
- Bounces
- Use camera path
- Interp. samples for Nearest type filter
- Pre-filter
- Use for glossy rays
- Scale
- Linear workflow is hidden from the Color Mapping rollouts. It is accessible via maxscript. Scenes using linear workflow will still render with V-Ray 5.0.
- Clamp Output and Clamp Level spinner options are hidden from the UI. They are accessible via maxscript. Scenes using Clamp Output and Clamp Level spinner will still render with V-Ray 5.0 the same way they were saved in V-Ray 3.6.
- Local subdivs are hidden from the user interface for all lights and materials. Older scenes using local subdivs are automatically updated.
- Use Native 3ds Max material swatches by enabling the respective option in Render Setup > Settings > System > Native 3ds Max material swatches.
- Global DMC has been removed. Some parameters such as Adaptive amount, Min samples, and Noise threshold can be modified with a Max script. To disable any kind of adaptive sampling for shading effects, set the DMC adaptive amount to 0.0. This can be done by using Max Script in V-Ray 5.