V-Ray 5, Hotfix 2
Official Release, Hotfix 2
Build: 5.00.05
Date: 29 July, 2020
Modified features
- Max Script access for OCIO settings with vfbcontrol;
V-Ray scene converter
- Converting CoronaBumpConverter to VRayColor2Bump;
Bug fixes
- An error is printed when rendering with disabled memory frame buffer option;
- Auto white balance renders differently when transferred to camera;
- Missing plugin error when loading scene saved with hotfix 1;
- More noise occurs with Blue noise sampling enabled for grid volumes;
- Crash with a specific scene upon opening in 3ds Max 2021, 2020, 2019;
- Matte objects' primary Visibility is not working correctly;
- The VRayEnvironmentFog parameters (which are last on the list) are applied to all fogs;
V-Ray Dirt
- Ambient + inner occlusion mode results are darker than they should be;
- An error is printed when rendering with disabled memory frame buffer option;
- Avoid IPR restart on zoom, resize and side panels collapse;
- Crash when opening old scene with empty New VFB OCIO settings;
- Window position can not be saved on a non-primary monitor;
- Window position is offset on rendering after every scene reset when the persistent settings are saved with collapsed history menu.
V-Ray 5, Hotfix 1
Official Release, Hotfix 1
Build: 5.00.04
Date: 14 July, 2020
New features
- Add render element that will expand to all beauty render channels;
Modified features
- Simplify the Image sampler options;
- View image button should work for .tx bitmaps;
- Add an option to not compute for the viewports;
- Raise the default Refraction and Reflection Max depth to 8;
- Add keyboard shortcut for Lock Pixel Coordinates ("L");
- Support for the color corrections and VRayDenoiser in V-Ray Viewport IPR;
- Zoom key combinations support;
- Progress of V-Ray Material Library download should display downloaded/total size in the installer;
Bug fixes
- VRayDisplacementMod's Subdivision not working far from scene origin;
- Activating 3ds Max menus during IPR stops image updates in the VFB;
- Memory leak with VRayDistanceTex;
- Orthographic projection is not rendered properly with RTX;
- Wrong objects in the exclude list when merged in scene;
- NaN pixels occur with textured adaptive dome light;
- Overlapping MaxScript names of gradient parameters;
- Incorrect motion blur;
- More noise with Blue Noise Sampling enabled for grid volumes;
- Artifacts with Filmic tonemap;
- Colorful halo with Lens Effects and positive Lightness values in the Hue/Saturation color correction;
- Crash on consecutive V-Ray GPU IPR restarts when selecting different layers;
- Crash on scene open when the scene was saved with legacy VFB LUT color correction;
- Different convert to composite result if the first light is turned off;
- Large color values are not formatted properly in pixel info;
- Missing color corrections/post effects on image copied to clipboard;
- Resize on region IPR when an image has been previously loaded from history;
- Show corrected colors doesn't work;
- Switching from OCIO to sRGB and back loses the OCIO settings;
- Window position can not be saved on a non-primary monitor;
- "Too many open files" error when loading many LUT files;
- Downloading the V-Ray Material Library does not work with network paths starting with "\\";
- The install log is empty when an error occurs;
V-Ray 5
Official Release
Build: 5.00.03
Date: 16 June, 2020
Release notes for other V-Ray versions
New features
- Add light path expressions support through mode of VRayLightSelect;
- Add RGB primaries override for VRayBitmap option in the Color management;
- Implement blue-noise optimization for the DMC sampler;
- Support for rendering in ACEScg color space with option to recognize the texture color space from the file name;
- Improve precision when rendering large scenes;
- MikkTSpace support for tangent normal maps;
- New version notifications in the new VFB and render settings About section;
- Include the V-Ray AppSDK Python binding with the installation;
- Add support for the VRayNormalMap rotation parameter;
- Support for Environment and Self Illumination contribution for VRayLightSelect;
- Add support for Out-of-Core codepath;
- Support for 2D displacement;
- Rendering of Phoenix FD Particle Shader in Fog mode;
- Add support for OSL shaders;
- Add support for Cellular map;
- Add support for BerconTiles and Bercon Wood maps;
- Implement a per-device GPU memory tracker;
- Resumable rendering with progressive sampling;
- Add Streaks generation options;
- Add magenta-green tint slider to the White Balance color correction;
- History saved render settings loading and comparing;
- Background color correction;
- Filmic tonemap color correction;
- Image search in the History based on the saved scene name and note text;
- Solo button Alt+mouse click enables only one light and toggles all the rest in LightMix;
- Special element "Rest" in LightMix that includes everything not in the other elements;
- Support for rendering without a memory frame buffer;
- Undo for Layers actions;
- Add entirely new implementation of VFB with integrated Layers compositing;
- Add Map rotation parameter;
- Add EV parameter;
- Support common particle interface (IParticleObjExt) for Alembic that can be used with VRayInstancer and Phoenix FD;
- Implement "Improved" Sky model;
- Velocity streamline preview;
.vrscene exporter
- Add option to export only selected nodes;
V-Ray scene converter
- Implement a converter for Physical Material to VRayMtl;
- Add support for lights post-processing in the new VFB;
V-Ray Asset Browser
- A material library browser utility for the V-Ray Material Library;
V-Ray Material Library
- Add material library downloader working both standalone and as part of the installation;
V-Ray Material Preview
- Render the material previews with a custom .vrscene;
- Add Coat and Sheen layers;
- Add simple presets;
- Add simple presets;
- Add new car paint material with more precise flakes filtering and reduced memory usage;
- Add a texmap that should be used solely with the VRayBitmap's and VRayTriplanarTex's mapping source input with stochastic tiling support;
- Add randomized hue, saturation and gamma variance options;
- Add new Random by Face material ID/Object ID/Element modes;
- Rename VRayHDRI to VRayBitmap;
- Add new blending modes Color Shift, Color Tint, Blend Alpha Straight, Blend Alpha Premultiplied;
- Ability to be used as Mapping source for VRayBitmap;
- Add a map that supports PointCloud Color Channel;
- Support for environment lighting;
- New installer experience with integrated bundled products: Chaos License Server, Chaos Cloud client and V-Ray Material Library;
Modified features
- Add UI option to enable the MikkTSpace calculations from Global Switches;
- Add UI option to switch back to the Native 3ds Max material swatches;
- Optimize conversions between sRGB and ACEScg color spaces when using an OCIO configuration;
- Faster calculation of VRaySun;
- Remove some old stale options from the Global switches;
- Remove the Use local subdivs from Global DMC along with the subdivs parameter of Brute force GI, materials and lights that was dependent on it;
- Simplify the Color mapping options;
- Simplify the Light cache options;
V-Ray Cloud
- Animated parameters of VRayDistanceTex are not exported properly;
- Animated position of geometry with large stationary interval differs;
V-Ray Cloud/V-Ray GPU
- Add initial support for tyFlow instances rendering;
- Automatically disable Out-of-core rendering when the engine type is RTX;
- Implement Box sampler type for VRayVolumeGrid;
- Add support for VRayUVWRandomizer stochastic tiling options;
- Optimize memory footprint for motion blurred geometry both on CPU and GPU;
- Skip degenerate faces when serializing the Embree tree;
- Support for matte objects through VRayObjectProperties;
- Support for VRayCarPaintMtl2 and VRayFlakesMtl2;
- Endless updates when having a camera with tweaked tilt and shift parameters;
V-Ray Standalone
- No image buffer rendering is implemented with new VFB, still processed output is written;
- Remove "Generate render elements" UI option;
- Automatically set the transfer function and RGB color space for normal maps;
- Add Subsurface mode;
- Add some tooltips;
- Add fabric presets based on Sheen;
- Add a "Default" preset;
- Use GGX shadowing for all NDF-based BRDFs;
- Print warnings for unsupported OSL shader parameters;
- Add "None" option to hide the secondary color info in the status bar;
- Add a progress bar for the loading of the History images;
- Add image fitting types option and "Save in image" to the Background layer;
- Group the History compare buttons in a single flyout button;
- Implement renderer stats;
- Preserve the original RGB channel when saving;
- Save persistent settings independent on the scenes;
- Support for color corrections and settings transfer for V-Ray Cloud;
- Bucket outline improvements;
- Enable the denoiser for history and loaded images;
- Various usability improvements;
- Render button to execute Render command instead of Render Last;
- Use all supported formats as default filter for loading image;
V-Ray Asset Browser
- Add "Use real world scale" and "Use triplanar mapping" options on import;
- Rename the "ME" button to "Open ME on apply" to be more descriptive;
V-Ray scene converter
- Put the converted material nodes in Slate Material Editor for displayed materials after scene conversion;
V-Ray Toolbar
- V-Ray Toolbar to look relative to the vrenderXXXX.dlr directory for icon files to aid network installations;
- Prevent values for the SSS radius parameters that cause artifacts;
- Speed up and use less memory for blending frames having Grid Velocity with Time Bend controls;
Bug fixes
- Body objects are always rendered with draft quality;
- Incorrect VRayMtl with displacement texture after IPR update;
V-Ray Cloud
- Per-frame export for animated parameters of Noise map;
- Crash or artifacts when VRaySwitchMtl uses the default submaterial (since Beta 1);
- Renders may get overexposed with VRaySun when changing scene units due to overflow;
- CPU bucket rendering crashes with On-demand mip-mapped textures;
- Crash with Fractal_3.osl OSL shader;
- IPR crashes when rendering Out-of-core with CPU device;
- OSL maps crash with shaders with string outputs;
- Random crash with particle system in the scene;
- Vector displacement produces wrong geometry with scaled objects;
- Incorrect light cutoff when using the light shape for both shadows and illumination;
- Crash after deleting maps linked to VRayOSLOutputSelector;
- Shader and VRayOSLOutputSelector output values are reset when path to the OSL asset is modified;
- Transfer exposure to camera is not working properly with Exposure Value (EV) mode;
- Wrong VRayParticleTex shading with alembic particle color (since Beta 1);
- .AUR files where the grid data is over 8GB are unreadable, fix requires Phoenix 4.20 and newer;
- Meshes are rendering without motion blur and the Mesh preview is broken when a modifier is applied;
- The resolved cache paths show huge numbers if looking at a frame outside the Timeline Origin - Play Length range;
- Crash when loading Layer presets (since Beta 2);
- Crash when saving all channels to .vrimg with LightMix, LUT and high resolutions;
- MaxScript error that prevents rendering occurs when submitting scenes to Thinkbox Deadline;
- Random crash with bucket rendering after multiple frames;
- Render view not updated when compare is disabled with no image loaded;
- Slowdown when rendering a scene with LightMix on V-Ray GPU;
- Sometimes Lens Effects layer UI becomes disabled no matter the enable flag;
.vrscene exporter
- Error when exporting a scene with empty mesh object;
- Long string parameters containing escape characters get trimmed after 1023 symbols;
V-Ray Material Preview
- 3ds Max 2021 hangs when creating Double Sided material in Slate Material Editor;
V-Ray Toolbar
- Missing icons with light theme (since Beta 2);