
Table of Contents

This page describes the settings of the V-Ray ambient light.


The VRayAmbientLight is a V-Ray specific light source plugin that can be used to create light that doesn't come from a specific direction. It can be used to simulate GI, ambient occlusion, etc.

The VRayAmbientLight is currently not supported on V-Ray GPU.

UI Path: Create menu > Lights > V-Ray...

||V-Ray Toolbar|| > V-Ray Ambient Light button > Click and drag in a viewport

||V-Ray menu|| > Create > Lights > V-Ray Ambient Light

||Create menu|| > Lights > V-Ray > V-Ray Ambient Light > click and drag in a viewport

||Command panel|| > Create tab > Lights > Choose V-Ray from dropdown > VRayAmbientLight > Click and drag in a viewport


Enabled – Turns the light on and off.

Mode – Specifies which rays are affected by the VRayAmbientLight.

Direct + GI – Affects both direct and GI rays.
Direct Light – Affects only the direct rays. 
 – Affects only the GI rays.

GI min distance – Specifies a distance from objects within which the GI rays is not affected by the ambient light.

Color – Specifies the color of the VRayAmbientLight.

Intensity – An intensity multiplier for the VRayAmbientLight.

Light map – Specify a texture for the light. 

Compensate exposure – Used when the VRayAmbientLight is used along with the VRayPhysicalCamera. When enabled, this option ensures that the color of the ambient light is not affected by the exposure settings in the physical camera.

Viewport wire color – Changes the wireframe color of the light in the viewports; useful to visually distinguish the light from other lights in the scene.

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