This page provides information on setting up V-Ray through a silent installation and removing V-Ray through a silent uninstall.
A silent installation allows you to complete V-Ray installation without user input during the process using a predefined set of options. To set up a silent installation, you need to perform two steps: creating an .xml file and running the installer.
You can remove V-Ray from your machine similarly through a silent uninstall.
The -auto flag automatically accepts both the End User License Agreement and the Chaos Global Consumer Privacy Policy. It is recommended to get acquainted with them first.
Creating the .xml file
Run the installation file from the command prompt with the -gui=0 argument.
vray_adv_xxxxx_max20xx_x64.exe -gui=0
Follow the instructions and set up the installation the way you want to have it on all machines. This creates a file named config.xml in the folder of the installation file.
Running the installer
In the second step, run the installer with the following command:
vray_adv_70001_max2025_x64.exe -gui=0 -configFile="xml_file.xml" -quiet=1 -auto
The -quiet=1 argument causes the installer to read the variable values from the .xml file and does the installation without user input. If you do not specify the -quiet=1 option, the installer asks for a confirmation of each variable before proceeding.
Configuration File
The config.xml file holds configuration information about the settings of the installation. Below is an example of such a config file.
<DefValues> <Value Name="INSTALL_TYPE" DataType="value">0</Value> <Value Name="ANONYMOUS_TELEMETRY" DataType="value">1</Value> <Value Name="PERSONALIZED_TELEMETRY" DataType="value">0</Value> <Value Name="PKGROOT_SELECT" DataType="value">0</Value> <Value Name="INSTALLROOT" DataType="value">C:\Program Files\Chaos\V-Ray\3ds Max 2025</Value> <Value Name="REMOTE_LICENSE" DataType="value">0</Value> <Value Name="AUTO_INSTALL_UIMENUS" DataType="value">1</Value> <Value Name="SHOULDUNINSTALL" DataType="value">1</Value> <Value Name="CLEANUP_LOG_FILE" DataType="value">C:\Program Files\Common Files\Chaos\chaos_installs_cleanup.log</Value> <Value Name="VISIT_SPOT3D" DataType="value">0</Value> <LicServer> <Host></Host> <Port>30304</Port> <Host1/> <Port1>30304</Port1> <Host2/> <Port2>30304</Port2> <User/> </LicServer> </DefValues>
Below is a description of the variables of the installer:
PKGROOT_SELECT | Select the V-Ray for 3ds Max installation target direcotry: 0 - This is the common Autodesk application path for all users. The actual path is: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\. 1 - This is the Autodesk application path for the current user only. The actual path is: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\. |
INSTALLROOT | V-Ray for 3ds Max additional installation files directory. Uninstall information, the V-Ray SDK files and example projects. |
AUTO_INSTALL_UIMENUS | Corresponds to the Register V-Ray menus toolbar functionality. |
SHOULDUNINSTALL | Specifies whether or not the installation uninstalls previous version: 1 – Uninstalls previous version 0 – Skips the uninstallation of previous version |
REMOTE_LICENSE | Specifies whether the V-Ray license server runs locally or on another machine. 0 – The license server runs locally on the same machine. 1 – The server is on a different machine in the network. |
ANONYMOUS_TELEMETRY | Controls the anonymous telemetry data collection. Includes the most used Product functionality and/or parameter values. The data is not personally identifiable and is not tied to the user's individual account. 0 – Disabled. 1 – Enabled. |
PERSONALIZED_TELEMETRY | Enables anonymized telemetry that contains personally identifiable information tied to an individual user's license to help Chaos tailor and optimize the Product for better personal use. 0 – Disabled. 1 – Enabled. |
VIDEO_DRIVER_TDR_DELAY_INCREASE | This controls the increase in tdr delay setting from the installer. For huge scenes it may take longer time to export and prepare the GPU for rendering. Usually drivers automatically stop the process if there is no response in a small amount of time and report the application as not responding. To avoid this, we change the default delay of the drivers to 8 seconds. 0 – The installer does not make the change of the delay. 1 – The installer makes the change of the delay. |
VISIT_SPOT3D | Specifies whether or not to open the V-Ray online documentation after the installation is complete. 1 – Opens the V-Ray online documentation. 0 – Does not open the V-Ray online documentation. |
INSTALL_TYPE | Specifies the installation type: 0 – Workstation 1 – 3ds Max render server 2 – Standalone render server For a complete description of each installation type refer to the Installation of V-Ray section. |
<LicServer> | This section specifies the client license settings. |
<Host>IP_Address</Host> | Primary license server's IP Address |
<Host1>IP_Address</Host1> | Alternate license server's 1 IP Address |
<Host2>IP_Address</Host2> | Alternate license server's 2 IP Address |
<DefValues> <Value Name="SHOULDUNINSTALL" DataType="value">1</Value> <Value Name="REMOTE_LICENSE" DataType="value">0</Value> <Value Name="VROL_INSTALLED" DataType="value">1</Value> <Value Name="VROL_INSTALL_PATH" DataType="value">C:\Program Files\Chaos\VRLService\OLS</Value> <Value Name="ISRUNNING_VROL" DataType="value">1</Value> <Value Name="ISRUNNING_VRLSERVICE" DataType="value">0</Value> <Value Name="REVERT_INSTALL" DataType="value">1</Value> <Value Name="PROGRAMFILES" DataType="value">C:\Program Files</Value> <Value Name="MAXROOT" DataType="value">C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2021\</Value> <Value Name="STDROOT" DataType="value">C:\Program Files\Chaos\V-Ray\3ds Max 2021</Value> <Value Name="PLUGINS" DataType="value">C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2021\plugins</Value> <Value Name="STARTMENUPROG" DataType="value">C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs</Value> <Value Name="COMMONFILES" DataType="value">C:\Program Files\Common Files</Value> <Value Name="VISIT_SPOT3D" DataType="value">1</Value> <Value Name="VIDEO_DRIVER_TDR_DELAY_INCREASE" DataType="value">1</Value> <Value Name="OPEN_CHANGELOG" DataType="value">1</Value> <Value Name="INSTALL_TYPE" DataType="value">0</Value> <Value Name="AUTO_INSTALL_UIMENUS" DataType="value">1</Value> <LicServer> <Host></Host> <Port>30304</Port> <Host1></Host1> <Port1>30304</Port1> <Host2></Host2> <Port2>30304</Port2> <User></User> </LicServer> </DefValues>
Below is a description of the variables of the installer:
SHOULDUNINSTALL | Specifies whether or not the installation uninstalls previous version: 1 – Uninstalls previous version 0 – Skips the uninstallation of previous version |
REMOTE_LICENSE | Specifies whether the V-Ray license server runs locally or on another machine. 0 – The license server runs locally on the same machine. 1 – The server is on a different machine in the network. |
REVERT_INSTALL | The parameter is used when the installer encounters an error – it triggers uninstallation and removes the files that have been populated before the error appears. Should always be set to its default 1. |
MAXROOT | Specifies the root folder of 3ds Max. |
STDROOT | Specifies the destination folder for V-Ray additional files (tools, documents, samples, libraries and uninstall information) |
PLUGINS | Specifies the plugins folder for 3ds Max; the default places it as a sub-folder of the 3ds Max root one. |
STARTMENUPROG | Specifies the destination path where shortcuts are placed. |
COMMONFILES | Specifies the destination folder for V-Ray common files. |
ANONYMOUS_TELEMETRY | Controls the anonymous telemetry data collection. Includes the most used Product functionality and/or parameter values. The data is not personally identifiable and is not tied to the user's individual account. 0 – Disabled. 1 – Enabled. |
PERSONALIZED_TELEMETRY | Enables anonymized telemetry that contains personally identifiable information tied to an individual user's license to help Chaos tailor and optimize the Product for better personal use. 0 – Disabled. 1 – Enabled. |
VISIT_SPOT3D | Specifies whether or not to open the V-Ray online documentation after the installation is complete. 1 – Opens the V-Ray online documentation. 0 – Does not open the V-Ray online documentation. |
VIDEO_DRIVER_TDR_DELAY_INCREASE | This controls the increase in tdr delay setting from the installer. For huge scenes it may take longer time to export and prepare the GPU for rendering. Usually drivers automatically stop the process if there is no response in a small amount of time and report the application as not responding. To avoid this, we change the default delay of the drivers to 8 seconds. 0 – The installer does not make the change of the delay. 1 – The installer makes the change of the delay. |
| Specifies whether or not to open the Change Log once the installation is complete 1 – Opens the Change Log. 0 – Does not open the Change Log. |
INSTALL_TYPE | Specifies the installation type: 0 – Workstation 1 – 3ds Max render server 2 – Standalone render server For a complete description of each installation type refer to the Installation of V-Ray section. |
AUTO_INSTALL_UIMENUS | Corresponds to the Register V-Ray menus toolbar functionality. |
<LicServer> | This section specifies the client license settings. |
<Host>IP_Address</Host> | Primary license server's IP Address |
<Host1>IP_Address</Host1> | Alternate license server's 1 IP Address |
<Host2>IP_Address</Host2> | Alternate license server's 2 IP Address |
Silent Uninstall of V-Ray
Use silent uninstall to remove your V-Ray installation without the need for user input during the process. The silent uninstall uses a predefined set of options.
V-Ray for 3ds Max can be silently uninstalled from a console with the following command line:
C:\Program Files\Chaos\V-Ray\3ds Max 2025\uninstall\installer.exe -uninstall="C:\Program Files\Chaos\V-Ray\3ds Max 2025\uninstall\install.log" -uninstallApp="V-Ray 7 for 3ds Max 2025" -auto -quiet=0
- -quiet=0 is used to display the output of the silent uninstall in the console and can be omitted.